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South America, 1936. Indy is searching for a temple that is rumored to contain a golden idol. He is joined by Satipo and 3 other assistants, though all of them were either accidentally dispatched by the natives or scared away. Indy is confident that he is on the right track, but he has a little more to go to reach the temple's entrance.

  • True Adventurer: 30000 studs

The jungle

Chest No. 1
Right from the start you can obtain your first chest, poorly hidden behind a tree. You can easily spot it by its glow. There are ten chests for you to collect in each level, and these chests form an artifact that you can view at the Barnett College. Note that some chests cannot be obtained in Story Mode, only in Free Play after you've unlocked certain characters.

Starting off, destroy the various plants and collect all the studs lying around. Be careful of red spiders that sometimes appear after you destroy a plant. You might notice a curious spot on the ground, with sparkles around it and what looks like an object sticking out of the soil. Thankfully, your partner Satipo happens to have a shovel, so switch to him or have the player playing him dig the object up. It appears to be a golden head, similar to a duller rock head that you probably destroyed earlier. There are three of these to find, and it is advisable that you make an effort to find all three. There is also an elevated platform behind where you start off. You can hang on the vine to open the hatch that leads to the platform. Have Indy get on the platform and move to the bright spot, then use your whip to swing across the air, netting yourself some more studs. With nothing left for you to do here, swing across the gap using the vine.

There is a trap in this area that can fool greedy players. There is a blue stud located on top of a button that will activate the stone head to launch an arrow, but attacking the head makes it spit endless silver studs instead, which you can use to grind studs if you have a lot of free time. There is also a pile of blocks lying nearby that you can use to build a trampoline, which will let you bounce high enough to collect a column of coins in midair. You can swing to the other platform using Indy's whip, but you'll have to leave Satipo behind, at least temporarily.

On this new platform, there doesn't seem to be a way across without Satipo's help. You can help him reach this spot by destroying a structure that is holding a wine in place, which will free the vine and let Satipo swing to where you are. Dig up the object in the ground and place it on the green spot, which will make it unroll into a rope bridge. Be careful when making your way across, as the railings doesn't prevent you from falling off.

There is another one of these traps on this platform, which shouldn't fool you at all, and you can attack it to turn it into a stud dispenser. The next trap is already disarm for you, but it only serves to throw you off so that you will fall for the third trap, which is still fairly easy to disarm. In between the first two traps is an odd stone head that reveals a diggable spot after being destroyed, which nets you a second golden head. Just one more and you can get a reward! A new kind of trap lies in thie level, a fairly obvious one too. Stepping on the long button on the ground will cause spikes to eject, which will retract after a while. Jump over the button to avoid springing the trap.

Chest No. 2
This chest will only be revealed upon finding the three golden heads. Read through the walkthrough again and retrace your steps if you think you've missed one. Upon finding them all, the chest will appear at the alcove south of the gate.

After the spikes is a stone gate, and there doesn't seem to be a way to open it. Pushing a small statue to the right will move one of the columns to reveal a button, which only lowers to gate slightly when pressed. Dig in the glowing spot to get the head of the left statue, letting you push that in and press the revealed button to fully open the gate. Before you go through, there is a ladder south of you that leads to an alcove with studs, though you can move further left to find the third buried golden head among some bushes. Having done that, go through the gate.

The treacherous lake

Chest No. 3
The entrance to the temple is within sight, but you still have something to do before entering. Jump up the rocks to the left to reach a ledge with a lever. Pulling the lever lowers a metal gate around the waterfall. If you swim through the waterfall now, you can reach a hidden cave. Inside, pull the lever to make a platform extend from the wall.

The sound of the waterfall echoes throughout this area. You will have to get across the lake to progress, but even though you can swim across, the crocodiles that live in the lake should be enough to deter you from doing so. You can defeat them safely with Indy's whip, but you still can't reach the dock at the other end of the lake. Constructing a raft from the pile of blocks nearby solves both problems, as crocs can't attack you and you can reach the dock on the other side.

Chest No. 4
This chest doesn't make much of an effort to hide itself, as you can spot its glow behind some bushes just before the stairs leading to the temple entrance.

As you approach the entrance, two giant spiders will drop from above. Even though they're huge, they're as easy to defeat as their smaller red counterparts. More will continue to drop down, so be quick to enter the temple. Right before the gate are more traps, spears that pop out when you approach them. However, you can destroy them with a shovel for more studs or pick them up and use them to attack the giant spiders. In between spider attacks, quickly pull one of the vines at the entrance and have your partner pull the other to open the gate.

The temple