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Samurai Shodown (2019) logo
Samurai Shodown (2019) logo
This guide is for the 2019 reboot. For the original 1993 arcade game, see Samurai Shodown/Moves. For the 1998 Neo Geo Pocket game, see Samurai Shodown!/Moves.
  • 👍 = ok while unarmed
  • ✋ = only possible unarmed
  • 怒 = strengthened during Rage Explosion

Charlotte Christine Colde[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Power Gradation +
Splash Fount +
Tri-Slash 怒 + (hold)
Bayonet Lunge +
Lance De Lion 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
Splash Gradation +
Super Move
La Danse De La Rose +

Darli Dagger[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Blade Surf 怒 +
Serpentine Breaker + (hold)
High Tide +
Riptide Pierce (close) +
Point Break ✋ +
Weapon Flipping
Lagoon Onslaught +
Super Move
Perfect Storm +

Earthquake[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Fat Breath 👍 +
Fat Bound 👍 +
Fat Chainsaw 怒 +
Fat Replica Attack 👍 +
Fat Bomber 👍 (close) +
Weapon Flipping
Damned Earth +
Super Move
Earth Crisis +

Galford D. Weller[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Stardust Drop 👍 (close) +
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Strike Heads 👍 (close) +
Plasma Blade 👍 +
Replica Attack (head) 👍 +
Replica Attack (rear) 👍 +
Rush Dog 怒👍 +
Machine Gun Dog 👍 +
Special Move
Replica Dog 👍 +
Overhead Crash 👍 +
Imitate Replica
(head) 👍
(when hit)
Imitate Replica
(rear) 👍
(when hit)
Weapon Flipping
Mega Plasma Factor +
Super Move
Justice Impulse X +

Genjuro Kibagami[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Triple Death Hack + (up to 3x)
Lightning Wings 怒 +
Zen Blade (close) +
Cherry Blossom Slice +
Slash of a Hundred Demons +
Weapon Flipping
Five Flash Rip +
Super Move
Reverse Five Flash Rip +

Hanzo Hattori[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Rolling Aerial
Attack 👍
(close) +
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Ninja Exploding
Dragon Blast 怒👍
Ninja Shrike Dash 👍 (close) +
Shrike Drop👍
(close, during dash)
Ninja Silencer 👍 +
Ninja Mon Dance 👍 +any button
Falling Ninja
Cicada Larva 👍
Special Move
Gashing Ninja
Cicada Larva 👍
Self-Sacrifice Stra-
tagem of Buddha 👍
(when hit)
Demonic Self-
Sacrifice Stratagem 👍
(when hit)
Ninja Windsplitter 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
Sealed Scroll:
Shadow Particle
Super Move
True Whistling Shrike
Drop -Ruin Embers-

Haohmaru[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Crescent Moon Slash 怒 +
Renting Tremor Slash 怒 (dash) +
Cyclone Slash +
Fake Cyclone Slash +
Earthquake Slice +
Rice Wine Whack 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
Flame of the Conqueror +
Super Move
Judgement Blast Slash +

Jubei Yagyu[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre 怒 +
Sabre Thrust +
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of Mutual +
Raging Heaven's
Mind's Eye Sabre
Weapon Flipping
Moonbeam Slicer +
Super Move
Twin Devil Horns

Kyoshiro Senryo[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Crouch Walk 👍 or
Special Move
Tsunami Crunch 👍 +
Dance of Fire 👍 +
Lion's Tale Blast + or
Ragion Lion's Tale Blast 怒 +
Smoldering Blood Pounce +
Toad Plague 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
Flesh and Blood Fandango +
Super Move
Eighteen Best Kabuki
Plays "Revolving Stage"

Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Kamuyhum Kesupu 👍 +
Kishima Tek 👍
(close) +
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Annu Mutsube 怒 +
Rera Mutsube 怒 +
Kamui Rimuse 👍 +
└►Kamui Rimuse Return 👍 any button
Amube Yatoro 👍 +
Special Move
Cling to Mamahaha 👍 +
├►Mamahaha Attack 👍
├►Drop from
Mamahaha 👍
or or +
├►Kamui Mutsube 怒
└►Kamuyhum Kesupu 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
Elelyu Kamui Rimuse +
Super Move
Ar Retar
Kamuyhum Makiri

Shiki[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Exodus Stream 怒 +
└►Cloudburst +
Elysium Halo 怒 +
Tartarus Drop 👍 (close) +
Setsuna 👍 +
Lotus Dance of Sublimation +
Lotus Dance of Oblivion +
Weapon Flipping
Tenma Wave Cyclone +
Super Move
Skandha Avidya +

Tam Tam[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Paguna Paguna +
Ahaooh Gaboora 怒👍 +
Gaboora Gaboora 👍 (close) +
Pagoona Dios 👍 +
Mula Mula 👍 + or (up to 3x)
Weapon Flipping
Ahau Teotihuacan +
Super Move
Magnus Dios Zahl +

Ukyo Tachibana[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Concealed Sabre
Snowfall Slash
Swordless Sabre
Snowfall Slash 👍
Concealed Sabre
Swallow Swipe 怒
Concealed Sabre
Phantom Strike
Weapon Flipping
6 Swallow Flash +
Super Move
Eightfold Path of Gloom +

Wu-Ruixiang[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Black Tortoise Torrent +
Vermilion Bird Blaze 怒 +
White Tiger Fangs +
Azure Dragon Thunderstrike +
Kirin Earthen Rampage +
Weapon Flipping
Nine-Headed Dragon Strike +
Super Move
Primordial Chaos of
the Yellow Dragon

Yashamaru Kurama[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Double Jump 👍 or or
Special Move
Wintry Gust 怒 +
Azure Gale 怒 +
Arctic Tempest 怒 +
Weapon Flipping
Ebony Tengu Feathers +
Super Move
Skand's Divine Squall +

Yoshitora Tokugawa[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Pink Blossoms 怒 +
White Lilies +
Tree Peonies +
Camellias +
Morning Glory +
Moonflower (close) +
Butterfly Blossom
(after other specials)
Weapon Flipping
Hollyhocks +
Super Move
Profusion of Flowers +

DLC characters[edit | edit source]

Baiken[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Special Skill 1 👍 +
Special Skill 2 👍
Gatling Combinations 1 ( near or advancing )
Combinations 2
Special Move
Azami (Standing) or +
├►Rokkon Sogi
Azami (Crouching) or +
├►Rokkon Sogi
Special Move
Suzuran +
├►Rokkon Sogi
Tatami Gaeshi 👍 +
Yozan Sen 怒👍 +
Kabari 👍 + or
├►Himawari 👍
├►Tetsuzan Sen
└►Rokkon Sogi
Weapon Flipping
Tsurane Sanzu-watashi +
Super Move
Koboissen +

Basara[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Ground Slash +
Aerial Jab +
Shadow Exit 怒 +
Soul of the Beast +
Shadow Sucker 👍 + or
Flaying Feet 👍 +
Special Move
Friendly Rip (close) +
Feint 👍
+ or or
or or or
Skull Cleaver 👍 or +
Weapon Flipping
Shadow Dance Dream Pull +
Super Move
Shadow Dance
Deep Abyss

Cham Cham[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Sideway Thrown Out! 怒 +
Upper Thrown Out! 怒 +
Caught! 👍 +
├►Scratches Face! 👍 or
├►Scratches Back! 👍
└►Surprise Bop! 👍
Paw-erful Pounce! 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
No More Forgiveness +
Super Move
It's the End, My Fur-end! +

Gongsun Li[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Twisting Maple 👍 +
Special Move
①Lunar Recall +
Cloud Fall 怒👍 +
②Autumn Tide +any button
Flash Step ✋ (after ① or ②)
Weapon Flipping
Gust of Illusion +
Super Move
Maple Dance ✋ (after ① or ②)

