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Defendants' Antechamber

You start off as Susato Mikotoba, daughter of Yujin Mikotoba who is here to defend Rei as a male lawyer named Ryutaro. In the Meiji period, women weren't allowed to be lawyers at the time. Check your history books on Japanese history for more. Anyway, because of that, and the fact that her friend is still in the United Kingdom, she's forced to dress up as a boy and have her father assist her in the proceedings. Prosecutor Auchi is back again so you have to contend with him.

You meet Rei for the first time and you try to tell her not to blow your cover since you don't want the prosecutor and the judge to find out that you're not a male lawyer. If you're wondering what she's wearing, it's not her usual kimono but a black uniform with a cap on to disguise her hair.

Trial begins

You start off with introductions as you claim to be Narahudo's cousin. You'll get a similar feeling to the last game without the penalties in the beginning thankfully. But after the cross examination, if you keep getting the wrong answer, it's game over. Anyway, if you remember Jezaille Brett, she tried to frame Narahudo for the murder of John Wilson. This time as a twist, Jezaille gets murdered instead and Rei is frame for the murder. On the first one, choose "Killer" as a description of her character. On the second one, choose the "Autospy Report" on the condition of her death.

Next is the cross examination. If you remember Inspector Honosuga, he pretends to be the waiter to catch the culprit. This time though, he wears like, diving clothes with a small turtle on his head. The other is surprisingly Soseki. He came back from England for a holiday but his character can be over the top. Simply, he likes to yell a lot and does the strange signs with the first letter in his description. But who's the person behind him with a camera taking pictures while Soseki does his poses? You won't see him until Susato gets to cross examine him on the second half of the trial. Hopefully, no one suspects that Rytaro is actually Susato, secretly a woman lawyer as the pressure slowly goes up in a closed court!

Hosonaga and Soseki's Testimony: The Witnessed Scene

Satoru Hosonaga and Soseki Natsume
Satoru Hosonaga and Soseki Natsume
Satoru Hosonaga and Soseki Natsume's Testimony
- The Witnessed Scene -
  1. Hosonaga: On the day of the incident, I was ordered on a special surveillance assignment in this disguise.
  2. Soseki: I'd just managed to catch that crab when I suddenly heard a caterwaul from behind me.
  3. Hosonaga: I ran into the beach hut at once, where I found the pair in question.
  4. Soseki: YES YES YES! That young girl was astride the Englishwoman, dagger in hand, as she stabbed wildly!
  5. Hosonaga: I saw blood on the blade. It proved to me that she'd stabbed the victim multiple times.

The Witnessed Scene: Cross Examination

Present the Autospy Report on statement 5. You correct Hosunaga that the report only says a single stab and there's really no indication that there is multiple stabbings. Congratulations on your first cross examination but that's only the beginning.

Hosonaga's Testimony: Forensic Medicine Primer

Satoru Hosonaga
Satoru Hosonaga
Satoru Hosonaga's Testimony
- Forensic Medicine Primer -
  1. Pulling a blade from a wound without thinking could cause heavy bleeding.
  2. That's basic knowledge that any medical research assistant with an ounce of sense ought to know.
  3. In other words, there's no good reason why the defendant would have tried to pull the knife from the victim.
  4. Let's not forget that the young student did have a motive for killing the victim.
  5. The man the victim murdered, nine months ago, Dr Wilson, was the defendant's highly respected mentor.

Forensic Medicine Primer: Cross Examination

It's time for the the tutorial on how to examine evidence in 3d. Skip past the end of the testimony to talk with Yuujin and learn how to do it. Yuujin will tell you to examine the fountain pen if you take the full tutorial, but what you need to do for now is to examine the back of the newspaper to get the article about the stolen poison.

Once you have the article, present it on the third statement to give a very good reason of why the knife had to be pulled out.

However, you will be asked which part of the article is relevant, the answer is the middle part "Deadly in tiny quantities!".

However, just because the poison was stolen doesn't mean that it was used here, so you will be asked for evidence of this. The Post-Mortem Report has a curious note: the pupils were constricted, just like the poison would have done. Present it.

This forces Auchi to present some evidence that he'd rather not, a photo sent anonymously to the police. It quickly becomes obvious that whomever took the photo was a witness to the crime. You will just have to identify the photographer. Luckily, there is a striking similarity between the photo and the newspaper article. Specifically, there are curious marks in both the article photo and the crime photo. This can only be because the same camera took them.