イワにはさまり、しんでゆけーぃ! (Iwa ni hasamari, shin de yukēi!)
Once Bravoman's energy bar has refilled at the bottom of the screen and the background has reappeared, he will plunge into the water and transform into his fish-like underwater form for a fourth time; as with the seventh stage, the rocks that Bravoman will encounter here are harmless, but if he gets trapped between one and the left side of the screen, it shall slowly and surely drain his energy. Once you have passed through the gap in the middle of a rock wall, two groups of two Kurage will swim past at the top and bottom of the screen as a group of two Tako approaches Bravoman between them - and once the Tako have seen Bravoman, they will fire a spiked ball at him and retreat off the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a missile at or dropped a depth charge on each of them to kill them, three Maimai Men will come swimming towards you; once you have fired a missile at or dropped a depth charge on each of them to kill them, you will have to pass through the gap in the middle of a second rock wall and enter a zigzagging passage in a rock formation. Five more Kurage will then swim directly towards you as you enter their lines of fire - and once you have fired a missile at each of them to kill them, you shall come to an Isogin that is blocking the passage's exit. Once you fire a missile at it to kill it, you will come to three Tatsunoko that are moving up and down in a fixed position and firing spiked balls at you; two more groups of two Tako will also be approaching you at the top and bottom of the screen (but once they have seen Bravoman, they will fire a spiked ball at him, then retreat off the right side of the screen), and a tenth Kurage will swim directly towards you once you have entered its line of fire. Once you have fired a missile at or dropped a depth charge on each of them to kill them, you shall have to swim over a long horizontal rock, as three Ika drop down from the surface of the ocean and six more Kurage swim directly towards you - and once you have fired a missile at or dropped a depth charge on each of these to kill them, you shall come to four more Tatsunoko which are moving up and down in a fixed position while firing spiked balls at you. Once you have fired a missile at, or dropped a depth charge on, each of them to kill them, a Tamashii will start swimming towards you, from its position on the sea floor; once you have fired three missiles at or dropped three depth charges on it to kill it, three more Tako will approach you, fire a spiked ball at you once they have seen you, and retreat off the right side of the screen. Once you have fired a missile at or dropped a depth charge on each of these to kill them, a group of Pirania will come zigzagging towards you - and once you have fired a missile at the group leader to kill them all, you'll come to three more Tatsunoko that are moving up and down in a fixed position while firing spiked balls at you. Once you have fired a missile at, or dropped a depth charge on, each of them to kill them, you shall have to pass through the gap near the top of a third rock wall as eight more Ika drop down from the surface of the ocean; once you've fired a missile at or dropped a depth charge on each of them to kill them, you will come to two more Kurage which are waiting on the ocean floor. Once you have fired a missile at or dropped a depth charge on both of them to kill them, you shall have to pass through the gap in the middle of a fourth rock wall, and collect a Kantsūken powerup to increase your firepower - and after you have passed through the gap in the middle of a fifth rock wall, six more Tako shall approach you, fire a spiked ball at you once they have seen you and retreat off the right side of the screen. Once you've fired a missile at, or dropped a depth charge on, all of them to kill them, another group of Pirania will come zigzagging towards you; once you have fired a missile at the group leader to kill them all, you shall meet up with the King of Atlantis for a second time. Once he has seen Bravoman, he will speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Washi ga Atoranchisu Daiō ja. (わしがアトランチスだいおうじゃ.) to him - and once you've fired a Kantsūken-charged missile at all four of his henchmen to kill them (the powerup has made Bravoman's attacks five times more powerful), he will speak that Hiragana/Katakana text Yokumo kobun wo koroshita na! Kono kataki ha kitto, toru. (よくもコブンをころしたな! このかたきはきっと、とる.) to Bravoman before retreating off the right side of the screen. Bravoman will now continue onward before coming to the Twin Scuren for the third time; once you've fired a Kantsūken-charged missile at both of its heads to destroy them, you shall have to fire one at the King of Atlantis' Henchman riding it to make it retreat and explode for 2000 extra points (but this will not prevent it from reappearing on the twenty-fifth stage). Once you've passed through the gap in the middle of a sixth rock wall, entered a horizontal passage in another rock formation, and collected the Onigiri powerup, the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a sixteenth time and Bravoman will proceed to the seventeenth stage, which is the fifth of the Ninja Dojo variety (and the first of only two where Ugo 401 appears automatically regardless of how much time has passed in it).