Judicial Findings: The Jurors' Contentions[edit | edit source]
Judicial Findings
- The Jurors' Contentions -
Juror No. 1: The accused left behind evidence at the scene, didn't he? Those three books of his.
Juror No. 2: If there was some novel alternative explanation about how the victim was stabbed, I might reconsider...
Juror No. 3: Even if the woman was throwing books, it can't be related to this crime if the window was closed, can it?
Juror No. 4: Dearie me, it was only a little book! Hardly life-threatening, even with a direct hit!
Juror No. 5: Look, I just want to get this over with. If I don't bring home some pay tonight, I'll be in a tidy bit of trouble.
Juror No. 6: Come to think of it, we had a fire at home a while ago. It gave me the sneezes.
Jury Examination: The Defence's Rebuttal[edit | edit source]
Press Juror 6's statement. He describes an experience he had in which the smoke of a birthday cake created danger, and in order to air out the smoke, he had no choice but to open the windows. This bears some similarity to the situation at the Garrideb's in which a small fire broke out; surely the room had to be aired out due to the smoke, even amidst the cold winter weather.
Pit Jurors 3 and 6 against each other. As Juror 3 realizes that the window could have been open at the Garrideb's, Juror 4 will react. Pursue Juror 4 at the prompt. She will then admit that her husband did indeed open a window in response to the fire, while she continued to attack him. It has now been established that the book could have fallen out of the window of the Garrideb's, but the rest of the jury will still have to be convinced.
Press Juror 5's statement. He recalls an incident in which he got into trouble, but can't remember the details of it. Press Juror 4's new statement. This will cause Juror 5 to react. Pursue Juror 5 at the prompt. He suddenly recalls an incident in which a knife was thrown at him. Pit Jurors 2 and 5 against each other, then present the Jackknife when prompted. This appears to be the last bit of evidence needed to incriminate Joan Garrideb, but van Zieks still has a trick up his sleeve.
Roly and Patricia's Testimony: Constable Beate's Report[edit | edit source]

- Roly: This case has nothing to do with Mr and Mrs Garrideb. Believe me, a London bobby is good for his word!
- Roly: You see - SAH! - the windows on the top floor of the Garrideb house are top-hinged casements.
- Patricia: Obviously, if anything had been thrown out of the window, we would have seen it.
- Patricia: I did leave the scene to go and fetch help, but my trusty Roly was there to make sure nothing was disturbed.
- Roly: I didn't take my eye off the crime scene for one moment, sah! Nothing strange to report on that front, sah!
Constable Beate's Report: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]

Press statement 1. Roly attempts to educate Ryunosuke about the values of Scotland Yard, and to that end loans him his warrant card. The Warrant Card is entered into the Court Record. Feel free to look through the principles that it lists, though it doesn't seem to have any relevance to the case at this point.
Press statement 2. Roly will describe how the window at the Garridebs' isn't able to open fully, making it impossible for any items from the room to have fallen near the victim. As he begins to describe his involvement with the investigation, Patricia will react. Pursue Patricia at the prompt. She explains how the incident occurred close to Roly's beat, which would have required him to assist with investigating the crime scene on the spot, interrupting their anniversary dinner. He investigated the Garridebs because their lodgings were in fact located on his beat, as well as the pavement near their house. But the pavement across Briar Road, where the victim was found, is off-limits to him. Susato updates the Case File with this information.
Finally, press statement 5. Patricia will once again become dissatisfied with Ryunosuke's questioning, leading her to amend her testimony. Press the new statement 5 and pursue Roly at the prompt. He mentions that after giving Patricia directions to the police box for the next beat, he expected her to be gone for ten minutes, but she was gone for fifteen. She says that the bouquet was the reason for this, and Roly oddly asks Patricia to keep that between them. It seems like Roly might be hiding something, but fortunately for the defense, Patricia is all too eager to talk about it.

Press the new statement 5 again. Patricia recounts how she dropped her anniversary bouquet upon seeing the victim, and when she returned to the scene of the crime, the bouquet was nowhere near the victim. Van Zieks notes that it was found on the opposite side of Briar Road, near the Garridebs' household, in a spot where no light was cast on it. This is odd for many reasons. The Anniversary Bouquet is entered into the Court Record.
Present the Anniversary Bouquet at statement 6. Roly testified that nothing changed as he watched the scene of the crime, so what could have happened to the bouquet? In fact, the entire scene of the crime appears to have shifted. But who would have had reason to tamper with the scene of the crime? Present Roly Beate at the prompt. When asked what he could have been trying to hide, select where the victim fell. Patricia did mention earlier that they were lucky that the crime didn't occur on Roly's beat...
Select the left side of the street when prompted, next to Mr Natsume's lodgings. Present the Warrant Card or the Anniversary Bouquet when asked to provide a motive for his actions. Then, after Roly confesses, you'll have your chance to present the court with the true perpetrator behind the crime. Present Joan Garrideb. One last testimony now stands between you and victory. Also, John Garrideb suddenly joins the stand to help her out.
John and Joan's Testimony: The Battle of Garrideb[edit | edit source]

