Ultima III: Exodus/Gameplay

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Revision as of 20:07, 6 December 2010 by Procyon (talk | contribs) (page complete)


Key Command Description Notes
 A  Attack Attempts to damage foe with "ready weapons." Must be followed by indicating the direction for the attack.
 B  Board Mount a horse or board a frigate.
 C  Cast Cast a magic spell. Must be followed by the player number (except during combat), spell type (W/C) when needed, and the spell letter. When chosen, you will be asked for the character's number (1-4) and, for some professions, whether the spell will be W/C (Wizard/Cleric). Then the rank of the spell will be requested.
 D  Descend Climb down a ladder to the next lower dungeon level.
 E  Enter Enter a town, castle, dungeon or other landmark.
 F  Fire Discharge a ship's cannons (after boarding) in direction indicated. Has a range of three squares. Any enemy killed with ship's cannon yield no treasure! Watch out, Pirate Ships fire back.
 G  Get chest Open chest. Must be followed by the number of the player who will search for traps, open the chest and acquire its contents.
 H  Hand equipment Trades equipment between two players. Followed by prompts to determine what is to be exchanged.
 I  Ignite torch Lights a given player's torch.
 J  Join gold Gives all gold in party to player indicated. Useful for buying special items or services that are expensive.
 K  Klimb Climb up a ladder in a dungeon.
 L  Look Identifies an object in a specified direction. Look is particularly useful before entering unknown places or terrain.
 M  Modify order Exchanges the positions of any two players within the party.
 N  Negate time Stops time for all outside of the party. Requires a special item. This is the trademark of a Master Thief. When the proper item is found and used, time stops around the thief for several turns. This allows an audacious thief to steal vast treasures and escape the treasure's guardians.
 O  Other command Enter any command desired during game play. Allows regular adventure verb commands in special situations or places. Such a phrase might be (Kiss) Princess, or (Jump) cliff.
 P  Peer at a gem Shows players a bird's eye view of a town, castle, dungeon level, or the outside world. One viewing per gem. With the aid of a special item, you can gain an overview of where the Party is located. On the surface, the map is of the entire world. In a town or castle, the map shows all the inside areas. When used in a dungeon, all of that level is visible. Even the ladders, doors, and special objects are shown.
 Q  Quit (and save) Use command to stop playing (from the outside world only) and save your progress to disk. You can resume the game from this point.
 R  Ready weapon Equip yourself with a specific weapon for use in combat.
 S  Steal Used to steal chests from behind store counters. Success depends on skill.
 T  Transact Use to talk to townspeople or trade with merchants.
 U  Unlock Open doors if you have the key. Must be followed by direction to door and the player whose key is to be used. One use per key.
 V  Volume Toggles sound effects on and off.
 W  Wear Armor Outfits player with specified armor if owned.
 X  X-it Leave behind or dismount your current transport and travel on foot.
 Y  Yell Allows player to yell any word desired. Allows words to be screamed over a distance. Very useful when being chased by a dragon. Yell, (Open) gate!
 Z  Ztats Displays your vital statistics, possessions, and spells.
 Space  Pass Pass one game turn without taking any action. Food is consumed.
 ↑  North Move north one space, or indicate north as your target direction.
 ↓  South Move south one space, or indicate south as your target direction.
West Move west one space, or indicate west as your target direction.
East Move east one space, or indicate east as your target direction.

Starting your game

Main Menu

After the title screen is displayed, and a party of four adventurers are destroyed by a fire breathing dragon, a sample view of Sosaria appears. When you are ready to proceed, press the space bar. You are offered three choices:

  • Return to the view
  • Organize a Party
  • Journey onward

Only the first letter of any option needs to be pressed to select that option. "Return to the view" goes back to the demo that can be seen on the title screen. Journey Onward begins the adventure! Organize a Party is where you should begin.

Party organization menu

In the party organization menu, you are presented with the following options:

  • Examine the Register
  • Create a Character
  • Form a Party
  • Disperse a Party
  • Terminate a Character
  • Main Menu

Examine the Register: Displays the name and classification of each type of character. The first three letters before each name give the character's Sex, Race, and Profession. The fourth letter states the health of the character: G= Good, P = Poisoned, D = Dead, A = Ashes. If the character is already part of a party, a diamond will appear next to their name.

