Gaspar's Hint: "A fugitive in the Middle Ages, Ozzie, maintains an evil hideout..."
Time to finish off Ozzie and make Medina Village a happier place to live in. If you go to Medina now the prices will still be sky high and the natives are very unfriendly, not to mention the villagers are worshiping a statue of Ozzie in the square since you defeated Magus. Head back in time to 600 A.D. and check out the spot where Medina sits in 1000 A.D., east of where Magus' Lair is, to find Ozzie's Fort. Bring along Magus just for Ozzie's reactions, and Ayla so you can steal some of the best equipment in the game from him and his henchmen.
The fort is pretty much a straight line so just head on through, fighting Flea Plus, Super Slash on the way. You should be able to finish them off with your regular attacks at this stage of the game. After Flea Plus, there's an amusing scene in which Ozzie sent his two henchmen down the pits in a moving platform. Poor Ozzie will flee to the next stage waiting for your team.
Flea Plus (Diva Flea)
HP 2,500
Weaknesses None
Strengths None
Absorbs None
Charmables None
Drops None
XP 2,000
TP 20
Gold 2,000
Heart / Fire: a fire attack that hits all party members.
A super easy boss fight. You should have no trouble if all of your party is above level 30.
Super Slash
HP 2,500
Weaknesses None
Strengths None
Absorbs None
Charmables None
Drops None
XP 2,000
TP 20
Gold 2,000
Slash / Lightning: lightning attack that hits all party members.
Again a super easy boss fight.
In the room after Super Slash, Ozzie attempts to tempt you with an obviously trapped chest. Ignore it and head up to the room's exit. An Imp will attempt to take the treasure. This will negate the trap and Ozzie will flee the room. Collect a Full Ether from the chest and check out the bottom right corner of the room to find a hidden room with 3 chests (Magus's best equipment; Gloom Cape, Gloom Helm and DoomSickle). These pieces of equipment are only useable by Magus. Note that there is also a Magic Tab in the corner of this secret room.
Continue to the next room; prepare for what's actually a tricky boss fight with Ozzie, Slash, and Flea ganging up on you.
Flea Plus, Super Slash, Great Ozzie (Diva Flea, Super Slash, Ozzie the Great)
HP 4,000 (Flea PlusFlea PlusDiva FleaDiva FleaDiva FleaDiva Flea), 4,000 (Super Slash), 6,000 (Great OzzieGreat OzzieOzzie the GreatOzzie the GreatOzzie the GreatOzzie the Great)
Weaknesses None
Strengths None
Absorbs None
Charmables Slasher II (Super Slash), OzziePants (Great OzzieGreat OzzieOzzie the GreatOzzie the GreatOzzie the GreatOzzie the Great), Flea Bustier (Flea PlusFlea PlusDiva FleaDiva FleaDiva FleaDiva Flea)
Drops None
XP 7,500 (total)
TP 80 (total)
Gold 4,000 (total)
Combo: Delta Force / Shadow
Combo Counter: Bad Impulse / Fire
Combo Counter: Delta Force / Shadow
Combo Counter: HartFire Sword
Prism Beam / Darkness
Rainbow Storm / Wind of Poison
Run away
Combo Counter: Bad Impulse / Fire
Combo Counter: HartFire Sword
Crazy Strike
Slash / Lightning
Combo: Delta Force / Shadow
Combo Counter: Bad Impulse / Fire
Combo Counter: Delta Force / Shadow
The best thing you can do in this battle is have Ayla charm the OzziePants off of Ozzie, the Slasher 2 away from Slash, and the Flea Bustier (Vest) away from Flea for some very useful equipment, the OzziePants is practically the best helmet in the game (yes, you wear his pants on your head), the Slasher 2 is an excellent sword for Crono, and the Flea Bustier raises your magic defense by 12. Note: Flea Plus will run away if Ozzie or Slash is killed before him. If you want the Flea Vest, quickly charm it from Flea before either of the other two has died. Also, if only Ozzie and Super Slash are left, Super Slash will die automatically if you kill Ozzie first, so charm all three bosses before any of them die, but especially before killing Ozzie.
They'll do some nasty triple techs, but if you use your best magic spells which you should have at this point, they'll start to fall pretty fast. They also counter-attack.
Ayla strategy
Keep healing until Ayla has stolen all the equipment you want, then just unload the best magic spells you have. Your spells should do a lot of damage but keep someone healing and reviving if need be if you want to outlast the trio and grab the equipment you want.
Magus, Lucca, and Frog/Robo strategy
The best attack against them is Magus' Fire 2 and Lucca's Flare or Fire 2. Stick to finding a good rhythm between using these attacks and healing, because every time you attack all these enemies they will retaliate, individually, with a counter-attack. If you use a magic attack on all three, use Frog's healing team powers or Robo's laser beam about three times before attacking once again.
Other info to be integrated
They'll do some nasty triple techs, but if you use your best magic spells which you should have at this point, they'll start to fall pretty fast. The best thing you can do in this battle is have Ayla charm the OzziePants off of Ozzie, the Slasher 2 away from Slash, and the Flea Bustier (Vest) away from Flea for some very useful equipment, the OzziePants is practically the best helmet in the game (yes, you wear his pants on your head), the Slasher 2 is an excellent sword for Crono, and the Flea Bustier raises your magic defense by 12. Your spells should do a lot of damage, but keep someone healing and reviving if need be if you want to outlast the trio AND grab the equipment you want. Note: Flea Plus will run away if Ozzie or Slash is killed before him. If you want the Flea Vest, be very quick to charm it from Flea before either of the other two has died.
Grab the contents of the chests for a Dash Ring and Sight Cap after you beat them. After you defeat Ozzie he will run to the north, follow him and you will enter another battle with him.
Great Ozzie (Ozzie the Great)
HP 4,000
Weaknesses None
Strengths None
Absorbs None
Charmables OzziePants
Drops None
XP 2500
TP 30
Gold 1000
Counter: Barrier Bomber
HP up
This is essentially the same fight as in Magus' castle. You can actually steal a second pair of OzziePants from him if you did so during the last fight with the trio. Again, he is immune to attacks; after you deal 4000 damage to him he becomes unselectable. To save time, just hit the switch behind him.
This will drop you back to the previous room, so now head back to Ozzie's room and he will be defeated by a cat.
Head back to the present and you'll find the Medina in 1000 A.D. is now the most peaceful place on earth and they no longer despise humans. Ozzie's descendant will no longer be the elder, rather one of the imps at the elder's house is bossing around Ozzie VIII. The statue of Ozzie / Magus in the town square will now be gone. The market will now offer the cheapest prices in the game rather than the most expensive; so stock up on whatever you want. Also, keep in mind that you don't take your money back with you for a New Game + so this is the best way to "invest" your capital and get the most from it.
A couple notes on the equipment you just got; the OzziePants offer great defense but start you off in the battle with chaos status, and you can't equip items to combat this status while wearing the pants. The DoomSickle doubles and triples in power when one or two allies are dead, respectively.