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Template:All Game Nav Chapter 3: The Queen is Gone (600 A.D. first time)

The Queen is Gone, and Lucca is Here!

Crono silently explains the situation.

Marle has mysteriously disappeared, yet again, into nothingness. Crono wasn't able to do anything to save her. Now what? Head down the stairs and recieve a greeting from Lucca. It seems she figured out everything. The next scene explains that Crono, Marle, and Lucca have actually traveled 400 years into the past, to the year 600 A.D. No wonder Truce and Guardia Castle look so different.

Lucca goes on to say that, when Marle arrived, the castle occupants must have mistaken her for the real queen, who was kidnapped shortly before. Marle just played along. We discover Marle is actually Princess Nadia, of the royal Guardia bloodline; meaning that Queen Leene of 600 A.D is her ancient ancestor. The real queen has been kidnapped... and if she is killed, then the bloodline will never be able to continue, and Marle would never have been born. The rules of time say that Marle will simply disappear.

When Lucca joins you, she is equipped with the Sight scope. It doesn't increase any stats, but its useful effect displays and enemy's remaining and max HP during battle. You can buy Lucca some stronger equipment to increase her attack and defense, but when replacing the scope remember that her attack is not modified by power, so don't have her equip accessories like the bandana. As a girl who sits in her house all day making inventions, she isn't very physically strong. She carries a gun with her for primary attack, and a mallet for whacking things that get too close. Both weapons are very weak at this point in the game, but Lucca makes up for it with her Techs. Don't worry though, she gets much more powerful guns later in the game!

Crono and Lucca, trying out Flame Whirl.

This is a good point in the game to spend some time in Guardia Forest getting some experience and Techs. I highly reccomend you train Lucca until she gains a level or two and learns her first Tech, Flame Toss. It is a pretty important thing to have later on at the first boss fight. Crono and Lucca can also team up and do what's called a Dual Tech, where two characters combine one of their Techs into one attack. Flame Whirl is Lucca and Crono's first Dual Tech (a combination of Cyclone and Flame Toss) which is very deadly against the upcoming monsters. If you trained Marle in Guardia Forest back home earlier in the game, you may have tried out Aura Whirl, a combination of Crono's Cyclone and Marle's Aura.

Tip: For an unlimited supply of Shelters (restores all HP and MP at save points and the field), touch the bush in Guardia Forest which reveals some monsters and a single Shelter. You can leave, come back, and repeat to get more and more Shelters. You can also buy them at the item shop, but they're pretty expensive right now.

When you're all set and prepared for some stronger monster fights, head west into the Cathedral.

The Cathedral

Items: 3xTonic, 1xRevive, 1xPower Tab, 1xMaidenSuit, 2xEther, 100G, 1xSpeed Belt, 1xDefender, 1xSteelSaber, 1xShelter, 1xHeal, 1xIron Sword, 1xMid Ether

Something's Amiss...

Inside the Cathedral are some kindly-looking nuns. They say some pretty odd things about "killer" organ recitals. To progress, talk to the nun standing at the organ. All of the sudden, you will see a sparkle in the middle of the room. Is that a power tab? Wait, no... it's...

Crono and Lucca find an intruiging clue.

It appears that a hair pin, Guardia's royal crest that Queen Leene guarded with her life (according to the king), has been dropped on the floor. Maybe there was a struggle? Before you can think, the nuns crowd around you, burst into blue flames, and reveal themselves to be Naga-Ettes, fierce Egyptian-looking pink-haired beasts. They attack, determined to not let you any farther.

This fight can be a real pain if you haven't bothered to fight any monsters previously. Flame Whirl really comes in handy here. If Crono is at around level 4 or 5, you can take all of them out at once with only one attack. Wait til they approach you and group together, then get 'em with your Dual Tech. If, for some horrible reason, you haven't learned your Techs, you'll need to have bought some Heals and Tonics from the item shop. The Naga-Ettes will use a pretty annoying spell which inflicts Slow on a character, doubling the time it takes for the ATB gauge to fill up. Use a Heal to cure the status effect. At low levels, their slash attacks can do some decent damage, so use some Tonics is need be.

Lucca is relieved after the battle is over, and takes a seat on the steps. A Naga-Ette appears out of some blue flames from behind for a surprise attack, but is soon killed by a frog with a sword. It appears this frog is the one who was "supposed" to save the queen, but came at the wrong time. Wether you choose to "go with the frog" or not will not matter, he comes with you anyway.

The frog wants to go with Crono.