Create a Character allows the adventurer to develop player characters. The process is detailed below.

Form a Party by selecting up to four members. Check with the register, and use the number next to the character wanted. A Party stays together until it is disbanded.

Disperse a Party disbands the adventure party, and returns the members to the register for reassignment.

Terminate a Character clears the character permanently from the register. This would be done if the character proves unable to perform properly, and needs to be removed from the register to make room for another character.

Main Menu returns the Party to the primary option list. Here you can chose Journey Onward to begin the Quest!

Creating a character

Character creation screen

First, press 'O' to select Organize a Party from the main menu. Next you must press 'C' to select Create a Character from the Party Organization Menu. This will bring up the player creation screen. The screen to the right shows the player creation screen. Follow these instructions to create a character:

  1. Assign a number from 1-20.
  2. Name the character, up to 13 letters may be used.
  3. Sex: Male, Female, or Other (M, F, or O).
  4. Race: Choose from among the five races of the People - Human, Elf, Dwarf, Bobbit, and Fuzzy (press only the first letter of the race name).
  5. Type: The profession of the character. Choose among - Fighter, Cleric, Wizard, Thief, Paladin, Barbarian, Lark, Illusionist, Druid, Alchemist, and Ranger (again, press only the first letter of the class name).
  6. Attributes: 50 points are available to be divided among the four attributes - Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Wisdom. Strength is important for fighting. Dexterity grants speed and cleverness. Intelligence controls Mage spells, while Wisdom imparts Cleric power. No less than 5 may be assigned to any single attribute, and no more than 25. If the wrong values are used, the character disappears and must be reinstated.

Forming a party

Up to four characters may be placed into the current party. This is done by first pressing 'F' to select Form a Party from the Party Organization Menu. Depending on how new your version of the game you, you will see one of two screens.

If you have an older version (original releases on 8-bit computers), you will only be asked to enter up to four numbers. These numbers must correspond with the numbers given for each character in the Register. You are not permitted to enter an invalid number, or the number of a character who is already in a party.

If you have a newer version (for 16-bit computers), this will display the character register. To the left of each character name and type is the party status of that character. A diamond next to the character indicates that the character is not in a party. Clicking on a character's name will select/deselect that character. When you are satisfied with your party selection, click on the Exit box to return to the Party Organization Menu.

Dispersing the party

Selecting Disperse a Party from the Party Organization Menu will clear all characters from the formed party and clear the map of Sosaria to its original state by removing all the monsters, ships, chests, etc. Disperse a Party will not, however, reset the movement counter that keeps track of the number of moves that have been made in your game.

Terminating a character

If you wish to delete a character from your register, press 'T' to select Terminate a Character from the Party Organization Menu. What you see is again dependent upon the age of your versions. Older version will merely ask you for the number of the character you would like to terminate, which corresponds to that character's number in the register. In newer versions, this will display the current register of characters. Clicking on the character's name will bring up a dialog box asking you to confirm your decision to terminate that character. Click on the Okay box to confirm, then on the Exit box to return to the Party Organization Menu.

Playing the game

As you move about the world of Sosaria, note that your party is represented by a single icon. Once you enter combat you will see all of your characters (which will flash when it is each character's turn to take an action.) There are two ways to control the party's movement:

  1. Use the four movement keys to direct each party member one space around the combat field
  2. For more updated versions, you may click directly on the play window to move the party in the direction indicated by the cursor arrow.

You may also access default commands in updated versions of the game. Depending on your party's current location, there is a default command which is activated by clicking directly on your party icon in the play window. The default commands are:

  • In Towne: Transact;
  • On Surface: Attack;
  • In Combat: Attack;
  • On a Frigate: Fire Cannon;
  • On a Chest: Get Chest;
  • On a Horse or Boat: Board;
  • On Towne, Castle, or Dungeon Entrances: Enter;

Whenever you are asked "Which Character?" by the game, you may indicate by typing the number (1-4) of the character. In updated version, you may also point and click on the appropriate character window at the right of the play screen.