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Before the trial continues, Yujin provides Susato with a Chemical Reagent. If you thought that Soseki Natsume was over the top, meet Raiten Menimemo! He's an excitable reporter who always carries around a camera and shows off his Shoyu News emblem. The judge orders Menimemo to give his testimony about the moment involving Rei and Brett that he caught on camera. Brace yourself, as Menimemo is full of energy and likes to show off.

Menimemo's Testimony: The Camera Never Lies

Raiten Menimemo
Raiten Menimemo
Raiten Menimemo's Testimony
- The Camera Never Lies -
  1. The beach hut was made of shoddy old reed screens, so there were plenty of gaps I could see inside through.
  2. The Englishwoman was sitting on a stool when the student girl came in and started arguing with her.
  3. Seconds later, the girl pulled out a knife, throwing the Englishwoman to the floor as she stabbed her in the back!
  4. My smouldering journo spirit burst into flames! Quick as a flash, I whipped out my camera ready to click!
  5. I pulled apart the rough weave of one of the screens and poked the lens through for the perfect shot.

The Camera Never Lies: Cross Examination

Press on statement 3 to get the beach hut plan and an additional statement. Inspect both ends of the fountain pen; one end has the emblem of the newspaper company Menimemo works for.

Examine the base of the Fountain Pen. Then present the Fountain Pen on the new statement to prove Menimemo did set foot in the beach hut, as the initials don't only apply to Rei Membami, but they could also stand for Raiten Menimemo!

Menimemo counters that he only uses pencils, yet he has a large ink stain on the hand he uses to write with. Prove that the pen is his by pointing out the Shoyu News emblem on the end of the pen.

This leads to the next testimony. Well, as Menimemo is holding on to his pride, he asked Soseki to be back on the witness stand. Why? Because Soseki asked Jezaille a question. This case is unfolding at a fast pace.

Menimemo's Testimony: The Witnesses' Secrets

Raiten Menimemo
Raiten Menimemo
Raiten Menimemo's Testimony
- The Witnesses' Secrets -
  1. I asked the Englishwoman for an interview, but she declined. So I left the hut without making a fuss.
  2. Then, watching secretly from outside, I saw the woman being stabbed and the other witnesses come running.
  3. The detective realised that the victim still had a pulse, so he ran off to fetch help.
  4. That's when this writer man here asked the woman a very significant question.
  5. But he didn't say anything about that in his testimony! Which is why Menimemoism demands I reveal it now!

The Witnesses' Secrets: Cross Examination

Press on statement 4 or statement 5 and Soseki will amend statement 4 and statement 5.

Press statement 5 and Soseki will say that the victim pointed to the back of the room when he asked her who attacked her, but it was in a slightly different direction than to the defendant.

Choose I know when Susato wonders if she knows where the true culprit was and when the judge asks to show him on the beach hut plan. Point to the outside of the hut to the left, directly behind the stool, as this is the spot where Menimemo took his photo.

When the judge asks for evidence showing how the culprit could stab the victim from the outside, present the first Crime Scene Photograph. The judge asks Susato to be more specific, so point to the slit in the reed screen above the stool the victim was sitting on.

Thus we get to the last testimony of the case. Believing that Menimemo is invincible and hanging to the last of his pride for dear life, he still tries to pin the blame on Rei. Time to end this charade for good.

Menimemo's Testimony: Complete Innocence

Raiten Menimemo
Raiten Menimemo
Raiten Menimemo's Testimony
- Complete Innocence -
  1. Oh yes, I stabbed the Englishwoman. And it's that very fact that proves I'm innocent!
  2. Because why would I have bothered to stab the woman if I'd already poisoned her?
  3. When I heard the student girl and that pompous English murderer got my goat.
  4. If the courts weren't going to punish Brett for what she did, someone else would have to see justice done!

Complete Innocence: Cross Examination

Press statement 3. Menimemo will talk about the argument for a moment before Membami interrupts him. After Susato intervenes, the judge allows for Membami to add a statement in between statements 3 and 4.

Press the new statement. It’s then revealed that the article about the poison is almost word for word what Membami told the victim. The poison article will be updated.

Present the updated Poison Article on statement 2 or statement 5. Menimemo realised only after poisoning the victim how traceable the poison would be.

It seems the case is over until Menimemo counters that there isn’t any evidence that he stole the poison, but Susato realizes there is a piece of evidence explaining how he stole the poison.

Present the Fountain Pen. It could suck up the poison just like ink. Menimemo again states that there’s no way of knowing if there ever was poison in the fountain pen, so when prompted, present the Chemical Reagent.

Menimemo finally snaps and starts swinging his camera around furiously, forcing both Rei and Susato to do a takedown on him. Afterwards, Menimemo confesses the elaborate scheme in framing Rei for Brett's death.

The judge is fully convinced of Rei's innocence and decides to give her the verdict:

Congratulations on winning your first case! As for Prosecutor Auchi, he finally cuts the top part of his hair.

What really happened?

It begins with Menimemo photographing the moment Soseki and Yujin were together. Rei on the other hand decides to confront Brett for stealing the poison from the lab, not knowing before that Menimemo interviewed her before after taking the poison through the fountain pen and puts it in her drink. After taking word for word, he puts the knife on her back, causing Brett to collapse in front of Rei.

While Inspector Hosunaga goes for help, Soseki asks her who the culprit is. She pointed to the gaps in the reed behind Rei. Another picture is taken when Rei pulls out the knife from Bretts back. With Menimemo's plan complete, he published the newspaper which implicates Rei for murdering Brett with a knife leaving a fountain pen in her hand.

After the trial

Susato's Success
Susato's Success
Complete Episode 1.

Your dad and your friend congratulates you for your win in this case. Hosonaga and Soseki realize that it's Susato who was acting as a lawyer and are stunned by this new revelation. But Menimemo is not done yet! He's about to reveal some new information about Kazuma when the judge knocks him down once more and orders the guard to take him away. Of course, Yujin also reveals that he told the judge about you before everyone leaves. Lastly, Soseki brings up the case that followed the last one he'd been in, reminding you of something important.

Back outside by the tree, Susato writes a letter for Narahudo to read back in London, England. Susato will come back to London very soon.