Now you get to name your new ally. The default is [[../../Characters#Frog|Frog]], though he does have a real name, which is revealed later. He comes equipped with some pretty strong weapons and armor, and he already has a Tech learned, Slurp, which heals some HP. Frog is just as strong as Crono, or even a bit stronger. He can take out a lot of enemies with one hit.

To progress, approach the organ and press A Button to play it. A door will suddenly appear to the right.

Rescue the Queen

The next area is fairly straightforward. Either go directly left or go north first through the door, then to the far left and up some stairs. Enter the first door for a MaidenSuit, and drawers on the desk to the left of the chests to pick up the legendary Naga-ette bromide, be prepared to fight three Henches. Exit after the fight.

Still on the left side of the room, head to the very top and pick up the SteelSaber in the chest, then go around the spikes next to the north west door and press the skull on the wall. Enter the door to find some soldiers and a power tab in the left pot.

Exit and move to the right side of the main room.

The lower door (south east) has some monsters chilling out, and if you speak to all three and then wait, one of them will leave to go into the north east door to worship a statue of Magus they have set up. Follow him, you'll notice a fake King, Queen Leene and soldier are standing around within. You can talk to or ignore them. Pick up the items, head into the room to the right (notice the tiny alcove that you can move into, semi-secret) with the Magus statue. There are two chests next to the statue at the north end, but if you want to fight, talk to the southern moust Diablo. You'll have to fight all five enemies at once so be prepared. If you fight them, the fake Guardia people will also want to fight you (3 gnashers!). Remember you can have Frog use the slurp technique in or out of battle to heal you.

Head back into the main room, this time head straight up the middle. Avoid monsters if you wish, but you'll have to fight two battles no matter what. The first being two gnashers and two diablos, the second two gnashers and two Naga-ettes. Enter through the door at the end.

You'll be greeted by a save point, stop to rest and save, then continue up the stiars and to the far left where you can find a shelter within a chest. The room is one giant circle. It can be explored either way (left or right). Note that once you choose a stairway, it will become a slide and you will have to go around the room from one side to the other (to reach the stairway that isn't a slide).

The Chancellor's Transformation

Flip the switch on either side to lower the spikes in the center area, then kill the three henches and two diablos and pick up the Iron Sword. Play the organ there to open a secret door located at the very northern part of the room, then go around and head through it.

In this little hallway area, you'll be required to fight one mandatory fight, so avoid the first two henches and go after the Naga-ettes who will get two henches to join them. You'll see a door and a savepoint. Save and use a shelter, because the next room is the boss fight.

As you enter you'll find the real Queen and the Chancellor sitting at a table. The Chancellor will notice you when you get close enough and start a cutscene where the Queen will run away while your party stands up to fight. You'll be thereatened by him, then he'll transform into his true form, Yakra.

Boss Fight

Suggested Level



Yakra only has 920 HP but that's a lot at this stage of the game. It's recommended that Frog heal with slurp when necessary and that you use your best techniques or double techs. Using X-Strike will deal the most damage, hopefully you've trained enough to have unlocked it. Try to keep your HP above 20 if you can help it. He has three attacks; the first is a pounce, a normal attack. The second is one where he says, "Drrrrrooooo..." and then rushes around the room striking everyone in your party for 10-30 damage. His final attack is NeedleSpin, where he'll fire out a spurt of needles that will target one character, dealing over 40 damage! If you've trained enough to get Chrono to level seven, you probably will only have to heal once or twice during the fight because you'll be so strong.


Once you've beaten him, Queen Leene will thank you and invite you back to the castle. Check out the right chest for a Mid Ether, and you can choose to open the left chest depending on whether you want the real Chancellor to be free (he was bound). Talk to Queen Leene when you're ready to leave.

You'll end up back at the castle, where Frog will walk out in disgrace for not protecting the Queen. Talk to everyone to hear some of their new dialogue if you want, and head to Marle's room to have her rejoin the party. Exit the castle, say good bye to Frog on your way out, and head into town. You also might want to rest to restore your health while you're there, it may still be depleted from the boss fight.

When you head back through Guardia forest, keep in mind that searching the same bush as you did before will you give a shelter each time you visit the area. Marle will have rejoined your party, so you may want to make sure she's got some good armor.

Head back to Truce Canyon (the mountain range) to find a time gate which will take you back to 1000 A.D. You'll have to fight your way back through one mandatory fight, but note that the area's monsters have undergone an upgrade; blue imps are now green and one roly is now a poly. At least you'll get more rewards for taking them down. Run back to the place where you originally were telported to find a time Gate and a cutscene.

Challenging Lavos

Impossible during this stage of the game since you have no access to a time gate.