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Trial resumes

Picking up from where you left off, Ryunosuke Narahudo and prosecutor Kazuma Asogi gets a chance to cross examine about the Klint Autospy Report as the story deepens even further than ever before. Also, why would Mael Stronghart wants to end the trial as quickly as he can? Finish the rest of the trial to find out what secrets he desperately wants to hold to for dear life.

Gorey, Mikotoba and Van Zieks' Testimony: The Autopsy of Klint van Zieks

Maria Gorey, Yujin Mikotoba and Barok van Zieks
Maria Gorey, Yujin Mikotoba and Barok van Zieks
Maria Gorey, Yujin Mikotoba and Barok van Zieks' Testimony
- The Autopsy of Klint van Zieks -
  1. Mikotoba: From my own observations, I couldn't say there was any indication of the autopsy results having been fabricated.
  2. Mikotoba: Death resulted from a wound made by a Western-style sword transfixing the heart. That I found a little strange.
  3. Gorey: There were no other signs of internal injury. Nothing questionable at all.
  4. Gorey: It was just that beautiful but dangerous piece of evidence removed from the man's stomach.
  5. Van Zieks: Presumed to have been swallowed by the victim as a way of posthumously identifying his assailant.

The Autopsy of Klint van Zieks: Cross Examination

Press on Statement 4 Gorey reveals the beautiful but dangerous piece is actually Genshin's ring! The size of the ring is kind of shocking because of the claws on the red ruby. Present Genshin's Ring on Statement 3. Yujin Mikotoba confirms his doubts at the time when Doctor John Wilson who's alive at the time asked him to get the scalpel, then has to pretend to get the ring out of Klint's stomach. When Genshin identifies his ring, his arrest is immediate. But Ryunosuke points out had Klint eaten the ring that size, signs of internal trauma would've been evident on it. Kazuma continues to blame Baron Von Ziek for trying to twist the truth but Ryunosuke reminds him of why they're here. Just when Stronghart is about to adjourn the case, Kazuma objects and decides to find out why Genshin is silent despite crime against him and why he's able to get out of the graveyard. Present Mr. Vigil's Dismissal Note. Ryunosuke shows that the jailbreak couldn't have done with one person alone and it could be intimately linked to "The Professor".

Kazuma demands to see the people who's involved with Genshin. Stronghart angrily rejects the request but Yujin Mikotoba already has Caidin and Vigil waiting outside as an emergency thanks to Sholmes. With the audience requesting more voices to be heard, Stronghart gives in for now but still threatens if the next testimony turns out to be nothing.

Caidin and comically Vigil acting as Gossip introduce themselves in court. They'll testify for the court and Stronghart wants Caidin to comply and Kazuma to stop threatening witness'.

Caidin and Vigil's Testimony: The Jailbreak Plot

Barry Caidin and Daley Vigil
Barry Caidin and Daley Vigil
Barry Caidin and Daley Vigil's Testimony
- The Jailbreak Plot -
  1. Caidin: It was the day that Japanese jock was found guilty. The directive came from the Prosecutor's Office.
  2. Caidin: I assigned the convict to the chief warder Vigil here, and put the plan into action behind the scenes.
  3. Vigil: I was responsible for Asogi right up until the night of his execution. But I knew nothing of any plot...
  4. Caidin: I dinnae ken if there were some negotiations between the convict and the Prosecutor's Office.
  5. Caidin: All I did was carry oot my duty! For Her Majesty's great British Empire!

The Jailbreak Plot: Cross Examination

Press on statement 5 and when Caidin reaches a statement about doing it for the British Empire, pursue Vigil. Comically, he'll salute first, then reveals that he did see the "Professor's" will and Caidin shakes him for revealing the "document". You demand that Caidin amend his statement.

On the new statement, present Asogi's papers that would help fill in the blanks about Genshin's silence.

Stronghart still demands to end the trial but you, Ryunosuke, objects, saying doing so might label Mr. Vigil as a liar, like being stabbed in the back for being honest. After the gallery cries out for more testimony, Stronghart will allow Cardin and Vigil to give one more testimony to clear up this revelation.

Caidin and Vigil's Testimony: The Asogi Papers

Barry Caidin and Daley Vigil
Barry Caidin and Daley Vigil
Barry Caidin and Daley Vigil's Testimony
- The Asogi Papers -
  1. Vigil: As the warder responsible for condemned convicts, I attended to Mr Asogi and kept watch over his cell.
  2. Vigil: The night after he was found guilty in court, he was doing something with that will in his cell!
  3. Vigil: We turned the cell inside out looking for it after the execution, but to no avail.
  4. Caidin: I only found oot about the Asogi Papers when a directive came tellin' me to impound them.
  5. Caidin: The document was in the folds of the fella's robe that was left in his cell. A 'kimono', I think it's called.

The Asogi Papers: Cross Examination

Press on statement 5 and again, pursue Vigil once Caidin's statement causes Vigil to react. He'll blurt out "scarlet ink". Ryunosuke asks Stronghart to allow Mr. Vigil to amend his statement.

