Courtroom Lobby[edit | edit source]
Kazuma congratulates you and is impressed by your performance. He's relieved that we finally got the lady to testify about her perspective. Playing as Ryunosuke, you quickly go over your experience during the day of the incident. Professor Mikotoba shows up. Like Kazuma, he is also impressed with how you fared in court. Kazuma confronts Mikotoba's plan to remove him from the defence team, to which he responded that he did it for Kazuma's future. Professor Mikotoba also reveals that he was the one who invited Wilson to come over to Japan and teach. The officials call you in and the trial continues.
Trial begins[edit | edit source]
Prosecutor Auchi calls Miss Brett to the stand after a comic mis-introduction of Hosonaga. She seems to be only capable of speaking English and has Hosonaga translate her language to the court. In the game, her words are written in an exaggerated and unreadable text - mimicking the fact that the Japanese can't understand her. Brett claims to have witnessed the murder, describing it as sad and terrifying. The Judge will then have her testify about what she saw as Hosonaga translates her English testimony to Japanese for the court.
Jezaille Brett's Testimony: A Frightening and Sorrowful Sight[edit | edit source]

- I had arranged to meet for a slightly late luncheon with Dr Wilson that day.
- The professor was unable to eat, so I ordered for myself only. A beef steak.
- After a while, the accused came over to greet the professor, and they got into a fierce argument.
- Then, not long afterwards, the accused took the professor's gun, and shot him right before my eyes!
- I don't carry a gun myself, so obviously I couldn't have been the culprit.
A Frightening and Sorrowful Sight: Cross Examination[edit | edit source]
Press the 2nd statement. Miss Brett reveals that Wilson drank carbonated water at La Carneval, and the two made a toast. Kazuma will ask for your opinion on her statement. Choose "It's very meaningful". The Judge will have Brett revise her statement.
- "I ordered a beef steak for myself, and the professor and I said "cheers" over a glass of carbonated water."
Present the Crime Scene Photograph on the revised 2nd statement. Brett claims that she had made a toast with Dr Wilson, but the photo only shows one wine glass on the table. Kazuma brings up the possibility that the other glass could've been purposely hidden to hide evidence. Brett reveals that she was the one who removed the missing glass due to not wanting to be involved in the crime scene. Kazuma asks where she hid the glass, to which she responds that she placed it in her handbag.

The Judge and Prosecutor Auchi are about to wrap this discussion up, but you must say why the discussion is important in order to prolong it. When given 3 topics to bring up, choose "The handbag". You claim that although Brett couldn't hide the pistol in her dress, she could've concealed it in her handbag. Hosonaga reveals that he did not check the contents of Brett's handbag. This is good news for the defence as it brings up the possibility that Brett wielded the murder weapon, however Hosonaga shuts you down. He didn't search it because there was no need. He holds up a photograph that contains Miss Brett's handbag. In the photo, only a wine glass can be seen in the bag. Nothing else. The Photograph of Handbag is filed in the Court Record.
The Judge ends the cross-examination, seeing the recent evidence as hard proof that Brett couldn't have been the murderer. You look over at Kazuma, who looks defeated. As long as there are no problems with the photograph, the Judge will hand down the guilty verdict. But before he gets the chance to, you interject. The Judge will give you one more chance to point out any problems in the photo. Highlight and present the burn mark on the victim's arm in the background. Prosecutor Auchi and Hosonaga both claim that the mark bears no significance on the current case at hand. You must provide evidence that links the scar with the current case. Present the Crime Scene Photograph. Prosecutor Auchi wants you to point out the exact spot in the photo that caused Dr Wilson to develop the burn scar. Highlight and present the iron plate's insignia (the shape at the edge that bears resemblance to the shape of the scar).
The scar seems fresh, meaning Dr Wilson got it the day of the incident. However, such a wound would've caused Wilson to cry out in pain, yet both you and Hosonaga have no memory of any yells or shouts. Hosonaga claims that in order for Wilson to receive the burn, he must hold it on the iron plate for around three seconds, meaning it was not an accidental injury. That begs the question: Why did no one hear Wilson's scream? The only possibility is that Dr Wilson was already deceased. When Miss Brett was eating with the professor, he was already dead. With such a possibility, The Judge requests that Brett give further testimony to clear things up.
Before Miss Brett testifies, she reveals that she can speak Japanese, stunning everyone in court. Of course Hosonaga is still on the witness stand, listening to her testimony.
Jezaille Brett's Testimony: The Victim's 'Death'[edit | edit source]

- Unfortunately, I have no idea when the poor man burnt his wrist like that.
- When the waiter brought my steak, the professor and I raised our glasses in a toast.
- As far as I've heard, the post-mortem report showed no other possible cause of death besides the gunshot.
- If there's some other way a man's life can be taken without leaving a trace, please, do show me.
- But of course...this country's inferior investigative techniques probably wouldn't pick up on it anyway.
This is the last time you'll get a chance to cross-examine Miss Brett. If you don't find any inconsistency with her testimony, it's all over.
The Victim's 'Death': Cross Examination[edit | edit source]
Press the 5th statement. Brett says that in Great Britain, all evidence found at the crime scene is preserved and investigated thoroughly, whereas in Japan, the investigations are quick and not as detailed. She also says that even if something in the situation changed, you would not be able to file new evidence. Hosonaga can be seen coughing in the background. Afterward, you and Kazuma will have a quick chat about what just happened. You claim that you saw Hosonaga react oddly to Brett's statement. Kazuma will advise you to press the same statement again, however this time, you turn your line of questioning toward Hosonaga instead of Brett.

Press the 5th statement again. You will cycle through previously heard statements until you reach the part where Brett talks about not being able to file new evidence. Hosonaga can be seen reacting poorly again. Kazuma will introduce a new mechanic to the cross-examination sequence. At the bottom of the screen are 2 icons with an indicator currently over the one on the left, symbolizing Brett. Slide the indicator over to the right icon, then press the Pursue button. You will now question Inspector Hosonaga. Prosecutor Auchi will try and prevent you from questioning him, claiming that Brett is the one who's testifying, but the Judge asks Hosonaga if he would like to say anything. He reveals that he had taken something from the crime scene: a bottle of carbonated water. The Carbonated Water Bottle is filed in the Court Record. You will now continue with the cross-examination.
Present the Carbonated Water Bottle on the 4th statement. You propose a way that Wilson could have been killed and leave no trace as if he was poisoned. You accuse Miss Brett of lacing the carbonated water with poison. However, Inspector Hosonaga reveals that the police checked the bottle for traces of poison, and none could be found.
The Judge is convinced that everything has been cleared up and when he asks the defence if they'd like to present new evidence, they have nothing, feeling like they're about to lose this case. Brett is about to leave, when another woman's voice interrupts the trial. The same girl that accompanied Professor Mikotoba shows up behind the witness stand. She introduces herself as Susato Mikotoba, a judicial assistant. In her hand is a small bag wrapped in cloth. What business could she have to interrupt this court proceeding?