ここまでくるとはあっぱれじゃ! (Koko made kuru to ha appare ja!)
Once the background has reappeared behind Bravoman and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, start running to the right and you will immediately be drawn into a boss fight against Black Bravo and Zortan; the latter will also speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Waga na ha Zorutan kimi ni, shiwo, ataeyō. (わがなはゾルタンきみに、しを、あたえよう.) to Bravoman once he has seen him. Once Black Bravo has become active, you will have to punch him in the face between one and four times then jump up and kick Zortan in the head as he flies towards you - and as the mechanical harpy comes in to land on the right side of the screen and speaks the Hiragana text Īkagen ni, shi nasai yo! (いいかげんに、しなさいよ!) to Bravoman, you shall have to punch Black Bravo in the face between two and five more times (depending on the initial amount of punches you registered on him) to finish him off. Once he has spoken the Hiragana text Oboe tero. (おぼえてろ.) to Bravoman and ran off the right side of the screen, you will have to collect the Fuku he has left behind; if Lottery Man appears to leave a powerup behind for you at this point, you should jump up and collect it regardless of what it may be for the extra energy, power, or points. By this point, Zortan will also be hovering up and down in a fixed position on the right side of the screen while launching projectiles at you from behind his "impenetrable" shield - and once you manage to jump up and kick him in the head seven more times, he shall speak the Hiragana text Kore de, katta to omō na yo! (これで、かったとおもうなよ!) to Bravoman before flying away off the right side of the screen and leaving another Fuku behind. Once you collect this second Fuku the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for an eighteenth time and Bravoman will proceed to the nineteenth stage; this one is set back in daylight, and features an indestructible blue Yogandohito.