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Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Replica Dog + or or
Strike Dog +
(Rage) Plasma Strike Dog +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump ✋
(wall edge) or
Get Off ✋
(wall edge) or
Special Move ✋ +
Special Moves
Rush Dog ✋ +
├►Rush Dog (Rolling) ✋
└►Rush Dog (Rush) ✋
Machine Gun Dog ✋ +
Special Moves
Replica Dog
(Head) ✋

Replica Dog
(Rear) ✋

Rolling Dog ✋ (missed Replica Dog)
Strike Dog ✋ +
Child Dog ✋ +
Weapon Flipping
Mega Strike Dog ✋ +