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Years before the game begins Astos, the Dark Elf, put the Elf Prince into a perpetual sleep and robbed the Elfheim castle. He also stole Matoya's Crystal Eye, preventing her from waking the prince. He originally appears as a normal Elf King, and asks the Light Warriors to retrieve "his" Crown from the Marsh Cave.



The King of the Dragons, Bahamut, rules over the Cardia Island and rewards adventures who bring him proof of their courage. After completing the trials he will change the Light Warriors' classes.


Bikke the pirate

A pirate whose gang attacks ships on the Inner Sea and occasionally takes refuge in Pravoka. Once his gang is defeated, he will give the Light Warriors his ship.



The ultimate evil, Chaos is really the knight Garland who was sent 2000 years into the past by the Four Fiends. Once in the past he sent Tiamat and the Kraken 1600 years into the future and Marilith and the Lich 1800 years into the future. Once there the Fiends took control of the Crystals and then in the present day sent Garland back in time, creating a time loop.

Circle of Sages

One of the sages

Nine sages, including the prophet Lukin, who live in Crescent Lake. They will tell the Light Warriors about the four Fiends, and after defeating the Lich, give them a canoe.

Dr. Unne

Dr. Unne

An expert linguist, Dr. Unne can help people understand the language of the Lufenians if they bring him the Rosetta Stone from the Sunken Shrine


A dwarf

The Dwarves of Mt. Duergar are working on building a canal that will allow passage from the Inner Sea to the rest of the world, however they need Nitro Powder from Cornelia Castle to finish the project. One of the dwarves is a master blacksmith, capable of forging the powerful sword Excalibur from Adamantine.

Elf Prince

Elf Prince

The ruler of Elfheim who was put into a magical sleep by the Dark Elf Astos. He can only be awaken with the Jolt Tonic from Matoya.


The faerie
  • Alignment: Good
  • Location: Gaia

A faerie who lives in the pond on the north side of Gaia. She was recently kidnapped, stuck in a bottle, and sold to the Desert trader. Once released she will return to Gaia and give the Light Warriors Oxyale.



Former knight of Cornelia turned evil, Garland kidnapped Princess Sarah and tried to ransom her for the throne. He also aligned himself with the four fiends and was sent back in time 2000 years to become Chaos.

King of Cornelia

The King of Cornelia

Ruler of Cornelia and father of Princess Sarah, he sent messengers around the world to find the Light Warriors. As a test, he sent them on a quest to defeat Garland and save the princess before repairing the bridge to Pravoka.


The Kraken

One of the first Fiends to appear, the Kraken appeared 400 years ago, attacked Onrac and sunk the shrine. After taking control of the Crystal of Water, the Mermaids began to disappear.


The Lich

The Lich took control of the Crystal of Earth 200 years ago, causing the land around Melmond to rot. His army of undead consume the land unchecked, turning the once green fields to rock and marsh.


A Lufenian
  • Original Name: Lefians
  • Alignment: Good
  • Location: Lufenia

An ancient and highly advanced race, the Lufenians built technological marvels such as the robots, the Tower of Mirage, and the Flying Fortress. The remaining Lufenians retreated to the forests south of Gaia and established a new town.


The prophet Lukin

Lukahn is a wise and knowledgeable sage and prophet. He formerly lived in Conelia, but soon joined the Circle of Sages at Crescent Lake. Before leaving, he prophesied to the King of Cornelia that the Light Warriors would return peace and balance to the world. After that, the King sent people out to find the Light Warriors and bring them to Cornelia.


  • Original Name: Kary
  • Alignment: Evil
  • Location: Mt. Gulg

200 years ago Marlilith appeared with the Lich, taking control of the Crystal of Fire in Mt. Gulg.


Matoya the witch

Matoya is a blind witch who needs the Crystal Eye to see. She lives in a cave north of Coneria with her animated, speaking brooms. She is the only person capable of creating the potent Jolt Tonic needed to break the curse that Astos cast upon the Prince of Elfheim, but is unable to do so without seeing.


Inhabitants of the (now sunken) shrine in Onrac, they are in danger of becoming extinct ever since the Kraken took control of the shrine and the Crystal of Water.

Princess Sarah

Princess Sarah

Daughter of the Cornelian king, Sarah was kidnapped by the knight Garland. Once returned to Cornelia, she will give the Light Warriors the Lute that Garland stole from the castle.


A robot

Built long ago by the Lufenians, the robots were designed to aid them in the Flying Fortress. After Tiamat took control of the Fortress, one of the robots stole the Warp Cube from the Tower of Mirage and hid in the Waterfall Cave.


Sarda, the great sage

A powerful sage who lives in a cave west of Melmond, he will give the Light Warriors the Earth Rod, which will grant them passage to the lowest levels of the Terra Cave. Sarda's cave is on the other side of the Titan's Cave, guarded by the ruby loving Titan.



The most powerful Fiend, Tiamat appeared 400 years ago and took over the Fortress after driving the Lufenians out and seizing the Crystal of Wind.



The titan lives in a tunnel that allows passage to Sarda, however he will only move out of the way in exchange for the Star Ruby, which is in the possession of the Vampire.


Underhill the desert trader

A lone merchant in the great desert on the western continent, the trader has recently acquired a Bottled Faerie. Once she is returned home, she will help the Light Warriors out.


The Vampire

As the only known resident of the Terra Cave, the Vampire was originally blamed for the rotting of the Earth (which was, in fact, caused by the Lich). In reality, the Vampire merely guarded the entrance to the lower levels of the Terra Cave. The Vampire also owns the Star Ruby.