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Computer ports

The keyboard allows 26 different commands (see below).

Movement outside dungeons is different from inside dungeons. Outside, the arrow keys move the party North, South, East, and West. In the dungeons, the same keys are used, but they move the party Forward, Retreat, Turn Right, and Turn Left respectively.

Key Command Description NES
 ↑  North Move north one tile,
or indicate north as your target direction.
Advance one step in dungeons.
 ↓  South Move south one tile,
or indicate south as your target direction. Retreat one step in dungeons.
West Move west one tile,
or indicate west as your target direction.
Turn to the left in dungeons.
East Move east one tile,
or indicate east as your target direction.
Turn to the right in dungeons.
 Space  Pass Pass one game turn without taking any action. Food is consumed.

NES controls

In the NES port, all commands are accessed from a menu, because obviously there is no keyboard.

Neutral dpad Use the direction pad to move the members of your party in the four cardinal directions when you are wandering around outdoors, or in castles and towns. You can move the ship in a similar manner while sailing on the ocean. In Battle Mode, you can move the currently selected (blinking) character one space in any of four directions, as well as indicate which direction to attack. When a menu screen is open, move the cursor with the direction pad. In a dungeon, press up to walk forward, down to walk backwards, and left or right to turn in either direction,
A button Call up the command window, and to select the command indicated by the cursor in a menu. You can also press A to advance a conversation.
B button Pass time, or pass a players turn in combat. If a command window is open, it closes it.
Start button Begin a game.
Select button Press the Select button while the command window is open to scroll over to another set of commands.

Commands (computer & consolle ports)

Letter Command Description NES
 A  Attack Attempts to damage foe with "ready weapon". Must be followed by indicating the direction for the attack. 03. Fight
 B  Board Mount a horse or board a frigate. (automatic)
 C  Cast Cast a magic spell. When chosen, you will be asked for the character's number (1-4) and, for some professions, whether the spell will be W/C (Wizard/Cleric). Then the rank (A-P) of the spell will be requested.
In the NES port, spells are chosen from a list.
02. Magic
 D  Descend Climb down a ladder to the next lower dungeon level. 08. Climb down
 E  Enter Enter a town, castle, dungeon or other landmark. (automatic)
 F  Fire Fire a ship's cannons (after boarding) in direction indicated. Has a range of three tiles. Any enemy killed with ship's cannon yield neither treasure nor experience! N/A
 G  Get chest Open chest. Must be followed by the number of the player who will search for traps, open the chest and acquire its contents. 07. Get
 H  Hand equipment Trades equipment between two players. Followed by prompts to determine what is to be exchanged. 06. Give
 I  Ignite torch Lights a given player's torch. 05. Tools: torch
 J  Join gold Gives all gold in party to player indicated. Useful for buying special items or services that are expensive. 10. Gold
 K  "K"-limb Climb up a ladder in a dungeon. 08. Climb up
 L  Look Identifies an object in a specified direction. Look is particularly useful before entering unknown places or terrain. N/A
 M  Modify order Exchanges the positions of any two players within the party. 12. Order
 N  Negate time When the proper item is found and used, time stops around the thief for several turns. This allows an audacious thief to steal vast treasures and escape the treasure's guardians. 05. Tools: sands of time
 O  Other command Enter any command desired during game play. Allows specific action commands in special situations or places. See the Text transcript for details. 05 Tools: silver/gold pick
13. Bribe,
14. Pray
 P  Peer at a gem With the aid of a special item, you can temporarily see a map of where the party is located. On the surface, the map is of the entire world; in a town or castle, the map shows all the inside areas; in a dungeon, all of that level is visible. Even the ladders, doors, and special objects are shown. 05. Tools: gem
 Q  Quit (and save) Use command to save your progress to disk (from the outside world only), before you quit playing. You can resume the game from this point.
In the NES port, you can only save at an inn.
01. Talk (to innkeeper)
 R  Get a weapon ready Equip yourself with a specific weapon for use in combat. 04. Status: weapons
 S  Steal Used to steal chests from behind store counters. Success depends on skill. 07. Get
 T  Transact Use to talk to townspeople or trade with merchants. 01. Talk
 U  Unlock Open doors if you have the key. Must be followed by direction to door and the player whose key is to be used. One use per key. 05. Tools: key
 V  Volume Toggles sound effects on and off. N/A
 W  Wear Armor Outfits player with specified armor if owned. 04. Status: armor
 X  eXit Leave behind or dismount your current transport and travel on foot. 11. Horse (dismount)
 Y  Yell Allows player to yell any word desired. Allows words to be screamed over a distance.
Very useful when being chased by a dragon. Yell: "Open (gate)!"
05. Tools: silver horn
 Z  Ztats Displays your vital statistics, possessions, and spells. 04. Status