とべよ! スタンプはえ! モケラ (Tobeyo! Sutanpu ha e! Mokera)
Once the daylight background has reappeared behind Bravoman and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, start running to the right and jump onto one of three "Mekanameishi" platforms that are moving up and down in front of the static, blue, and indestructible Yogandohito in order to get a lift up to the top of the industrial platform you began this stage under; the blue Yogandohito will also speak the Katakana/Hiragana text Bakuda iwa ha yōsu wo mite iru (バクダいわはようすをみている) to Bravoman if he strikes it. Several Dokanga shall emerge from the pipes on the platform and fire missiles at you during your ascent, which means you will either have to crouch down or jump up to avoid them - and once you have made it to the top of the platform, you'll have to leap to the right to collect a Hadō-dan powerup and land on the ground on the other side of the platform as you come to three Mokera. Once you have crouched down and fired an atom from your head at them to kill them, you will have to stand back up again and collect the Fuku they have left behind as you come to a platform that is made up from several more pipes and has a Magneiza NP1 standing on top of it; once you have fired another atom from your arm at it to kill it, you will have to collect the Fuku it has left behind before jumping up to another industrial platform that has two Baninga standing on its upper level. Once you have fired a third atom from your arm at these to kill them, you will have to collect the Fuku they have left behind before dropping down to the platform's lower level (which has eight Mogura Drills on it) - and after you have crouched down and fired a fourth atom from your head at these to kill them, you will have to stand up again and collect the Fuku they have left behind before dropping down to the ground on the other side of the platform. A pair of Purazuma will now fly down into view from the top of the screen and begin circling around Bravoman; once you've fired a fifth atom from your arm at either of these to kill them (before they have a chance to electrocute you) and collected the Fuku they have left behind you shall have to jump onto a fourth "Mekanameishi" platform that is moving up and down to be carried up to the top of a third industrial platform. Once you've made it to the top of the platform, six more Dokanga will emerge from six more pipes on either side of you - and once you've fired two more atoms from your legs (the sixth while facing left, and the seventh while facing right) at them to kill them and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you will have to drop down to the ground on the right side of the platform, as you come to two Miteguys that are moving down the screen while firing missiles at you (and two more Mokera that are preparing to fire their heads at you). Once you've fired an eighth atom at your arm at the Miteguys to kill them and collected the Fuku they've left behind you will have to crouch down and fire a ninth atom from your head at the Mokera to kill them; once you have stood up again and collected the Fuku they've left behind, you will have to jump up to a fourth industrial platform as you come to a third Miteguy that is moving down the screen and firing missiles at you (along with two more Magneiza NP1). Once you've fired a final atom from your arm at these to kill them and collected the Fuku they have left behind you shall have to drop down to the ground on the other side of the platform and continue running to the right as you come to a fifth industrial platform - and once you have jumped onto it, another pair of Purazuma shall come flying down into view from the top of the screen and start circling around Bravoman. Unless Lottery Man had left a Kantsūken powerup behind for you earlier in the stage, it is impossible to avoid being electrocuted this time; however, once you've landed a total of five hits on these to kill them and collected the Fuku they've left behind, you'll have to drop down to the ground on the other side of the platform, and jump onto a sixth industrial platform as three more Miteguys come flying towards you before firing a missile at you then flying away off the right side of the screen (while two Mad Stampers bounce towards you on their 10-ton weights). Once you crouch down and headbutt each of them to kill them, you'll have to stand up again and collect the Fuku they have left behind - and Zortan will now come flying into view from the right side of the screen and speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Waga na ha Zorutan kimi ni, shiwo, ataeyō. (わがなはゾルタンきみに、しを、あたえよう.) for a fourth time. You will first have to jump up and kick him in the head as he flies towards you, then drop back down to the sixth industrial platform as he flies over to the right side of the screen and speaks the Hiragana text Īkagen ni, shi nasai yo! (いいかげんに、しなさいよ!); after you have managed to punch him in the head as he is hovering up and down in a fixed position while firing projectiles at you from behind his "impenetrable" shield seven more times, he will speak the Hiragana text Kore de, katta to omō na yo! (これで、かったとおもうなよ!), fly away off the right side of the screen and leave a Fuku behind. Once you've collected this Fuku, you will have to drop down to the ground on the other side of the platform as the song you'd been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 fades out and Lottery Man speaks the Katakana/Hiragana text Biba!! Berabōman. Onigiri, ku wan kai. (ビバ!! ベラボーマン. おにぎり、くわんかい) to Bravoman - and he'll then give him an Onigiri energy bonus for every ten Fuku he collected during the stage. Once he has cycled away, the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for the nineteenth time and Bravoman shall proceed to the twentieth stage (which will see three normal brown Yogandohito appearing directly in front of him as soon as his energy bar refills).