- Garrideb: Yes, on the day you're referring to, the wife and I did have a bit of a skirmish. Can't recall the reason now.
- Garrideb: Knocked a candlestick over and set fire to the carpet! Soon had it out, though, and got the window open.
- Joan: Meanwhile... I was picking up whatever I could find to throw at him.
- Garrideb: Plenty of knives around our place. Can't say I'd notice if one or two went missing, I'm afraid.
- Garrideb: If that bally thing in the victim's back really was one of ours, you'll have a job proving it, I think.
The Battle of Garrideb: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]

Press Statement 3. Joan will begin to list off items that she threw at Mr Garrideb, though he seems to take issue with her testimony. Pursue Mr Garrideb when prompted. He describes having more dangerous items thrown at him, such as a knife that cut through his pipe. When asked if this information is important, choose it could be important. The Pipe is then entered into the Court Record.

It's time to examine the Pipe. Check inside the chamber of the pipe to find what looks like the tip of a blade. The Fragment of Metal will be archived as evidence. Examine the Jackknife to open it, then check the missing tip of the blade. It seems to match the fragment found in Garrideb's pipe. Now it's time to link the evidence together via the holes in the Garridebs' testimony.
Present the Fragment of Metal at Statement 5. When prompted by the judge, present the Jackknife. Finally, when prompted, present The Fourth Book or the Crime Scene Photograph #2. With this, you will wrap up the case and a verdict will be handed down by the judge.
Soseki Natsume is found...
What really happened[edit | edit source]
Soseki Natsume was a student and aspiring author sent by the Japanese government to study the English language. Unfortunately, Mr. Natsume never had enough money, and always felt like an outsider. Even worse, the flat he was renting had a reputation for being haunted. Wracked with paranoia, Mr. Natsume thus spent nearly all his time in his darkened apartment, spending his money on preowned books. One day, he left Yore Books with three books in hand. Not wanting to waste time in the cold, he traversed over a small bit of construction and turned onto Briar Road, heading towards his lodgings at the other end of the road. Ahead of him was a young woman wearing a big green coat.
At the same time, in the top floor of Mr. Natsume's lodgings, a "battle" was taking place in his landlord's room. Joan Garrideb had discovered a note in her husband John Garrideb's book, and believed it to be from an unknown mistress. In truth, John had bought it used, and the note was left by the previous owner. Their argument grew violent and resulted in Joan throwing various objects at her husband. One of these struck a candlestick and lit the carpet on fire, which burned many of the books that he had on a shelf. John opened their window to let the smoke escape, despite the cold weather. Joan did not let up even during the fire, and threw her husband's now-burnt favorite book, The Lion's Pride. Finally, she threw a jackknife, which caught onto her husband's pipe and bounced out the window after the book. The tip was lodged into the pipe itself.
Back down on the street, the burnt copy of The Lion's Pride landed in front of the woman, who naturally bent over to inspect it. At the same time, the knife came down from and stabbed her directly in the back, in front of Mr. Natsume. In a panic and believing her to be dead, a frightened Mr. Natsume fled the scene, dropping the books he had been carrying. The woman had kept her grip on the burned book. He hadn't seen the knife fall from above due to the fog.
At that moment, Patrolman Roly Beate and his wife Patricia were coming from the opposite sidewalk, about to celebrate their one year anniversary. As a gift, he had given her a single rose, which she deeply cherished as a bouquet. Seeing the incident take place, Roly began to do his job, but realized that the woman had fallen on his own beat, meaning he would have to assist in the initial investigation. Dismayed at possibly ruining his one chance to have a night with his beloved, he lied and told her that the body had fallen on someone else's lot, and instructed her to find the patrol box for the other beat. She was gone for nearly fifteen minutes due to her poor sense of direction.
At this time, Roly did the unthinkable, and moved the body across the street so that it was truly in someone else's beat. Otherwise keeping the scene exactly the same, Roly moved the books as well, keeping The Lion's Pride in her hand. He, however, missed the rose "bouquet" due to it falling in a dark area. Patricia did not notice, again due to her sense of direction. Believing his work finished, another policeman came along and allowed the Beates to continue with their night. Roly was also unaware that the woman was not dead.
The next morning, believing that he was the culprit, the police arrested Mr. Natsume thanks to the help of the famous Herlock Sholmes.
Ending[edit | edit source]
On the heels of his successful defense, Soseki Natsume decides that what he truly wants out of life is to become a writer, and shares that he will return to Japan in pursuit of that dream. Sholmes speculates that escaping the curse of the Reaper may also have something to do with Soseki's hasty departure, though he vehemently denies it. Sholmes then asks Ryunosuke and Susato if they intend to stay in Britain, and offers them a place to stay above his own law office. The episode concludes with Ryunosuke and Susato settling into Sholmes' attic, with Iris inviting everyone to dinner. Before Ryunosuke leaving, however, Sholmes stops him for a moment, warning him about the facade that Britain's law system holds and the secrets it contains behind it. It seems the next case will be your chance at uncovering this facade.