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Enemy Cards[edit | edit source]

Image Name Move Description Draw the card
Shadow Incrementor Increase the value of all cards by 1. Duration: 2 reloads
Soldier Combo Plus Add an extra hit to normal combos. Duration: 3 reloads
Large Body Guard Deflect frontal physical attacks and completely nullify damage. Duration: 1 reload
Red Nocturne Fire Boost Increase the strength of Fire abilities. Duration: 1 reload
Blue Rhapsody Blizzard Boost Increase the strength of Blizzard abilities. Duration: 1 reload
Yellow Opera Thunder Boost Increase the strength of Thunder abilities. Duration: 1 reload
Green Requiem Cure Boost Increase the potency of Cure abilities. Duration: 1 reload
Powerwild Retrograde Reverse the values of all cards. 1 becomes 9, 2 becomes 8, etc. Cards with value 0 are not affected. Duration: 1 reload
Bouncywild Draw Attract fallen cards and items for easy retrieval. Duration: 5 reloads
Air Soldier Reload Kinesis Reload while in motion. Duration: 3 reloads
Bandit Combo Finish Make any normal attack as strong as a finishing blow. Duration: 1 reload
Fat Bandit Back Attack Increase damage when striking enemies from behind. Duration: 2 reloads
Barrel Spider Quickload Reload cards instantly. Duration: 3 reloads
Search Ghost Drain Absorb enemy HP when striking with attack cards, but enemies will drop fewer items. Duration: 1 reload
Sea Neon Random Values Randomize the values of cards you use. Duration: 1 reload
Screwdiver Decrementor Decrease the values of all cards by 1. Duration: 1 reload
Aquatank Auto-Reload Automatically reload cards when they run out. Duration: 1 reload
Wight Knight Float Alter gravity to increase jumping ability. Duration: 3 reloads
Gargoyle Vanish Become invisible and reduce your chances of being hit. Duration: 1 reload
Pirate All Zeros Change the values of all cards to 0. Duration: 1 reload
Air Pirate Item Bracer Stop enemies from breaking item cards you use. Duration: 3 reloads
Darkball Cardblind Hide the cards you hold from hostile eyes. Duration: 3 reloads
Defender Protect Decrease damage from physical attacks by the enemy. Magical attacks do normal damage. Duration: 1 reload
Wyvern Reload Lock Reload without incrementing the reload counter. Duration: 3 reloads
Wizard Magic Boost Forfeit summon card use to power up magic cards. Duration: 1 reload
Neoshadow Bio Cause enemies' HP to gradually drop. Duration: 1 reload
White Mushroom Hyper Healing Restore some HP every time you use a friend card. Duration: 3 reloads
Black Fungus Random Flush Activate a random enemy card effect. Duration: 1 reload
Creeper Plant Leaf Bracer Stop enemies from breaking Cure abilities you use. Duration: 1 reload
Tornado Step Reload Haste Subtract 2 from the reload counter. Duration: 1 reload
Crescendo Summon Boost Forfeit magic card use to power up summon cards. Duration: 1 reload
Guard Armor Wide Attack Slightly extend the range of attack cards. Duration: 30 attacks
Parasite Cage Dispel Break an opponent's enemy card without fail. Nothing happens if your opponent has no enemy card in play. N/A
Trickmaster Value Break When you lose a card break, reduce the value of the enemy's card by the value of your broken card. Duration: 10 breaks
Darkside Mimic Copy the enemy card your opponent is using. Nothing happens if your opponent has no enemy card in play. N/A
Card Soldier Attack Haste Increase the swing speed of attack cards. Duration: 30 attacks
Hades Berserk Boost the power of attack cards when low on HP (when the gauge is flashing red). Duration: 30 attacks
Jafar Attack Bracer Stop enemies from breaking attack cards you use. Duration: 20 attacks
Oogie Boogie Regen Gradually restore HP. HP return more quickly when low. Duration: 10 uses
Ursula Shell Halve the damege from magical attacks by the enemy. Summon magic does normal damage. Duration: 5 hits taken
Hook Second Chance Retain 1 HP after a critical hit, provided you have 2 or more HP left. Duration: 3 uses
Dragon Maleficent Overdrive Sacrifice reload speed to power up attack cards. Duration: 30 attacks
Riku Sleight Lock Keep cards used in sleights available for reloading. Duration: 5 sleights
Axel Quick Recovery Use cards even while staggering from damage. Duration: 10 hits taken
Larxene Dash Increase running speed. Duration: 15 cards
Vexen Auto-Life Revive automatically when your HP reach 0. Only a small amount of HP is restored. Duration: 1 use
Marluxia Double Sleight Use stocked cards and sleights twice in a row. However, during versus battles it bumps up the reload counter. Duration: 3 sleights
Lexaeus Warp Break Obliterate enemies with the finishing blow of a combo with a high success rate. During versus battles you can stun your opponent. Duration: 50 attacks
Ansem Sleightblind Conceal your stocked cards from opponents. Duration: 10 sleights

Boss Cards[edit | edit source]

Aside from the usual Heartless Enemy Cards, there are cards that you can obtain from defeating bosses. They can be obtained in both Sora's Story and Reverse Rebirth.

Image Name How to Obtain Description
Wide Attack Defeat Guard Armor Slightly extends the range of attack cards.
Dispel Defeat Parasite Cage Nullifies an opponent's enemy card without fail. Nothing happens if your opponent has no enemy card in play.
Value Break Defeat Trickmaster Decreases value of the enemy's card when your card is broken.
Mimic Defeat Darkside Copies the enemy card your opponent is using. Nothing happens if your opponent has no enemy card in play.
Berserk Defeat Hades Boosts the power of attack cards when low on HP (when the gauge is flashing red).
Attack Bracer Defeat Jafar Stops enemies from breaking attack cards you use.
Regen Defeat Oogie Boogie Gradually restores HP. HP returns more quickly when low.
Shell Defeat Ursula Halves the damage from enemies' magic attacks.
Second Chance Defeat Captain Hook Retains 1 HP after a critical hit, provided you have 2 or more HP left.
Overdrive Defeat Maleficent Sacrifices reload speed to power up attack cards.
Sleight Lock Defeat Riku Keeps cards used in sleights available for reloading.
Sleightblind Defeat Ansem Conceal your stocked cards from opponents.
Auto-Life Defeat Vexen Revives you automatically when your HP reaches 0. Only a small amount of HP is restored.
Warp Break Defeat Lexaeus Obliterate enemies with the finishing blow of a combo with a high success rate.
Quick Recovery Defeat Axel Allows use of cards even while staggering from damage.
Dash Defeat Larxene Increases running speed.
Double Sleight Defeat Marluxia Use stocked cards and sleights twice in a row.

Bosses[edit | edit source]

+ Name I II III
Hades Resistant to fire Stunned by ice N/A
Hook Resistant to lightning Stunned by fire N/A
Riku Resistant to fire, ice, and lightning N/A N/A
Axel Immune to fire Stunned by ice N/A
Larxene Immune to lightning Weak against special attacks N/A
Vexen Immune to ice Stunned by fire N/A
Marluxia Resistant to fire, ice, lightning, and special attacks Weak against physical attacks N/A
Lexaeus Immune to ice Resistant to physical attacks Weak against special attacks
Ansem Resistant to fire, ice, and lightning N/A N/A