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Nash and Ringo's Testimony: Illegal Entry: The Whole Truth

Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin's Testimony
- Illegal Entry: The Whole Truth -
  1. Nash: Alright, we did knock few things over. But we weren't riflin' fer nuffin'!
  2. Ringo: It woz when we 'eard the gunshot, see. Made us both jump, an' all that stuff went flyin'.
  3. Nash: Lummy, it didn't 'alf gimme a fright! We woz thinkin' the shooter'd come out the door and get us next.
  4. Ringo: We stuck everyfin' back where we found it and scarpered...straight into 'im in the black.
  5. Nash: We couldn't 'ave shot the pawnbroker, see! We never even 'ad a chance, did we?

Illegal Entry: The Whole Truth: Cross Examination

Nash and Ringo's Testimony: Encounter with the Victim

Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin's Testimony
- Encounter with the Victim -
  1. Ringo: Alright, so we'd just got inside the gaff and 'eaved a sigh o' relief when the geezer showed 'is mug!
  2. Nash: 'Gimme that gun!' 'e bellowed, and the 'e flew at us like 'e woz possessed! I thought we'd 'ad it!
  3. Ringo: For an old geezer, the bloke woz strong as an ox. 'E chucked me over the counter!
  4. Nash: I pulled me gun on 'im, an' then 'e legged it fru that door into the back room!
  5. Ringo: We never 'ad nuffin' to do wiv killin' 'im! That's all wot 'appened, I swear!

Encounter with the Victim: Cross Examination

Judicial Findings: The Jurors' Contentions

Judicial Findings

- The Jurors' Contentions -

  Juror No. 1: Once a rogue always a rogue, I Different breed to us law-abiding citizens!
  Juror No. 2: As only two bullets were found at the scene, I would say the whole case is done and dusted.
  Juror No. 3: You don't need a stereoscope to see the truth here. Every which way you look at it, it was that pickpocket!
  Juror No. 4: Hm...I never imagined that simple operation would cause me such grief...
  Juror No. 5: The accused attempted a theft on the previous day. ...I can see I'm in for a busy day ahead.
  Juror No. 6: I am ballistics expert. I have seen many shootings. There is nothing I do not know about guns.

Jury Examination: The Defence's Rebuttal