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Samurai Shodown V Special logo
Samurai Shodown V Special logo

Basara[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Ground Slash +
Aerial Jab +
Shadow Exit +
Soul of the Beast +
Shadow Sucker + or
Flaying Feet +
Special Move
Skull Cleaver or +
Friendly Rip (close) +
+ or or
or or or
Weapon Flipping
Shadow Dance Dream Pull +
Overkill Move
Hell Gate +

Charlotte[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Power Gradation +
Splash Fount +
Tri-Slash + (hold)
Violette Lunge +
Lance de Lion +
Weapon Flipping
Crystal Rose +
Overkill Move
Splash Gradation +

Enja[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Feet of
+ or +any button
Hades Flames +
└►Demon's Path +
 └►Heaven's Glow +
+ or or
Weapon Flipping
Enja's Bursting Heat +
Overkill Move
World Cremation +

Galford D. Weller[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Strike Heads (close) +
Plasma Blade +
Replica Attack (Head) +
Replica Attack (Rear) +
Rush Dog +
Machine Gun Dog +
Replica Dog +
Overhead Crash +
Special Move
Replica (Head)
(when hit)
Replica (Rear)
(when hit)
Stardust Drop (close) except +
Weapon Flipping
Reverse Double
Mega Strike Heads
Overkill Move
Deadly Fang Dog +

Gaira[edit | edit source]

Special Move
+ or or
Ceiling Slam Grabber +
Stone Head Grabber +
Butt Slam +
Heart Slicer (close) +
Shout +
Centennipierce Slam +
Weapon Flipping
Exploding Euthanasia +
Overkill Move
Stone Crush +

Gaoh[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Hateful Thrust +
Tornado Spear +
Hazy Thrust +
Iron Crash +
Weapon Flipping
Howling Inferno +
Overkill Move
Abyss Sanctuary +

Genjuro Kibagami[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Lightning Wings +
Triple Death Hack + (up to 3x)
Zen Blade (close) +
Blossom Slice
+ (hold if blocked)
Slash of a Hundred Demons +
Weapon Flipping
Five Flash Rip +
Overkill Move
Last Card Death Dance +

Hanzo Hattori[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Ninja Exploding Dragon Blast +
Falling Ninja Cicada Larva +
Gashing Ninja
Cicada Larva
Ninja Windsplitter +
Shrike Drop
(close, during dash) +
Ninja Silencer +
Ninja Monkey Dance +any button
Special Move
Strategem of Buddha
(when hit)
Demonic Self-
Sacrifice Strategem
(when hit)
Aerial Attack
(close) except +
Weapon Flipping
True Shrike Dash +
Overkill Move
Taboo Shrike Smash +

Haohmaru[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Cyclone Slash +
Fake Cyclone Slash +
Renting Tremor Slash (dash) +
Earthquake Slice +
Sword Slash Attack +
Rice Wine Whack +
Weapon Flipping
Judgement Blast Slash +
Overkill Move
Flame of the Conqueror +

Jubei Yagyu[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Geyser Thrust +
Tsunami Sabre +
Sabre Thrash
Reflecting Mind's Eye Sabre +
Mind's Eye Sabre of Mutual +
Raging Heaven's
Mind's Eye Sabre
Weapon Flipping
Moonbeam Slicer +
Overkill Move
Cross Hack +

Kazuki Kazama[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Soul Burner + or or
Exploding Death + or or
+ or or
Flames of Disaster + (up to 3x)
Flaming Backdraft (knocked down after Flames of Disaster)
Weapon Flipping
Exploding Flames +
Overkill Move
Dual Exploding Flames +

Kusaregedo The Demon[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Evil Spirit Summons +
Gastrorrhea +
Flesh Raiser +
Heretic Brand (close) +
Mud Mash +
Weapon Flipping
Flying Head Butt +
Heretic Hunt +
Overkill Move
Gedo's Dinner +

Kyoshiro Senryo[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Dance of Fire +
Twisting Heavens +
Toad Plague +
Lion's Tale Blast + or
Ragion Lion's Tale Blast +
Smoldering Blood Pounce +
Tsunami Crunch +
Weapon Flipping
Flesh and Blood Fandango +
Overkill Move
Great Demon Boogie +

Mina Majikina[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Earthly Bow-Heart +
Heavenly Bow-Heart +
Sungan's Lure + (up to 3x)
└►Sungan's Arrival +
Shinabui's Grief +
Abysmal Incantation +
Come, Chample +
Good Night, Chample +
Weapon Flipping
Umichimun's Rage +
Overkill Move
Niruya-Kanaya's Curse +

Mizuki Rashoujin[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Bloody Nail +
Curse of Reverse +
Hell's Circle +
Devil's Sacrifice +
Satanic Transmigration +
Wail of our Creator +
Weapon Flipping
Imprison Sphere +
Overkill Move
Diabolic Soul Eater +

