ピストルだいみょうだいみょーん! (Pisutoru Daimyō daimyōn!)
Once Bravoman has resurfaced on dry land, the background has reappeared behind him, and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, start running to the right while watching out for five Umbrellas that will float down on to you as you pass beneath them; once you have turned back to the left and kicked each of them to kill them, you'll have to run back to the right as you come to a half-staircase leading upwards while a Yogandohito comes bouncing down it towards you. Once you have kicked it to kill it, and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will have to jump up the half-staircase as a Komuso comes creeping towards you - and once you have punched her twice to defeat her, she will run away off that right side of the screen (if Bravoman strikes her again, she will speak the Hiragana text Ijimeru. いじめる. to him). Once you have collected the Fuku she has left behind, a Karasu Tengu shall come hovering through the air towards you; once you have kicked him to kill him and collected the Fuku that he has left behind, you shall come to a Tekyuu that is moving up and down in a fixed position. Once you have jumped over this Tekyuu, three Green Ninjas will come walking towards you - and once you've punched each of them twice to kill them and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you shall come to a statue of Buddha. Once you have jumped onto it, Pistol Daimyo will appear behind it and speak the Hiragana text Watashi ha, Pisutoru Daimyō. (わたしは、ぴすとるだいみょう.) to Bravoman, before setting up an invisible wall in front of him, which shall remain in place until he is defeated; he shall attack by hovering up and down in a fixed position behind the statue while firing missiles from his pistol at Bravoman. You also have to watch out for Babito emerging from cracks in the ground during this fight, and either kick, punch, or crouch down and headbutt them to kill them (again, depending on how high they have flown into the air) - and although Bravoman's torso can't penetrate the invisible wall, his bionic limbs can, so you shall have to remain on top of that statue of Buddha in order to get a clear shot at him. Once you have hit him five times, he will fall to the ground, and speak the Hiragana text Washi ga warukatta yurushite kuri! (わしがわるかったゆるしてくり!) to Bravoman before firing a missile at him and getting back up again; once you have struck him three more times he shall fall to the ground again and speak the Hiragana text Kondo koso hontō ni ayamaru! (こんどこそほんとうにあやまる!) to Bravoman before firing another missile at him and getting back up once again. Once you have hit him three final times, he will fall to the ground once again and speak the Hiragana text Tsugi ha, kaishin shiyō to omotte itanoni... (つぎは、かいしんしようとおもっていたのに...) to Bravoman before firing another missile at him, then sinking into the ground - and the invisible wall will then disappear, allowing you to continue. Once you have run down another half-staircase leading downwards, five Purple Ninjas will come bouncing towards you on their pogo sticks; once you have crouched down and headbutted each of them to kill them you will have to stand up again and collect the Fuku they've left behind. You'll then come to four tree trunks - and once you have jumped over each of them, you will come to Kazaguruma Ninja for the first time. On seeing Bravoman he will speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Matte ita de yansu. (まっていたでヤンス.) to him before starting to fly and ricochet around the screen in an attempt to collide with him; once you have jumped up and kicked him four times, he shall fall down to the ground. You shall now have to crouch down, and quickly headbutt him three times to kill him (because, like the Kikyuu, he will soon get back up again) - and once you stand up again to collect the Fuku he has left behind and jump over a fifth tree trunk, three Popo shall come slithering towards you. Once you've crouched down and headbutted each of them to kill them you shall have to stand up again and collect the Fuku they have left behind; two Kakuremino will then come walking towards you. Once you've punched both of these twice to kill them and collected the Fuku they have left behind the game's first Raigan will come walking towards you - and on seeing Bravoman, he will speak the Katakana/Hiragana text Dosu koi! Gottsu andesu. (ドスコイ! ごっつあんです.) to him, before starting to push his way towards him. Raigan take six hits to kill, and can only be attacked from behind; this means that (unless you still have a few "atoms" remaining after collecting a Hadō-dan powerup earlier in this stage) you shall have to jump over this one as he is pushing his way towards you, and kick him in the back as you are about to land to send him reeling. Once you have delivered the final blow to him and collected the Fuku he has left behind (regardless of what side of the screen it was on), the song that you were hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will fade out, and Lottery Man will speak that Katakana/Hiragana text Biba!! Berabōman. Onigiri, ku wan kai. (ビバ!! ベラボーマン. おにぎり、くわんかい) to Bravoman before giving him one Onigiri energy bonus for every ten Fuku he has collected during the stage - and once he's cycled away, the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for an eighth time and Bravoman will proceed to the ninth stage, which is the first of the Bonus Collection variety (there are no regular enemies in this stage, but if you do not collect a Shinkansen powerup in it, you will have to fight Zortan on reaching the end of it, and once he sets up his shield and starts firing projectiles from behind it, a kick to his head will only register if he doesn't block it).