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Click here for more information about Galford's other fighting game appearances.

Galford D. Weller is a ninja from America. His dog Poppy never leaves his side.

  • Age: 20
  • Birthplace: San Francisco, USA

Moves[edit | edit source]

Samurai Shodown[edit | edit source]

Rolling Drop or + or
or + or
Leg Throw (no weapon)
or + or
Stardust Drop + or
Command Move
Triangle Flying Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Special Move
Plasma Blade +
Strike Heads (close) +
Shadow Copy +any button
Rear Replica Attack +
Head Replica
(when hit)
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Diving Dog +

Samurai Shodown II[edit | edit source]

Rolling Drop or + or
or + or
Leg Throw (no weapon)
or + or
Stardust Drop + or
Command Move
Triangle Flying Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Special Move
Plasma Blade +
Strike Heads (close) +
Dash Strike
(close, during dash) +
Special Move
Shadow Copy + or
Rear Replica Attack +
Head Replica
(when hit)
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Replica Dog +
Hidden Move
Back Stab
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Breaking
Mega Strike Dog +

Samurai Shodown III[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Sankaku Tobi Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
(B) Stardust Drop or + , close
(B) Plasma Break +
(B) Rolling Crush +
(B) Shadow Copy + or
(B) Replica Attack + or
(B) Imitate Replica or when hit
(B) Rush Dog +
(B) Machine Gun Dog +
(B) Replica Dog +
(B) Overhead Crush +
(B) Plasma Dog +
(Rage) Double Mega Strike Heads + or
(B) Stardust Drop or + , close
(B) Plasma Factor or +
(A) Lightning Slash +
(B) Plasma Break +
(B) Shadow Copy + or
(B) Replica Attack + or
(B) Imitate Replica or when hit
(B) Strike Heads +
(B) Strike Heads + (during dash)
(Rage) Lightning Strike Three +

Samurai Shodown IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Sankaku Tobi
Jump against a wall, press in opposite direction
Imitate Replica
or When hit
剣θ³ͺ Technique Selection
Plasma Break
Rush Dog
Machine Gun Dog
Replica Dog
Overhead Crush
Replica Attack
+ or
Shadow Copy
+ or
ζ€’ Double Mega Strike Heads
+ or
剣θ³ͺ Technique Selection
Plasma Break
Plasma Factor
+ or
Lightning Slash
Strike Heads
+ + or Near opponent
Replica Attack
+ or
Shadow Copy
+ or
ζ€’ Lightning Strike Three

Samurai Shodown V[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Strike Heads +
Plasma Blade +
Shadow Copy +
Replica Attack + or
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Replicant Dog +
Overhead Crash +
Stardust Drop (any direction)+
(Rage) Forward Double Megastrike Heads +
(Rage) Reverse Double Megastrike Heads +

Samurai Shodown V Special[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Strike Heads (close) +
Plasma Blade +
Replica Attack (Head) +
Replica Attack (Rear) +
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Replica Dog +
Overhead Crash +
Special Move
Replica (Head)
(when hit)
Replica (Rear)
(when hit)
Stardust Drop (close) except +
Weapon Flipping
Reverse Double
Mega Strike Heads
Overkill Move
Deadly Fang Dog +

Samurai Shodown VI[edit | edit source]

Galford D. Weller[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump πŸ‘
(wall edge) or
Get Off πŸ‘
(wall edge) or
Special Move πŸ‘ +
Drop πŸ‘
(close) or +
Special Moves
Plasma Blade πŸ‘ +
Strike Heads πŸ‘ (close) +
Plasma Break πŸ‘ +
Replica Attack (Head) πŸ‘ +
Replica Attack (Rear) πŸ‘ +
Imitate Replica
(Head) πŸ‘
(when hit)
Imitate Replica
(Rear) πŸ‘
(when hit)
β‘ Rush Dog πŸ‘ +
Special Moves
β‘ Machine Gun Dog πŸ‘ +
Replica Dog πŸ‘ +
Overhead Crash πŸ‘ +
Change Dog Rush πŸ‘ (from β‘ ) +
Change Dog
Replica πŸ‘
(from β‘ ) +
Change Dog Strike πŸ‘ (from β‘ ) +
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
Forward Double
Mega Strike Heads
Reverse Double
Mega Strike Heads
Hidden Moves
Mega Strike Dog (II) πŸ‘ +
Mega Strike Dog (VI) πŸ‘ +

Rasetsu Galford[edit | edit source]

Command Moves
Jump πŸ‘
(wall edge) or
Get Off πŸ‘
(wall edge) or
Special Move πŸ‘ +
Drop πŸ‘
(close) or +
Special Moves
Plasma Blade πŸ‘ +
Strike Heads πŸ‘ (close) +
Plasma Break πŸ‘ +
Replica Attack (Head) πŸ‘ +
Replica Attack (Rear) πŸ‘ +
Imitate Replica πŸ‘ +
Special Moves
Lightning Slash + β€’
Shadow Copy (Left) πŸ‘ +
Shadow Copy (Right) πŸ‘ +
Plasma Factor πŸ‘ (when hit)
Fabric Doll
Toy Transformation +
Weapon Flipping
L.S.T. (Lighting
Strike Three)
Hidden Moves
T.B.C. (Thunder
Break Cannon) (II) πŸ‘
T.B.C. (Thunder
Break Cannon) (VI) πŸ‘

Samurai Shodown (2019)[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Stardust Drop πŸ‘ (close) +
Wall Jump πŸ‘ (against wall)
Special Move
Strike Heads πŸ‘ (close) +
Plasma Blade πŸ‘ +
Replica Attack (head) πŸ‘ +
Replica Attack (rear) πŸ‘ +
Rush Dog ζ€’πŸ‘ +
Machine Gun Dog πŸ‘ +
Special Move
Replica Dog πŸ‘ +
Overhead Crash πŸ‘ +
Imitate Replica
(head) πŸ‘
(when hit)
Imitate Replica
(rear) πŸ‘
(when hit)
Weapon Flipping
Mega Plasma Factor +
Super Move
Justice Impulse X +