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Click here for more information about Jubei's other fighting game appearances.

Jubei Yagyu (柳生十兵衛 Yagyū Jūbē?) is the epitome of Bushido, the guiding principles of the samurai. He carries out his duties as an enforcer for the empire.

  • Age: 39
  • Birthplace: Japan

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown[edit | edit source]

Shoulder Throw or + or
Pinwheel Throw or + or
Special Move
Tsunami Sabre +
Geyser Thrust +
Sabre Thrash

Samurai Shodown II[edit | edit source]

Shoulder Throw or + or
Pinwheel Throw or + or
Special Move
Tsunami Sabre +
Geyser Thrust +
Sabre Thrash
Mind's Eye +
Hidden Move
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Breaking
Moonbeam Slicer +

Samurai Shodown IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
剣質 Technique Selection
Hassou Happa
Kattou Suigetsu Tou
Nikkai Ratou
↳ Tsuika Kougeki
+ After Nikkai Ratou or with Rage Gauge
Zetsu Suigetsu Tou
剣質 Technique Selection
Kattou Suigetsu Tou
Yagyu Sougetsu Jin: Ichi no Tachi
↳ Yagyu Sougetsu Jin: Ni no Tachi
+ After Ichi no Tachi
↳ Yagyu Sougetsu Jin: San no Tachi
+ After Ni no Tachi (unblockable)
Yagyu Shingan Tou: Suigetsu
+ Counter
Yagyu Shingan Tou: Souha
+ Counter
Yagyu Shingan Tou: Tenra
+ Counter
Geki Souran Jin

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre +
Sabre Thrash + (hold )
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of Mutual Destruction +
Raging Heavens' Mind's Eye Sabre +
(Rage) Moonbeam Slicer +

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre +
Sabre Thrash
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of Mutual +
Raging Heaven's
Mind's Eye Sabre
Weapon Flipping
Moonbeam Slicer +
Overkill Move
Cross Hack +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Special Move +
Special Moves
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre +
Sabre Thrash +
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of
Mutual Destruction
Raging Heavens'
Mind's Eye Sabre
Dual Moon Formation 1 +
└►Dual Moon Formation 2 +
Sword Slash Attack +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Moonbeam Slicer +
Hidden Moves
Secret of Yagyu -
Tiger Slayer (II)
Secret of Yagyu -
Tiger Slayer (VI)

Samurai Shodown (2019)[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre 怒 +
Sabre Thrust +
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of Mutual +
Raging Heaven's
Mind's Eye Sabre
Weapon Flipping
Moonbeam Slicer +
Super Move
Twin Devil Horns