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The server browser.

Added in the game's 4.0 release is the ability for players to create and host their own games.

These games can also be created privately, so players can perform experiments and gameplay exclusively between each other.

To join a custom match, select Join Custom Match and find it in the server browser. You can join as either a player or a spectator. If the match you're looking for does not show up in the main list, choose the Friend Matches heading to show games that are hosted by your friends on Steam or EA.

Custom and private matches will not count towards any achievements, challenges, or award any experience points.

Creating a Custom Match[edit | edit source]

Custom matches not only allow you to host games just for your friends, but also let you modify various settings.

The Basic Settings tab includes:

Setting Options Description
Game Mode Dogfights, Fleet Battles, Fleet Battles vs. AI (co-op or solo) Change the game mode.
Map List of available maps The map that the game will take place on. Once the game is over, you must make another; map playlists are not implemented.
Privacy level Public, Private, Invite Only Public matches can be seen and joined by anyone. Private matches will not appear in the server browser, but friends of the host can join via the server browser. Friends of any players in the match (friends of friends, if you are the host) can also join via the social overlay. Invite Only is the most restrictive option; the server host must invite each player, and only invited people can join the match.
Has Password On/Off, Set Password Determines whether a password is required to join the match. If a password is required, players will have to enter it in order to join.
Suggested Skill Level Everyone (⭐), Beginner (⭐⭐), Average (⭐⭐⭐), Professional (⭐⭐⭐⭐) Appears on the server browser as to the skill level of the players to join. Does not actually restrict players outside the skill level from joining.
Allow Joining After Match Start On/Off Determines whether players can join the game after the match starts.

Game Mode Settings[edit | edit source]

These settings change depending on which game mode you have selected.

Dogfight Mode
Setting Options Description
Points Required to Win 1-100 The number of enemies one team must shoot down in order to win.
Time Limit 5 minutes - 60 minutes The time limit for the match, at the end of which the team with the most points wins.
Fleet Battles (also vs. AI)
Setting Options Description
Match Time 5 minutes - 60 minutes The time limit for the match.
Kickoff Time 1 minute - 60 minutes Sets the maximum kickoff time.
Fleet Battles vs. AI
Setting Options Description
Faction New Republic, Galactic Empire Determines which side the players are on.
Difficulty Easy, Normal Determines the difficulty of the AI difficulty level.

Restrictions[edit | edit source]

In this section, you can individually ban each ship type from appearing. Banning X-wings, for example, will prevent New Republic players from spawning in X-wings. All AI fighters, including the AI player fighters, will ignore restrictions. Imperial players will still have access to TIE Fighters and TIE Defenders.

At least one ship type per faction must be un-banned.

The last option in the list is to ban Auxiliaries, Countermeasures, neither, or both.

Modifiers[edit | edit source]

Modifiers let players put unique spins on the game.

Collision damage 0.1 to 5.0 Determines the amount of damage you take when you collide with an obstacle. Does not affect AI "creep" fighters. At 5.0, expect to die from even brushing against terrain.
Maximum Hull/Shields New Republic, Imperial: 0.1 to 5.0 Multiplies the shields or hull of New Republic of Imperial ships. There are different sliders for each faction, so if you want New Republic ships to be laser sponges with no hull, increase the New Republic shielding to 5.0 and the New Republic hull to 0.1.
Auxiliary Cooldown Time 1.0 to 5.0 Increases the amount of time required between auxiliary uses.
Auxiliary Count 0.1 to 5.0 Multiplies the ammunition for auxiliaries by the specified amount. A New Republic B-wing with the gyro component can thus carry up to fifty proton bombs!
Countermeasure Cooldown Time 1.0 to 5.0 Increases the amount of time required between countermeasure uses.
Countermeasure Count 0.1 to 5.0 Multiplies the number of countermeasure uses by the specified amount.
Starfighter Primary/Secondary Damage Taken 0.1 to 5.0 Multiplies the amount of primary or secondary damage taken by starfighters by the specified amount. Reducing to 0.1 can be useful for training with a novice; multiply by 5.0 for a high-stakes one hit kill game mode.
Fleet Battles (and vs. AI)
Setting Options Description
Respawn Time 5 sec - 60 sec Determines the time you must wait after you die to re-enter the battle. If you set the respawn time to less than 12, the death cam and starship selection phases might be interrupted.
Spawn AI Fighters On/Off When disabled, the "creep" fighters (the ones labelled "X-wing" or "TIE Fighter") do not spawn. The only starfighters present will be the players.
New Republic/Imperial Flagship Hull/Shields 0.1 to 5.0 Determines the flagship hull and shield strength for each faction. Separate sliders exist for hull and shields, and for each faction.
New Republic/Imperial Capital Ship Hull/Shields 0.1 to 5.0 Determines the hull and shield strength for the Imperial light cruiser, or the New Republic's Nebulon-B. Separate sliders exist for hull and shields, and for each faction.
New Republic Corvette/Imperial Raider Hull/Shields 0.1 to 5.0 Determines the hull and shield strength for the Imperial Raider, or the New Republic's CR90. Separate sliders exist for hull and shields, and for each faction.
Setting Options Description
Respawn Time 5 sec - 60 sec Determines the time you must wait after you die to re-enter the battle. If you set the respawn time to less than 12, the death cam and starship selection phases might be interrupted.
Resupply Nodes On/Off Determines whether the resupply nodes appear in dogfight mode. If off, the only points of resupply will be from a friendly support player.