くちさきだけの、ロボットトリガーよ! ゆけい! (Kuchi saki dake no, robotto Torigā yo! Yu kei!)
Once the background has reappeared behind Bravoman and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, start running to the right as three Mogura Drills come rolling towards you; once you have crouched down and headbutted all three of them to kill them, you will have to stand up again and collect the Fuku they have left behind as two Unbaba come flying towards you. Once you have punched both of them to kill them, you will come to a pipe which has a Dokanga emerging from it - and once you have kicked it to kill it, you will have to jump onto that pipe, then collect the Fuku it has left behind. You will now have to drop down to the ground on the other side of the pipe and continue running to the right until you eventually come to a Mokera which is preparing to fire its head at you; once it has fired its head at you and grown a replacement one, you will have to crouch down and headbutt the head to destroy it for 100 extra points before it flies into you, then headbutt the Mokera itself three more times to kill it once it begins making its way towards you. Once you have stood up again and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will have to jump onto a stack of two more pipes that are lying on their sides and drop down to the ground on the other side of it - and once you have done so a Kikyuu will fly into view at the top of the screen while dropping bombs on you. If Lottery Man had left a Kantsūken powerup behind for you to collect earlier in the stage, you may wish to leave this for a while as the bombs it drops can once again be blocked for 100 extra points apiece if they are either punched, headbutted or kicked before their detonation, and when Ugo 401 decides to come after you, you shall once again easily be able to get rid of him; however, if he has not, you will just have to jump up and kick it to bring it down to the ground (once again, you will still eventually have to do this even if Lottery Man had left a Kantsūken powerup behind for you earlier in the stage), then crouch down and headbutt it quickly to kill it before it gets back up again (however, if it does get back up again, you will have to jump up and kick for it a second time in order to bring it down to the ground once more). Once you've collected the Fuku it's left behind, a Mini Tank shall come rolling towards you - and once you have headbutted it to kill it, you shall have to stand up again and jump over another pipe before coming to a third pipe with a second Dokanga emerging from it. Once you've kicked it to kill it, you'll have to jump onto the pipe and collect the Fuku it has left behind, before jumping over a fourth pipe, and coming up to a Miteguy that is firing missiles at you while moving down the screen and retreating once it has reached the ground; once you have punched it to kill it, and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will come to another Mokera. Once it has fired its head at you and grown a replacement one, you'll have to crouch down and headbutt the head to block it for 100 extra points, then headbutt the Mokera three more times to kill it as it makes its way towards you - and once you've stood up again and collected the Fuku it's left behind, you shall have to jump onto a platform made up of four more pipes that are lying on their sides and stacked atop each other with a Magneiza NP1 on top of it, but if its mouth is open, wait until it closes before jumping up and kicking it twice to kill it. Once you have collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will have to drop down to the ground on the other side of the platform made up of four more horizontally-oriented pipes stacked atop each other and continue running to the right until you eventually come to a second Miteguy that is firing missiles at you while moving down the screen and retreating once it has reached the ground; once you have punched it to kill it and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will have to jump onto an industrial platform with a second Magneiza NP1 standing on it. Once you have punched this second Magneiza NP1 twice to kill it, and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will have to drop down to the ground on the other side of the industrial platform, continue running to the right until you eventually come to a lamppost, and jump over this lamppost as you eventually come to a third Miteguy that's firing missiles at you while moving down the screen and retreating once it has reached the ground - and once you have punched it to kill it and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you have to jump over another lamppost as you come up to two more Miteguys that are firing missiles at you while moving down the screen, then retreating once they've reached the ground. Once you have punched both of these to kill them, and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you'll come to a third Mokera; once it has fired its head at you, and grown a replacement one, you'll have to crouch down and headbutt the head to destroy it for 100 extra points and headbutt the Mokera three more times to kill it as it makes its way towards you. Once you've stood up again, and collected the Fuku it has left behind, a fourth Mogura Drill will come rolling towards you as a Mad Stamper comes bouncing towards you on its ten-ton weight - and once you have crouched down and headbutted both of them to kill them, you will have to stand up again before collecting the Fuku they have left behind. You will now have to jump over two more pipes, before coming to another industrial platform with one Baninga on its first level and two more Magneiza NP1 on the second and third levels; kick the Baninga twice while you are on the ground to kill it, then jump up and collect the Fuku it has left behind. If the mouth of that third Magneiza NP1 is open, wait until it closes before jumping up, kicking it twice to kill it, and collecting the Fuku it has left behind - and if the mouth of that fourth Magneiza NP1 is open, you will again have to wait until it closes before jumping up, kicking it twice to kill it and collecting the Fuku it has left behind. You will then have to drop down to the ground on the other side of this second industrial platform, and continue running to the right until you eventually come to a Triga that is spitting projectiles at you from the end of the chain it is waving around; this is its only vulnerable point, and you must kick it five times to kill it (the hit is registered by it roaring from the Namco CUS-30). Once you've collected that Fuku it has left behind, two more Mogura Drills will come rolling up towards you - and once you have crouched down and headbutted both of them to kill them, you will have to stand up again and collect the Fuku they have left behind as an Attack Bomber V9 comes rolling towards you while firing missiles at you from its arms. Once you have punched it five times to kill it (again, the hit is registered by it getting knocked back a little) and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you will have to fight Black Bravo for the third time; once you have punched him in the face six times to defeat him once again, he will speak the Hiragana text of Oboe tero. (おぼえてろ.) to Bravoman before running away off the right side of the screen. Once you've collected the Fuku he has left behind, the song you were hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will fade out, and Lottery Man shall speak the Katakana/Hiragana text of Biba!! Berabōman. Onigiri, ku wan kai. (ビバ!! ベラボーマン. おにぎり、くわんかい) to Bravoman and give him one Onigiri energy bonus for every 10 Fuku he has collected during the stage - and once he has cycled away, Bravoman will proceed to the seventh stage which is the second of the Ocean variety.