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Courtroom Lobby[edit | edit source]

You will arrive at the Defendant's Antechamber, and of course, just like the day before, Gina doesn't trust you. You'll soon be joined by Iris and little Wagahai. Iris has bought today's paper on her way here, and of course, the trial you're about to go into has made it to the front page. Today's Paper will be added to the Court Record.

Apparently Sholmes hasn't woken up yet from his surgery. We know that isn't true, but our friends here haven't been told for some reason. There's no time to think about it though, because the trial is starting right now!

This time, since Mikotoba is gone, Iris will be your assistant, and once again, Van Zieks is back as the prosecutor. Not even the judge seems to understand what's on his mind but Van Zieks states it clearly... He seems to hate both fake-philanthropist millionaires and "Nipponese". So... is he only appearing in court to face you, Naruhodo, because you are a Japanese man?

You will be introduced to the jury. Most of them you will recognize: Mr. Garrideb, the young maid and the typographer from Chapter 3... and, for some unexplained reason, the Russian revolutionary leader runaway from Chapter 2. What the heck is he doing here?

You will soon be presented with the first pieces of evidence to be added to the Court Record: the Crime Scene Photograph,the Autopsy Report, the Crime Scene Floor Plan and Windibank's Gun.

The first witnesses on the case are Nash and Ringo Skulkin, "professional baddies" as they call themselves, but they seem to be missing a member of the band. Allegedly, they were trying to rob the pawn shop when they witnessed the murder. Inspector Gregson will also take the stand with them, since they are under arrest. They can be amusing because of the way they move in sync, like dancing though it can get on Inspector Gregson's nerves.

Nash and Ringo's Testimony: Illegal Entry[edit | edit source]

Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin
Nash Skulkin and Ringo Skulkin's Testimony
- Illegal Entry -
  1. Nash: We woz walkin' down Baker Street in the small hours, an' the gaff's door was ajar, see?
  2. Ringo: It woz like some kinda sign. Beggin' fer us to go in, it woz!
  3. Nash: But once we got inside, cor blimey lummy! We 'eard a gunshot from the back room!
  4. Ringo: We went to see wot woz wot, but the door woz locked from the inside.
  5. Nash: We never done nuffin', guvnor! We never took nuffin'! We just left after that, nice an' quiet.

Illegal Entry: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]

Sulky's Story
Sulky's Story
Press either brother's statement and pursue the other brother, as they'll reveal about their other brother Sulky.

For an accolade/achievement in the Chronicles release of the game, press any statement and pursue the other brother, even if he doesn't react. Do this for both brothers to obtain the accolade/achievement.

Press statement 5 to proceed with the trial. The brothers claim they didn't take anything from the pawnbroker's, and that they didn't see (or shot) anyone else on their way out, but Naruhodo believes they were the ones who shot Mr. Sholmes. Indeed, a firearm was found on them on the night they were arrested, and that only one shot was fired from it. The Skulkin Brothers' Gun will be added to the Court Record.

The court wants evidence of what happened with that bullet though, so present the Blood Samples Portfolio. When prompted, choose Sample 1, the one you found on the calendar. Van Zieks will then accept the theory, but will then point out that, even though the brothers did fire a shot and are still under arrest for multiple charges, they had no connection the murder itself.

Van Zieks will then present to the court those two automatic cameras Sholmes installed at the pawnbroker's as a security measure. The 1 a.m. picture captured Gina in front of the counter, pointing a firearm up at the ceiling on the right and a seemingly scared Mr. Windibank on the other left. The Photograph of Gina will be added to the Court Record.

After this evidence, all six jurors will pronounce the defendant GUILTY. But we're just getting started! It's time for the first Summation Examination of the trial.

Judicial Findings: The Jurors' Contentions[edit | edit source]

Judicial Findings

- The Jurors' Contentions -

Juror No. 1: All the evidence clearly points the finger of guilt at this young pickpocketienne.
Juror No. 2: As a housemaid, I should like to see all filthy eyesores promptly and rigorously eliminated.
Juror No. 3: I think you'll find that if you look at that photograph in stereo, the truth will just pop out.
Juror No. 4: If I have left it in there, I should think there'll be repercussions by now...
Juror No. 5: Mind made up. Stop. Global radio transmission of verdict to follow. Stop.
Juror No. 6: In motherland we say never judge by clothes, judge by head. I am conwinced brothers are innocent.

Jury Examination: The Defence's Rebuttal[edit | edit source]

Start by pressing Juror 2. She seems to be a big fan of Mr. Sholmes, but not so much of the "scum" that lives in the East End. She will, however, alter her statement to acknowledge it was the Skulkin brothers who shot her great idol.

Now, pit Juror 2 and Juror 6 against each other. Juror 6 seems to have got the wrong end of the stick. The brothers did shoot someone after all. So... maybe the part about not having taken anything from the shop was also a lie. Iris suggests you compare the 1 a.m. security pictures with those taken at 1:30 a.m. However, the 1:30 a.m. picture of the counter doesn't show anything to be missing when compared to de previous one, but it will be enough to convince Juror 6 of switching his verdict so the trial can go on. The Post-Shooting Photograph will be added to the Court Record.

Next, press Juror 5. In the frenzy of her passionate technology rant about the marvels of telegraphy and its future evolution, she dares mock the stereoscope. Be quick, as you will only have a moment to pursue Juror 3. He's not happy at all that Juror 5 considers stereoscopes to be "just toys". He even suggests using stereoscopic viewing for crime scene pictures! When prompted, select "Absolutely!", because we sure do have some pictures to view.

Present the Photograph of Gina first, and the Post-Shooting Photograph second. When seeing the two pictures next to one another, you just might notice something strange, a slight difference... It doesn't really matter which option you choose in the next question though. Even though you might not notice it (it's not the difference I was talking about earlier), the jury sure will: the items on the far end of the counter —the big books and everything around them— seem to jump at you, which means they were tampered with from one picture to the next. When asked about the person responsible for moving the items, choose either of the Skulkin brothers. Which one you pick is not relevant.

The fact remains that Gina's objective was inside the storeroom, not outside, so she had no reason to tamper with anything on the counter. Which leaves the court to wonder if the witnesses are lying and did steal something. This will convince Jurors 3, 4 and 5 of changing their votes, thus tipping the scales. The foldable Stereoscope will also be added to the Court Record.