On the new statment, present Klint's Autospy Report. In resolving the puzzle about Asogi's Papers, it reveals that Klint has scarlet ink in his right hand. After that horrifying revelation, choose confession. It turns out that it's not Genshin Asogi who is "The Professor", it's Baron's older brother, Klint!

The truth behind the Reaper

To keep the long story short, Stronghart reveals that Asogi approached him as Klint's obsession about finding the source of the crime has lead to his darkness. To no avail, Asogi goes to Klint to confront him instead. It's perhaps that it was Genshin who tried to kill him, but instead, it was the dog, Balmug who took down Klint instead. As Stronghart is about to wind down, you object!

To find out who slipped out the hidden truth, choose Mael Stronghart. Than you point out an inconsistency. Present Asogi's Papers. Why? Stronghart previously let out that it's a three page will. Stronghart will confirm with Governor Caidin that the third page is irrelevant but he brang it anyway. Despite, denying them to read the third page, the people has spoken otherwise. But Caidin doesn't read Japanese, so Yujin Mikotoba does the honors instead.

Achievement note: Near the end, after Yujin Mikotoba reads the third part of the Asogi papers, and after putting the page into the Court Records, examine "Karuma", Kazuma's sword. On the hilt, check it so you can open it as there's a hidden message behind it. Then check the hilt again for commentary between Ryunosuke and Susato to get the medal.

Mael Stronghart's downfall and confession

Growing weary, he angrily persisted in adjourning this case. So what can you do? Stronghart claim's there's no conclusive evidence. Object to Stronghart and before you present the final evidence, choose the Karuma sword and check the hilt part of it (the handle side of the sword), inside is Klint's Final Will. Present Klint's Final Will and Stronghart's ruling came crumbling down! Despite protest not to read it, you, Ryunosuke Naruhodo reads the will as Stronghart screams in anger.

In summary, it turns out that it was Mael Stronghart all along who commands the people to control crime, using Klint as an undercover "Professor". But Genshin apparently gets involved that eventually led to his death if his son, Kazuma finds out. Also during the Enoch Drebber case, it was Seishiro who shot Asogi behind the scenes but actually, he tries to find the will, not knowing that it's inside the sword Karuma all along.

Anyway, there's one major problem, Mael Stronghart is the Defense Minister. How do you send him to jail if the prosecutor or defense attorney couldn't do it? After Stronghart's speech, everyone still gives him support. Present Evidence and choose Iris's Lucky Charm! If you forgot what it looks like, it's a doll animal version of Herlock Sholmes. Miraculously, he appears visible and despite Stronghart calling for the police to throw him in jail, they went through him instead. Absurd as it sounds, it turns out that he and Iris were relaxing at Buckingham Palace where the Queen lives! Of course you can't see the Queen but she left a message, ending Mael Stronghart's reign of terror and his method of fighting crime is over.

In spectacular fashion, the jury balance scale falls over and left Mael Stronghart screaming in rage after yelling "Adjourned!", breaking his stick and falling over, throwing six small flames to the guilty side, while being burned by the fire. Once the dust settle, Stronghart confesses that he'll drive the crime by using "The Reaper" as an idea that after the person is not guilty or guilty of crime, afterwards, his people will make an effort to make it look like that the reaper has put a curse on the people suspected of murder.

In a final wind down, Sholmes decides to let the old English judge give his final verdict of "Not Guilty", ending the darkness of London, once and for all. Congratulations in beating the sequel. At this point, there's no certainty if there's going to be anymore series involving Herlock Sholmes in the future. Best to leave that up to the imgatination. Now enjoy the aftermath and the end credits from this point on.

Iris's dad resolution and returning to Japan

After an exhaustive nail biting edge of your seat trial, you can take a breather here. Anyway, to keep it short and sweet, from Yujin Mokotoba, it turns out that Iris's father turns out to be Klint Van Ziek! Troubled that he came from Baskerville, attempts were made after Iris's mother died to avoid labelling his daughter to be part of the Reaper family. So after talking to Genshin in prison, he took the baby but he doesn't have the papers so he gave her to the one person before he leaves: Herlock Sholmes! Also attempts were made to avoid Ryunosuke and Susato putting two and two together about "The Hound of Baskerville". Last of all, Iris is English for Ayame in Japanese that Yujin picked out.

At Sholmes' Suite, Gina shoots you with her smoke grenade and congratulates you on your win. Even though Gina is going to quit being an inspector, Herlock gave her the stop watch that he fixed that changes her mind. Also, Gina wants to find Iris's dad which that idea has been turned down for the best as she calls Herlock her dad instead.

For the last part, before you and Susato head out to sea, Kazuma give his sword, Karuma to you since he'll stay as a prosecutor and perhaps as a defense attorney. You'll be going back to Japan to help revolutionize the system that deals with cases thus leading up before Phoenix Wright first set foot in the courtroom one hundred years later. Though the Japanese system will influence other countries including the United States of America.

Anyway, thank you for playing this game. Hope this walkthrough will help you whenever your in trouble ok? Enjoy it while you still can.