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Box artwork for Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.
Box artwork for Final Fantasy IV: The After Years.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Developer(s)Matrix Software
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2008
System(s)Mobile, Wii
Preceded byFinal Fantasy IV
SeriesFinal Fantasy
Japanese titleファイナルファンタジーIV ジ・アフター 月の帰還 (Final Fantasy IV the After: Return of the Moon)
Genre(s)RPG, Episodic
ModesSingle player, Co-op
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneOFLC Parental GuidancePEGI Ages 7+
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Developer(s)Square Enix
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2013
System(s)iOS, Android, Windows
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Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is the sequel to Final Fantasy IV, taking place seventeen years after the original. The game follows a number of characters, including those from the original title and a few new characters. The After Years is broken up into 13 chapters over 11 "tales", largely modeled after the serialized format of many manga. Each tale tells the story of one character contemporaneously with the others.

The game's chapters were originally released for mobile phones in Japan between February 18 and December 24, 2008. An enhanced WiiWare port was released in 2009. It was remade for iOS and Android in 2013.

Table of Contents
