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Cosmetics are unlocked with Glory, a currency gained by leveling up and completing daily challenges (see Ranking).

There are ten different categories for customizing your character:

  • Head
  • Helmet
  • Body
  • Flight Suit
  • Tops
  • Bottoms
  • Gloves
  • Emotes
  • Victory poses
  • Voice

You can equip up to four emotes at a time, and use them while in the briefing room when you are selecting your fighter.

Flight suits are full-body pieces that override both the tops and bottoms category.

Head[edit | edit source]

Helmet[edit | edit source]

Name Description Rarity Glory
Helmet Off When inside a cockpit, every pilot wears a helmet. However, pilots are permitted to remove their helmets during non-combat operations. Default 0
Imperial Navy TIE Helmet Fewer than ten percent of certified candidates ever earn the right to wear the Galactic Empire's standard-issue uniform. Default 0
Technical Helmet Sufficient supplies for survival and repairs are, in certain circumstances, provided to pilots with exceptional survival records. Rare 400
Desolator Helmet At the edge of the galaxy, in uncharted space, custom equipment gives Imperials the advantage against any hostile force. Rare 400
Obsidian Reaper Specialized helmets allow Imperial pilots to secure their squadron's safety while striking from the shadows between stars. Rare 400
Regicide Helmet During chaotic Mid Rim uprisings, Emperor Palpatine relied on starfighter pilots to force monarchies into submission. Rare 400
Reinforced Helmet Fortified plastoid helmets allow pilots to endure particularly brutal battle conditions. Rare 400
Coastal Defender Helmet Pilots operating from maritime bases on exotic worlds are assigned specialized gear for in-atmosphere and deep space operations. Rare 400
Cold Mask Imperial Assault helmets command respect from even the most demanding officers. Pilots wearing these cold masks fly into dangers unknown, no matter the risk. Rare 400
Hazard Helmet Heavy, insulated equipment protects pilots deploying into harsh, hostile environments. Rare 400
Inversion Helmet The Empire will turn the tide, end the rebellion, and finish the Galactic Civil War once and for all. Epic 800
Imperial Ranger No pilot stays hidden for long when the Empire's finest trackers are on their trail. Epic 800
Frontier Harrier Imperial pilots hounded pirates and smugglers to find rebels fleeing from Hoth to the Outer Rim. Epic 800
Vicious Instructor Fear keeps cadets in line. Fear of punishment motivates their success. Respect for leadership secures their loyalty. Epic 800
Fortune of Fondor An experimental mask from the Imperial R&D scientists stationed over Fondor. Epic 800
Navigator Helmet In the most treacherous areas of untamed space, you'll find the bravest of Imperial pilots leading the charge. Epic 800
Allegiance Helmet Rumored to be awarded to decorated pilots who proved absolute loyalty to Emperor Palpatine following the Clone Wars. Epic 800
Honorable Enforcer Imperial protocol is in place to ensure unity and order. We abide by the Emperor's will, because without it the galaxy would collapse. Epic 800
Elite Security Accomplished pilots earn their stripes. It's uncouth to ask those pilots what, exactly, they achieved. Epic 800
Fangs Out Your frightening visage is the last thing New Republic pilots will see, if they're foolish enough to take you head on. Epic 800
Carida's Honors Exceptional Academy cadets earn their literal stripes through record-breaking performance. Epic 800
High Command The Empire's upper echelon trusts exceptional pilots to maintain control across the galaxy. Epic 800
Dark Times Relish in the Empire's reign over the galaxy, and fight for an era of justice and order. Epic 800
Academy Ace Helmet Elite Imperial aces are hand-picked to teach at Academies such as Skystrike and Carida. Epic 800
Skiptracer Helmet Specialized equipment and excessive force are authorized for pilots pursuing fugitives of the Empire. Epic 800
Special Operations Certain missions are kept off the records for the galaxy's security. Certain pilots are not at liberty to discuss said missions. Epic 800
Hunter's Guild Excessive force is the only answer to rebellion and anarchy. When an enemy enters your crosshairs, you make sure nothing survives the fire. Epic 800
Star Stalker Imperial pilots do not, under any circumstances, allow their prey to escape. Epic 800
Blueliner Rebels underestimate the impact of Imperial ion fire. Punish them. Epic 800
Deadeye Imperial sharpshooters are among the most feared pilots in the galaxy. Epic 800
Zealot Among the inner circles of Imperial loyalists, there is a degree of devotion even they cannot achieve. Epic 800
Imperial Paladin Helmet In the name of valor and victory, Imperial pilots are willing to sacrifice every part of themselves. Epic 800
Golden Fury Anger, hatred, and vengeance courses through the veins of every Imperial pilot. Even posh aristocrats and the unfathomably wealthy. Legendary Galactic Ace
Bronze Baron The Vonregs, Sienars, and other noble families have dedicated themselves to the Imperial war effort. And they shall be rewarded. Legendary Valiant
Silver Slayer Radiate menace and incite fear wherever you fly. Legendary Legend
ISB Loyalty Officer's Helmet Agents of the Imperial Security Bureau not only uncover traitors to the Empire,but inspire absolute obedience within their assigned squadrons. Legendary 1200
Chromium-Enhanced Helmet Starships belonging to irrelevant monarchies were melted down to strengthen the armor of elite Imperial pilots. Legendary 1200
Carida Cadet Imperial cadets at the Carida Academy are groomed for greatness, in everything from solo flying to advanced combat tactics. Epic 800
Trench Jockey "How do we fight? Trenches and TIES!" boast the pilots assigned to the Empire's infamous 224th Armored Division. Epic 800