Nakoruru[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Annu Mutsube +
Lela Mutsube +
Kamui Risse +
└►Return Kamui Risse any button
Mamahaha Flight +
├►Mamahaha Attack
└►Kamui Mutsube
Special Move
Kamui Mukesupu +
Lelake Matek (close) except +
Amube Yatoro +
Kamui Risse
(unarmed) +
Weapon Flipping
Elelyu Kamui Risse +
Overkill Move
Tose Sanpe Kiku Mutsube +

Rasetsumaru[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Fatal Cyclone Slash +
Power Impulse +
Destructive Whirlwind +
Calm Blade +
Death Curse +
Weapon Flipping
Supremely Furious Slash +
Overkill Move
Heart Destroy +

Rera[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Wolf Pounce +
├►Dismount Wolf
├►Wolfback Attack
├►Myu Shikite + or or
├►Kanto Shikite +
├►Imel Shikite +
└►Schism Attack or +
Special Move
(close) except +
Kamui Fumukesupu +
Weapon Flipping
Nubeki Kamui Shikite +
Overkill Move
Irusuka Emu Newa Shikite +

Rimururu[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Kamui Shtokke +
Konru Shiraru (peak) +
Konru Mem +
Lupu Quall (Nishi) + or
Lupu Quall (Tu Tu) +
Konril Nonril +
Upun Orb +
Special Move
Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol (Head) (unarmed, dashing)
Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol (Foot) (unarmed, dashing)
Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol Looyampeh (Head) (unarmed, dashing, rage)
Rupu Kamui Wheh Sampekol Looyampeh (Foot) (unarmed, dashing, rage)
Weapon Flipping
Rupu Kamui Emyu (Tu Tu) +
Overkill Move
Konrui Suto Poro +

Shizumaru Hisame[edit | edit source]

Command Move
Wall Jump (against wall)
Special Move
Mist Blast +
May Shower Slice +
Freezing Rain Repeller +
Crazy Downpour Hold any button and release
Cross Current Slicer +
Special Move
Rains of Time +
Dreadful Drizzle (peak) +
└►Lightning Rain
Weapon Flipping
Hurricane Shredder Slash +
Overkill Move
Infinity Cannon +

Shiro Tokisada Amakusa[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Forward Evil Hornet Gouger +
Reverse Evil Hornet Gouger +
Holy Spirit Slicer +
Phoenix Flash +
Commandment Cruncher +
Dark Destroyer +
Weapon Flipping
Legions of Hades Blitz +
Overkill Move
Crime Salvation +

Sogetsu Kazama[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Moon Glow +
Moon Rise +
└►Aquatic Moon Rise hold, control with
any direction
New Moon +
Weapon Flipping
Lunar Slash +
Overkill Move
Lunar Mirror Slash +

Suija[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Moon of Death +
Full Moon +
Moon Halo Impulse +
Soaring Moon +
Weapon Flipping
Heavily Submerged
Overkill Move
Wrath of God +

Tam Tam[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Paguna Paguna +
Ahaooh Gaboora +
Pagoona Dios +
Gaboora Gaboora (close) +
Mula Mula + or (up to 3x)
Weapon Flipping
Magnus Dios Zahl +
Overkill Move
Ahaooh Castiga +

Ukyo Tachibana[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Concealed Sabre
Snowfall Slash
Swordless Sabre Snowfall Slash +
Concealed Sabre
Swallow Swipe
Ghostly Dashing Slice +
Weapon Flipping
6 Swallow Flash +
Overkill Move
Flashback Flash Blast +

Yoshitora Tokugawa[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Pink Blossoms +
White Lilies +
Tree Peonies +
Camellias +
Morning Glory +
Moonflower +
Butterfly Blossom
(after other specials)
Weapon Flipping
Hollyhocks +
Overkill Move
Profusion of Flowers +

Yunfei[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Silken Seal of
Heavenly Wails
(close) +
└►Heavenly Millennia +
Heavenly Preservation +
Luminaries' Profound
Secret - Moon
Luminaries' Profound
Secret - Fire
Luminaries' Pro-
found Secret - Water
or +
Luminaries' Pro-
found Secret - Tree
or +
Luminaries' Pro-
found Secret - Gold
or +
Special Move
Luminaries' Pro-
found Secret - Earth
or +
Luminaries' Profound
Secret - Sun
Rave Flight
or +
(close) except +
Weapon Flipping
Heavenly Cloud Charge +
Overkill Move
Heavenly Ritual of Death +

Zankuro Minazuki[edit | edit source]

Special Move
Gale Slash +
Break Down Slash +
Wrong Knuckle +
Counter Blade +
Weapon Flipping
Infinity Cannon +
Overkill Move
Invincible Cannon +