Ryunosuke Naruhodo[edit | edit source]

An ancestor of Phoenix Wright, Ryunosuke is the protagonist of the game. He is a college student studying English at Imperial Yumei University. His life changes when he enters La Carneval to have a chat with his best friend, only to find himself caught up in the murder of John Wilson. He then makes the choice to defend himself in court, beginning his career as a lawyer. Unlike Kazuma, Ryunosuke often finds himself flustered in the courtroom, but his observational skills are remarkable.
Kazuma Asogi[edit | edit source]

The best friend of Ryunosuke, Kazuma is a law student at Imperial Yumei University. Due to his exemplary performance in law, he was chosen for a study tour in Britain. His goal is to advance his own country's legal system. Kazuma can always be seen wearing his trademark red hachimaki headband and carrying his sword, which has been passed down through his family across generations.
Susato Mikotoba[edit | edit source]

A judicial assistant and daughter of Yujin Mikotoba. Her father is a professor at Imperial Yumei University and acts as a mentor for Kazuma, making her well-acquainted with Kazuma and developing a great admiration for him as a result. While she isn't allowed to study law due to her gender, she studies all she can on the topic regardless in order to become a great asset in the courtroom. Most information she takes down can be found in her cherished notebook.
Herlock Sholmes[edit | edit source]

A self-proclaimed great detective who works out of his office on Baker Street in London, but travels wherever his cases take him. His many adventures are chronicled in stories read across Britain (and even across the globe, as Susato can attest to), though the man himself is a bit eccentric. However, his good intentions and occasional partnership with Ryunosuke make him a valuable ally.
Iris Wilson[edit | edit source]

The assistant and roommate of Herlock Sholmes, Iris is actually a ten-year-old girl with intelligence well beyond her years. Just like Sholmes, she has a knack for observation and deduction, and she also enjoys crafting inventions that may assist in solving crimes...or may not. Iris shares a bit of Sholmes' eccentricity, but also shares his good intentions, making her another valuable ally for the game's heroes.
Barok van Zieks[edit | edit source]

A prosecutor in Britain who quickly becomes Ryunosuke's greatest adversary. Van Zieks' reputation as the Reaper of the Bailey precedes him and causes other lawyers to fear him, but despite this title, he has only recently returned from a five-year absence from the courtroom. He seems to have a disdain for the "Nipponese," which unfortunately extends to Ryunosuke.
Tobias Gregson[edit | edit source]

A head detective at Scotland Yard, Ryunosuke often encounters Inspector Gregson in his investigations, much to the annoyance of the latter. Gregson has a reputation in Britain as a great enemy of Herlock Sholmes due to the way in which his character is written in Sholmes' stories. He appears to have mixed feelings about this inclusion, but just as in the stories, he despises Sholmes.
Mael Stronghart[edit | edit source]

The Lord Chief Justice of London, Mael Stronghart is highly respected by those in Britain's legal system. He ultimately decides who is able to practice law in his domain. Despite this hefty title, Stronghart appears to be somewhat impulsive. He can always be seen carrying his pocket watch, reminding others of the time.