Body[edit | edit source]

There are two options: version A features a slightly pronounced bust and narrow shoulders. Version B features a wider chest and shoulders. The differences are nearly imperceptible in flight suits; they are more prominent in normal clothing.

Version A is shown on the left, and Version B is shown on the right for comparison.

Flight Suit[edit | edit source]

Overrides both top and bottom cosmetic options.
Name Description Rarity Glory
Imperial Navy TIE Pilot Flight Suit Fewer than ten percent of certified candidates ever earn the right to wear the Galactic Empire's standard-issue uniform. Default 0
Hazard Flight Suit Heavy, insulated equipment protects pilots deploying into harsh, hostile environments. Rare 400
Coastal Defender Flight Suit Pilots operating from maritime bases on exotic worlds are assigned specialized gear for in-atmosphere and deep space operations. Rare 400
Regicide Flight Suit During chaotic Mid Rim uprisings, Emperor Palpatine relied on starfighter pilots to force monarchies into submission. Rare 400
Reinforced Flight Suit Fortified plastoid armor allows pilots to endure particularly brutal battle conditions. Rare 400
Technical Flight Suit Pilots with exceptional survival records are entitled to specialized survival gear. Rare 400
Desolator Flight Suit At the edge of the galaxy, in uncharted space, custom equipment gives Imperials the advantage against any hostile force. Rare 400
Inversion Flight Suit The Empire will turn the tide, end the rebellion, and finish the Galactic Civil War once and for all. Rare 400
Navigator Flight Suit In the most treacherous areas of untamed space, you'll find the bravest of Imperial pilots leading the charge. Epic 800
Academy Ace Flight Suit Elite Imperial aces are hand-picked to teach at Academies such as Skystrike and Carida. Epic 800
Allegiance Flight Suit Rumored to be awarded to decorated pilots who proved absolute loyalty to Emperor Palpatine following the Clone Wars. Epic 800
Imperial Paladin Flight Suit In the name of valor and victory, Imperial pilots are willing to sacrifice every part of themselves. Epic 800

Tops[edit | edit source]

Name Description Rarity Glory
Flight Tech Uniform While serving the Empire outside of their cockpits, pilots are permitted to wear standard-issue flight tech attire and equipment. Default 0
Skiptracer Armor Specialized equipment and excessive force are authorized for pilots pursuing fugitives of the Empire. 800 Epic
Chromium Enhanced Armor Starships belonging to irrelevant monarchies were melted down to strengthen the armor of elite Imperial pilots. 1200 Legendary
ISB Loyalty Officer's Armor Agents of the Imperial Security Bureau not only uncover traitors to the Empire, but inspire absolute obedience within their assigned squadrons. 1200 Legendary

Bottoms[edit | edit source]

Name Description Rarity Glory
Flight Tech Trousers While serving the Empire outside of their cockpits, pilots are permitted to wear standard-issue flight tech attire and equipment. Default 0
Skiptracer Pants Specialized equipment and excessive force are authorized for pilots pursuing fugitives of the Empire. Epic 400
Chromium-Enhanced Greaves Starships belonging to irrelevant monarchies werem elted down to strengthen the armor of elite Imperial pilots. Legendary 500
ISB Loyalty Officer's Trousers Agents of the Imperial Security Bureau not only uncover traitors to the Empire, but inspire absolute obedience within their assigned squadrons. Legendary 500

Gloves[edit | edit source]

