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Cosmetics are unlocked with Glory, a currency gained by leveling up and completing daily challenges (see Ranking).

There are ten different categories for customizing your character:

  • Head
  • Helmet
  • Body
  • Flight Suit
  • Tops
  • Bottoms
  • Gloves
  • Emotes
  • Victory poses
  • Voice

You can equip up to four emotes at a time, and use them while in the briefing room when you are selecting your fighter.

Flight suits are full-body pieces that override both the tops and bottoms category.



Image Name Description Rarity Glory Cost
Helmet Off When inside a cockpit, every pilot wears a helmet. However, pilots are permitted to remove their helmets during non-combat operations. Default 0
Striker Every scratch and scar tells its own story. Default 0
Vintage Alliance In the aftermath of Jedha, new pilots needed new helmets to see them through the countless battles to come. Default 0
Heavy Duty Helmet Extra protection keeps any pilot comfortable in the cockpit during wild missions. Rare 400
Hunter's Helm Pilots in pursuit of Imperial starfighters rely on an unobstructed field of view to find their mark. And they always find their mark. Rare 400
Tactical Helmet Missions don't always go as planned. Prepared pilots bring all the gear necessary to get the job done, no matter what. Rare 400
Bombastic Bombardier Extra insulation protects Y-wing pilots from rattling in their high speed starfighter...and from the deafening blasts that come with bombing capital ships. Rare 400
Gunship Specialist U-wing support pilots are the unheralded saviours of countless battles. Don't let any rocketjock say otherwise. Rare 400
Industrial Helmet Lightweight materials with industrial fortifications, for pilots who aren't afraid of a rattling in the cockpit. Rare 400
Thermal Helmet For deep space or sub-zero missions, this helmet is built for long term survival. Epic 800


There are two options: version A features a slightly pronounced bust and narrow shoulders. Version B features a wider chest and shoulders. The differences are nearly imperceptible in flight suits; they are more prominent in normal clothing.

Version A is shown on the left, and Version B is shown on the right for comparison.

Flight Suit





Victory poses


There are ten voices available for the New Republic and the Empire.

Voice Title Description
Gambler A (female) "This oughta be fun."
"I'm game if you are."
"Think I'm gonna enjoy this."

You made your mark playing the odds - and winning. You have skills, but somehow always get a lucky break when it counts.
Gambler B (male)
Hotshot A (female) "Happy to see me? Happy to be here."
"It's an honour. Yours, not mine, obviously."
"I'll outfly any Imperial pilot. Just watch me."

You push the limits, then push harder. Some call you reckless; you know that victory belongs to those who dare to chase it.
Hotshot B (male)
Leader A (female) "Standing by."
"Let's not waste any time, then."
"We can do this."

You're the first into the charge, and last out. You know your strength is your team. It's not enough to fight, you must inspire.
Leader B (male)
Rookie A (female) "Get me in a cockpit."
"I've never been more ready."
"I won't let us down."

You're ready to prove you have what it takes. Someday, they'll say this is where your legend began.
Rookie B (male)
Veteran A (female) "Someone's gotta do it. Why me?"
"Another day, another shot at the Empire."
"There've been worse ideas, I guess."

You've fought across the galaxy for years and suffer no fools. You've earned your scars, and the respect of your squadron.
Veteran B (male)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 For multiplayer only. Legendary rarity. Unlock with 1200 Glory.