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Empath Abbey[edit | edit source]

Leave Skara Brae and follow the road to the North. You will eventually reach Empath Abbey

If you walk straight south from the sundial in Empath Abbey and ignore the road, you will reach a spot where blood moss grows spontaneously.

Empath Abbey and the surrounding area.
The spiders cave is to the south-west.
Name Quest/function Location
Mole Undertakers argument Graveyard
Glen Undertakers argument Undertakers shop
Eckhart Merchant: free food Abbey, front yard
Stephanie Merchant: healer Healery
Faren - Abbey
Sionnach - ?
Quests started elsewhere
Zeke Trader: buys jars, (sells honey) Abbey, back yard
Sylaina Nystul's quest West from the abbey

The inhabitants of Empath Abbey

Talk to Glen and Mole until you solve their argument. As a thank you, Glen will allow you to search the dead body of the mage in his shop and take any item. You will get many reagents and a magic wand. If anytime you find a shovel in a dungeon, bring it here and give it to Mole. He will give you more information about Glen.

Glen's reward:

  • grapes (next to the dead mage);
  • 150 gold coins;
  • blue (sleep) potion;
  • invisibility ring;
  • bag: 3 ashes, 5 spidersilks, 5 fungi, 4 mandrakes, 2 ginsengs, 6 garlics, 4 mosses, 3 pearls.

Talk to Eckhart the vinekeeper and ask for some grapes: he will give you some for free. Also, he is the first character who talks about an enchanter living in the forest. His directions are the best ones: the enchanter's house is north from Britain, between two rivers.

Iolo's hut[edit | edit source]

In Iolo's hut, switch to solo mode and use Iolo. Iolo can get the following items in the hut without stealing (they're his own property):

  • 8 torches, 24 bolts, 35 arrows;
  • sack of flour (sell in Britain for 5 Gold).

The Spider Cave[edit | edit source]

Click to enlarge

Located south-west from Empath Abbey. It consists of two levels.

The giant spiders are edible (like crabs or lobsters?): search the bodies and pick up some meat. You can pick more than 40 strands of spidersilk in the cave. Furthermore, destroy the web on the human corpses and search them: you will find many items. The most relevant and valuable are: a magic helm, a halberd and a crossbow.

Full list of items:

  • about 40 spidersilk strands (exact amount may vary);
  • spiked collar;
  • dead body (blue): sword, spear, leather armor, wooden shield, leather helm;
  • dead body (brown): swamp boots, sling, club;
  • dead body (red-green): chain mail, crossbow, main gauche;
  • dead body (red cloak): halberd;
  • dead body (mage): spiked collar, magic helm, 6 gems.

Yew[edit | edit source]

Leave the Abbey and travel North. Follow the road and you will eventually reach Yew, the town of justice.

Yew and the surrounding area.
Name Quest/function Location
Andrea Merchant: food Tavern
Utomo Merchant: weapons South-east shop
Lenora Mantra, Rune-1 East house
Pridgarm Rune-2 Prison
Boskin Rune-3 Prison
Sinjen - In stocks
Jaana Companion North house
Quests started elsewhere
Leonard Trader: buys thread, (sells clothes) West house
Ben Shrine of Sacrifice Out of town, west
The inhabitants of Yew

Buy six pairs of swamp boots from Utomo. Remember that Iolo starts with them already, and one pair was found in the spiders cave. Still, you need swamp boots for each one of your party members.

Talk to Jaana and ask her to join you. She is one of the original eight Companions, since Ultima IV. She is also one of the most dexterous characters in the game. Select her in solo mode and get all the equipment in her house: some food and a storm cloak!

If you purchased any thread elsewhere, you can sell it now to Leonard. His price is the best in the whole Britannia.

The rune and the mantra[edit | edit source]

Lenora, the town mayor, lives in the house west of the town square. Ask her of the Mantra and the Rune. Unfortunately the Rune was stolen, but the thief was captured and sent to jail.

Pridgarm the gaoler requires an authorization from Lenora, if you want to talk to the prisoner. Boskin the thief asks for mercy, because of his children. Do not lie to him! Instead, go back again to Lenora and plead for Boskin. She will tell you the truth, and Boskin will admit it. Not only that, he will also reveal where he hid the Rune.

The shrine[edit | edit source]

In order to get to the shrine of Justice, just follow the road from Yew to the north-east. Fight the Gargoyles using Jaana's storm cloak and some powder kegs found in the cyclops' cave for an easier victory.

Use the Rune and the Mantra to release the Moonstone from the force field, then pray (Talk) to the altar and get enlightenment about the virtue of Justice.