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Box artwork for Final Fantasy XII.
Box artwork for Final Fantasy XII.
Final Fantasy XII
Developer(s)Square Enix
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2006
System(s)PlayStation 2
Preceded byFinal Fantasy XI
Followed byFinal Fantasy XIII
SeriesFinal Fantasy
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO All agesESRB TeenPEGI Ages 16+Mature
Final Fantasy XII: International Zodiac Job System
Developer(s)Square Enix
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2007
System(s)PlayStation 2
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and up
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2017
System(s)PlayStation 4, Windows, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and upESRB TeenPEGI Ages 16+USK Ages 12+MatureIARC Ages 16+GRB 12+
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For the Nintendo DS game, see Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings.

Final Fantasy XII is a Final Fantasy game by Square Enix. It is the final original Final Fantasy game to be released on the PlayStation 2.

Final Fantasy XII introduces a number of innovations that differentiate it from the previous offline titles in the series. The most significant of these – the elimination of random battles in favour of enemies seen and fought using the same interface as exploration – gives the title a feeling akin to an MMORPG. The game introduced several innovations to the series: battles occur without a transition to a separate screen; a customizable "gambit" system automatically controls the actions of characters; and a "license" system determines which abilities and equipment are used by characters. Final Fantasy XII also includes elements from previous games in the series, such as summoned monsters, Chocobos, and airships.

Another hallmark of the game is the complex plotting which sees almost all of the player-controlled characters get equal billing throughout the story. Enhancing this feeling of depth is the fact that many of the CGI sequences that punctuate the game do not focus on the game's heroes but instead present action and machinations happening throughout the continent of Ivalice.

Story[edit | edit source]

Final Fantasy XII is set within the land of Ivalice during an age when "magic was commonplace" and "airships plied the skies, crowding out the heavens". At this time, magicite, a magic-rich mineral, is commonly used in magic spells and in powering airships—a popular form of transportation in Ivalice. Ivalice is divided into three continents: Ordalia, Valendia, and Kerwon. Ordalia is located in the western part of Ivalice. The Rozarrian Empire makes its home in the vast inland plains of this continent as the eastern portion of it is largely desert or "jagd"—lawless lands so rich in Mist (the ethereal manifestation of magicite) that airships cannot fly over them. Valendia is the home of Imperial Archadia, where vast and lush plains dot the landscape. Central to the story is Dalmasca, a small kingdom between the two continents and Empires. Located in the middle of the Galtean Peninsula of Ordalia, Dalmasca is surrounded by an expanse of desert. The temperate climate of Dalmasca differs from the cold environs of Kerwon and the lush plains of Valendia and Ordalia. During this time, Ivalice is beset by the pending war between the forces of Rozarria and Archadia. Caught between the two powerful Empires, Dalmasca and a number of smaller nations have already been subjugated by Archadia two years before the game begins.

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