Name Description Rarity Cost
Imperial Navy TIE Pilot Gloves Fewer than ten percent of certified candidates ever earn the right to wear the Galactic Empire's standard-issue TIE uinform. Default 0
Flight Tech Gloves While serving the Empire outside of their cockpits, pilots are permitted to wear standard-issue flight tech attire and equipment. Default 0
Hazard Gloves Heavy, insulated equipment protects pilots deploying into harsh, hostile environments. Rare 300
Coastal Defender Gloves Pilots operating from maritime bases on exotic worlds are assigned specialized gear for in-atmosphere and deep space operations. Rare 300
Regicide Vambraces During chaotic Mid Rim uprisings, Emperor Palpatine relied on starfighter pilots to force monarchies into submission. Rare 300
Reinforced Vambraces Fortified plastoid vambraces allow pilots to endure particularly brutal battle conditions. Rare 300
Lightweight Technical Gloves Woven from lightweight materials for additional comfort and dexterity. Rare 300
Desolator Gloves At the edge of the galaxy, in uncharted space, custom equipment gives Imperials the advantage against any hostile force. Rare 300
Inversion Gloves The Empire will turn the tide, end the rebellion, and finish the Galactic Civil war once and for all. Epic 400
Imperial Paladin Gloves In the name of valor and victory, Imperial pilots are willing to sacrifice every part of themselves. Epic 400
Skiptracer Gloves Specialized equipment and excessive force are authorized for pilots pursuing fugitives of the Empire. Epic 400
Allegiance Vambraces Rumored to be awarded to decorated pilots who proved absolute loyalty to Emperor Palpatine following the Clone Wars. Epic 400
Navigator Gloves In the most treacherous areas of untamed space, you'll find the bravest of Imperial pilots leading the charge. Epic 400
Academy Ace Gloves Elite Imperial aces are hand-picked to teach at Academies such as Skystrike and Carida. Epic 400
Chromium Enhanced Vambraces Starships belonging to irrelevant monarchies were melted down to strengthen the armor of elite Imperial pilots. Legendary 500
ISB Loyalty Officer's Gloves Agents of the Imperial Security Bureau not only uncover traitors to the Empire, but inspire absolute obedience within their assigned squadrons. Legendary 500

Emotes[edit | edit source]

Can only be used before all players ready up. Up to four emotes can be equipped at once.
Name Description Rarity Glory
Hold It Denied. Default 0
Wave Hello there. Default 0
Skeptical Not convinced. Default 0
Amused Laugh it off. Default 0
Glove Flex Tighten it up. Rare 400
Shrug You were expecting anything less? Rare 400
Who, Me? It's not my fault. Rare 400
Powerful Show the team your enthusiasm. Rare 400
Defeated Can't win 'em all. Rare 400
Crying Let it out. Rare 400

Victory poses[edit | edit source]

Appears at the end of round win.
Name Description Rarity Cost
Good Job Nice work, team. Default 0
Relaxed They said this wasn't going to be easy, but here we are. Default 0
Skirmisher Always be ready for the next fight. Default 0
Mission Accomplished Everything went exactly as Titan Squadron expected. Rare 400
Protector Nobody gets to your squadron before going through you. Rare 400
Pride All good wingmates take a moment to appreciate their team's victory. Rare 400
Imperial Threat The fearsome pilots of Titan Squadron are always ready to strike. Rare 400
Defiance They never stood a chance. Rare 400
Reflection The mask makes the pilot. Rare 400
Flex Show the New Republic what Imperial pilots are made of. Rare 400
Ascendant Titan's victory is inevitable, but always worth celebration. Rare 400
For the Empire Long may it reign. Rare 400
Formal Rest Formal. Professional. Imperial. Rare 400
Unbreakable The Empire is invincible, and will show no mercy. Rare 400
Confident A victory well earned. Rare 400
Hero of the Empire They will remember you. Rare 400
Loyalists One of them flies, the other one fixes. Both risk everything for their Empire. Legendary 1200

Voice[edit | edit source]

There are ten voices available for the New Republic and the Empire.

Galactic Empire Description
Ace A (female) "A wise choice."
"Easy victories, incoming."
"Nothing but the best."

You've earned your reputation with style. To the enemy, you're a terror; to your squadron, you're an inspiration.
Ace B (male)
Fury A (female) "I have nothing to lose."
"Victory will be mine."
"Let me at them."

Your rage is the Empire's strength. Unleashed, you scatter your enemies before you and drive your allies to excel.
Fury B (male)
Soldier A (female) "We will bring order to the galaxy."
"If it's a fight they want, it's a fight they'll get."
"My life for the Empire."

You are the model Imperial pilot. Tempered by combat, your experience makes you the backbone of your team.
Soldier B (male)
Specialist A (female) "Try not to get in my way."
"They won't know what hit them."
"This won't take long."

You don't care much for protocol, but you've got skills the Empire needs. When they want the best, you deliver.
Specialist B (male)
Tactician A (female) "I am an unexpected variable."
"Our victory is inevitable, of course."
"Do not underestimate patience and precision."

Strategy is second nature to you. Years of experience and rigorous study make you an efficient and deadly foe.
Tactician B (male)

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 For multiplayer only. Legendary rarity. Unlock with 1200 Glory.