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In Britain Castle, not only Lord British, Geoffrey and Nystul give you a quest, but also Chuckles the Jester.

Chuckles says: "Ho eyo he hum, I've got a clue! It's important, and just for you! Yes, it's crucial to your quest. Do you want to know what it is? I won't tell you the clue... But I will give you this hint that may lead you to it: search the chest in Nystul's room."

Starting from Chuckles' clue, search for the various hints written on different scrolls. This is the complete list:

  1. Britain Castle: If you are looking for the clue, there is something for you under a plant in Serpent's Hold.
  2. Serpent's Hold: Your next hint is under a beehive in Minoc.
  3. Minoc: You are doing well! Next you should search the harpsicord in the Blue Bottle Tavern.
  4. Moonglow: Well done! Now go search the beds in the jail in Yew.
  5. Yew: Most people would have given up by now... But since you have not, you can find the next hint under a cauldron in New Magincia.
  6. New Magincia: You are almost there! Search the stone lions in Lord British's castle.
  7. Britain Castle: Ho eyo he hum! You have won, you have won! Go to Iolo's hut and ask Smith the horse to tell you the clue!

Ask Iolo about his hut, and he will direct you there. Actually, on the road to Empath Abbey there is a sign pointing to Iolo's hut.

The clue from Smith the talking horse is a in-game joke. In every Ultima game where he appears, Smith gives a crucial clue to solve... the previous episode! In this case, his clue is very important for the solution of Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny.