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(The following is a an extract from the game dialogues.)

"With both pieces of the tablet, I should be able to work out a translation."

She studies the tablet for a while, and then starts reading, haltingly, from the book:

"An ancient prophecy tells of the final days, when the end of our world shall come. Three signs will precede the end. Thrice shall a being of great evil come unto our land, and by this it shall be known that the end is nigh. This evil one is of another race, who consider the evil one a great prophet. Yet this false prophet follows not the principles of Control, Passion and Diligence.

One day the false prophet will come and desecrate our most holy shrine. And the false prophet will steal our most holy artifact, the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom. This shall be the first sign of the end.

Then, it is written, the false prophet shall descend deep into the bowels of the earth. And the false prophet will cause the underworld to collapse. This will cause great earthquakes to tear our world asunder, and there will be a time of plague and famine. This shall be the second sign of the end.

One last time shall the false prophet come. This time, the false prophet will come with a band of warriors. And they will destroy all that remains of the gargoyle race. There is only one way that this prophecy may be averted: that is by the sacrifice of the false prophet."

Mariah pauses for a while, deep in thought.

"When they refer to 'the false prophet', they must mean you", she says. "It would seem that they have reason to think you evil, from their perspective. This is a difficult matter to resolve. I think you should better seek out more information. There is a gargoyle named Sin'Vraal living out in the desert. He speaks our language. Perhaps he could tell you more about this book, and of how the gargoyles view us."