We first see Wilson's handwriting describing an investigation him and Herlock Sholmes had, ending with them discovering a supposedly venomous snake on the bed of a dark room, with Wilson referring to it as 'the speckled band'. We are then shown Herlock Sholmes himself, among Susato Mikotoba and two Russian sailors on a first-class cabin in SS Burya, where a murder seemingly has taken place. Against the sailors' wishes to leave the scene alone and using his deduction skills and tools, Sholmes concludes this murder as a 'locked-room mystery' and that the culprit is currently asleep inside the cabin's closet. A third sailor (who's just Satoru Hosonaga being undercover once again) asks who Sholmes is and where has he come from, with Sholmes formally introducing himself as 'a Great British Consulting detective, the only one in the world: Herlock Sholmes'. The cutscene then ends with Sholmes opening the closet, revealing the supposed culprit inside.

Case Information[edit | edit source]

- Time of Crime: January 9th, 1:00-2:00 AM
- Location: SS Burya
- Defendant: Ryunosuke Naruhodo
- Victim: Kazuma Asogi
- Cause of death: A broken neck
- Defense Attorney: Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Characters[edit | edit source]
Defense Attorney/Defendant[edit | edit source]

Ryunosuke Naruhodo
A college student who is stowing away on the SS Burya. He's the prime suspect in Asogi's murder.
Victim[edit | edit source]

Kazuma Asogi
A certified lawyer and Naruhodo's best friend. He was on his way to London for a study tour when he was taken from this world.
Witnesses[edit | edit source]

Nikolina Pavlova
A young ballerina who's fled her homeland of Russia to escape the Novavich Ballet.

Bif Strogenov
A real wall of a man and a senior member of the Russian crew who's in charge of security around the first-class cabins.
Other Characters[edit | edit source]

Herlock Sholmes
There's not a person in the world who hasn't heard of this famous "great detective". Not a person except Naruhodo, apparently...

Grimesby Roylott
An older Russian gentleman travelling on the ship. He's staying in the first-class cabin next to Kazuma's.

Vilen Borshevik
A Russian revolutionary leader who has fled his country. His face is all over the newspapers lately.

Satoru Hosonaga
A chief inspector in the Imperial Police Bureau who's on an undercover mission, posing as a member of the ship's crew.

Susato Mikotoba
A judicial assistant who was travelling with Kazuma to London for a study tour. She is the epitome of a refined Japanese lady.