Hibiki Takane[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Distance Slash 怒 +
Beckoning Slash +
└►Beckoning Slash (Stop) or
Piercing Moon Pounce +
Heavenly Being Blade +
├►Draw and Die
└►Draw and Hit
Weapon Flipping
Heavenly Spirit of Victory +
Super Move
No Fear Feint +

Iroha[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Iron Feather Ridge 👍 +
Double Jump 👍 or or
Special Move
Wind Slash +any button
Dew Drizzle 怒 +
Pinwheel +
Rain Hollyhock 👍 +
Weapon Flipping
Gale-force Drop +
Super Move
Crane's Dance +

Kazuki Kazama[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Blazing Fang +
Special Move
Soul Burner +any button
Exploding Death 怒 +any button
Annihilating Flames +any button
Flames of Disaster + (up to 3x)
└►Flaming Backdraft 👍 (down)
Weapon Flipping
Exploding Flames +
Super Move
Eternal Inferno +

Mina Majikina[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Vanishing Soul Stance 怒 + (hold)
├►Drop Stance +
├►Mortal Missile
├►Geo Drive
├►Heavenly Precipice
└►Shooting Star or or +
 └►Fire Arrow
Special Move
Yuurii's Whisper +
Bad Weather 👍 +
Ichimi Instincts +
Prophecy of Arabi +
Weapon Flipping
Sungan's Paranoia +
Super Move
Yanamun's Wail +

Rimururu[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Konru Mem 👍 +
Konru Shiraru 👍 +
Kamui Shtokke 👍 +
Konril Nonril 怒👍 +
Rupu Kuare • Nishi 👍 + or
Special Move
Rupu Kuare • Tu Tu 👍 +
Upun Orb 👍 +
Rupu Tum +
Weapon Flipping
Rupu Kamui Emyu • Tu Tu +
Super Move
Poro Konru Tursere +

Shiro Tokisada Amakusa[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Holy Spirit Slicer 怒 +
Phoenix Flash +
Evil Hornet Gouger 👍 or +
Judgement Blow 👍 +
Dark Destroyer +
├►Judgement Blow (Attack)
└►Judgement Blow (Descent)
Weapon Flipping
Repent for your sins!
But Ask Me Not
For Forgiveness
Super Move
Atonement for your
sins! But Ask Me Not
For Forgiveness

Shizumaru Hisame[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Mist Blast +
Cross Current Slicer 怒 +
Freezing Rain Repeller +
May Shower Slice +
Rains of Time +
Special Move
(descending) +
└►Lightning Rain
Crazy Downpour Hold and release
Weapon Flipping
Hurricane Shredder Slash +
Super Move
Demon Memory:
Heaven's Tears

Sogetsu Kazama[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump 👍 (against wall)
Special Move
Moon Glow 怒 +
Moon Rise +
Moon Rise
+ (hold, input direction)
New Moon +
Weapon Flipping
Lunar Slash +
Super Move
Blood Moon Prison +

Wan-Fu[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Crouch Walk 👍 or
Special Move
True Confucius
Thunder Bomb
Spirit Blast Massacre +
Spirit Blast Whirlwind 怒 +
Pillar of Rage +
Spirit Blast
Flayer ✋
(close) +
Weapon Flipping
Spirit Blast Detonation +
Super Move
True Spirit Blast

Warden[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Crushing Counterstrike (close)
└►Vanguard's Advance
 ├►Vanguard's Advance (2)
 └►Vanguard's Advance (cancel)
(Medium slash, far)
Assault (cancel)
(Medium slash, far)
Warden's Wrath (Heavy slash, near)
Warden's Wrath
(Heavy slash, near)
Special Move
Parry +
Shoulder Bash 怒 + (hold)
Weapon Flipping
Blackstone Bash +
Super Move
Catapult +