ロボットぐんだんの、おそろしさをしるのだ! (Robotto gundan no, osoroshi-sa wo shiru noda!)
Once the background has reappeared behind Bravoman and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, three Yogandohito shall instantly appear in front of him; once you have punched each of these to kill them (before they manage to curl up into balls), and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you'll come to an enormous building. Once you have jumped up to each of the building's four levels in turn, you will have to jump to the right and kick a Magneiza NP1 that's standing on an industrial ledge twice to kill it as you are descending (however, the Fuku that it shall leave behind cannot be reached or collected) - and once you have landed on the ground on the other side of the building you will notice that there are two more Magneiza NP1 standing on either side of it. If either of their mouths are open, you must crouch down to avoid getting drawn into their magnetic fields before standing up again, turning back to the left, and punching the second one twice to kill it; once you have collected the Fuku it has left behind, you'll have to turn back to the right and punch the third Magneiza NP1 twice to kill it, then collect the Fuku it has left behind as you come to a concrete staircase leading upwards. Once you have jumped up to the top of the staircase, a Kikyuu shall come flying into view at the top of the screen (while dropping bombs on you) - and if Lottery Man left a Kantsūken powerup behind for you to collect earlier in the stage, you may wish to leave it for a while, as the bombs it is dropping can be blocked for 100 extra points apiece. However, if he had not, you'll just have to jump up and kick the Kikyuu to bring it down to the top of the staircase, then crouch down and headbutt it quickly to kill it (before it gets back up again); once you've stood up again and collected the Fuku it has left behind you will have to crawl down the right side of the staircase leading downwards (on account of there is an industrial platform above you), then drop down to the ground on the other side of the staircase, stand up again, turn back to the left, and punch a fourth Magneiza NP1 that is directly behind you twice to kill it. Once you have collected the Fuku it has left behind, eight Bakudan shall drop down out of the sky, and start walking towards you - and once you have crouched down and headbutted each of them to kill them, you'll have to stand up again as you come to a Triga that's spitting projectiles at you from the end of its waving chain. If you remember your first encounter with these bird-like robots on the sixth stage, the end of its chain is its only vulnerable spot; once you have kicked the end of its chain five times to kill it then collected the Fuku it has left behind, you shall have to jump up to each of the two levels of a second industrial platform in turn, crawl to the right to drop down onto another industrial ledge, and drop down to the ground on the other side of the ledge as you come to another concrete staircase that leads upwards and has two more Triga hiding behind it (however, their chains and the projectiles they'll spit at you from the ends of them are obviously still visible). Once you have kicked the ends of both of their chains five times to kill them, you shall have to collect the Fuku they have left behind, jump onto the petrol pump at the top of the staircase, then drop down to the ground on the other side of it as you come to a pipe which has a Tekyuu moving left and right in a fixed position on its left side - and once you've jumped onto the pipe, you shall have to jump onto a third industrial platform that has a second Tekyuu moving left and right in a fixed position on its left side. You shall now come to two more industrial platforms that have two more Magneiza NP1 standing on them; once you have punched the fifth one twice to kill it, you will have to jump onto that fourth platform to collect the Fuku it has left behind, then punch the sixth Magneiza NP1 twice to kill it and jump onto the fifth platform to collect the Fuku it has left behind. Once you have dropped down to the ground on the other side of the platform, you will come to a sixth industrial platform that has a Baninga standing on it - and once you have jumped onto the platform, you shall have to punch the Baninga twice to kill it. Once you have collected the Fuku it has left behind, you shall have to jump up to the lower level of a seventh industrial platform that has three more Baninga standing on it; once you have punched the one on the left side of the lower level twice to kill it, and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will have to jump up to the platform's higher level and repeat the process for that third Baninga, then drop down onto the right side of the platform's aforementioned lower level and repeat the process again for that fourth one. Once you've dropped down to the ground on the other side of the platform, you will have to jump up and kick an eighth Magneiza NP1 which is standing on the first level of an eighth industrial platform twice to kill it - and once you have collected the Fuku it has left behind you will have to jump up and kick a ninth Magneiza NP1 that's standing on the platform's second level to kill it. Once you have collected the Fuku it has left behind, you shall have to jump up to the platform's third level as another Kikyuu comes flying into view at the top of the screen while dropping bombs on you; if Lottery Man had left a Kantsūken powerup behind for you by this point you will have a second opportunity to destroy the bombs it is dropping on you for 100 extra points apiece. However, if he had not, you shall just have to jump up and kick this second Kikyuu to bring it down then crouch down and headbutt it quickly to kill it before it gets back up again - and once you've stood up again and collected the Fuku it has left behind you'll have to drop down to the ground on the other side of the platform as you come to a Foot Totem, three Green Totems, an Eye Totem, and a Blue Totem stacked atop each other. If Lottery Man had left a Kantsūken powerup behind for you by this point you shall have the opportunity to block the axes that those Green Totems are spitting at you for 100 extra points apiece; however, if he had not, you shall just have to punch that first Green Totem at Bravoman's arm level, and crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at him, then repeat the process for the second and third Green Totems when they come down to his arm level, along with the Eye Totem and the Blue Totem. You will now have to crouch down and headbutt the Foot Totem and jump up if it should come ricocheting back at you - and you will then come to another Foot Totem, two more Green Totems, another Eye Totem, and another Blue Totem stacked on top of each other. Once you've punched the fourth Green Totem at Bravoman's arm level (and crouched down if it came ricocheting back at you), you will have to repeat the process for the fifth Green Totem, the second Eye Totem and the second Blue Totem when they come down to his arm level then crouch down and headbutt the second Foot Totem (not forgetting to jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you); the song you'd been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will then fade out and Lottery Man will speak the Katakana/Hiragana text Biba!! Berabōman. Onigiri, ku wan kai. (ビバ!! ベラボーマン. おにぎり、くわんかい) to Bravoman before giving him a single Onigiri energy bonus for every ten Fuku he'd managed to collect during the stage. Once he has cycled away, the "stage clear" theme shall be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a twentieth time and Bravoman shall proceed to the twenty-first stage - which is the fifth of the Ocean variety, as well as the third of that variety where the King of Atlantis has to be defeated at the end of it.