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Template:Citations missing This is a comprehensive listing of the units in the Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War series, a series of popular real-time strategy computer games. The first, eponymous Dawn of War game was released on September 20, 2004 as a production of Relic Entertainment. Dawn of War was released to critical acclaim, and due to its popularity, two expansion packs were released; Winter Assault and Dark Crusade, on 2005 and 2006 respectively. A third expansion pack, Soulstorm, is slated for release in March of 2008.

The Dawn of War series was praised as very innovative, as it simplified the traditional resource-gathering stage of real-time strategy games by having only two resources to collect, similar to Starcraft. Unlike Starcraft's system, Dawn of War instead requires that players capture strategic locations for the requisition resource, and build power generators for the power resource. Workers are not tasked to gather resources; rather, a player must build the buildings to generate resources and defend them in order to win the game.

The first game, Dawn of War, featured four races; the Eldar, Space Marines, Chaos Space Marines and Orks. The first expansion pack, Winter Assault, introduced the Imperial Guard. The second expansion pack, Dark Crusade, introduced the Necrons and Tau. The third pack, Soulstorm, has introduced the Dark Eldar and Sisters of Battle.

Almost all infantry in the series come in squads, which may be 'reinforced'; units are added to the squad to increase its firepower and health. Also, these squads may be upgraded with better weaponry, and sometimes have special abilities, which may be innate, granted by research, or due to the inclusion of a leader unit in the group.

Table of contents

Space Marines: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Chaos Space Marines: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Eldar: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Orks: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Imperial Guards: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Tau: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Necrons: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Dark Eldar: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units
Sisters of Battle: Infantry unitsVehiclesCommandersSpecial units

References Template:Space External links

Space Marine units


Unit Unit Type Description
Scouts Infantry in Carapace Armor These are the basic units of the Space Marine race. Outfitted with light power armor and optical enhancements, they have a superior field of view and are very agile. However, they lack the protection of heavier infantry, and are vulnerable to most other units.
Space Marines Infantry in Power Armor The backbone of the Space Marine armies, these Tactical Squads are composed of fully-initiated Space Marines. They may be reinforced with more members and given a Sergeant, who is an elite unit that boosts morale in the squad. The average Space Marine is a genetically-engineered, physically perfect being, and is more than a match for an entire squad of Imperial guardsmen; however, due to the rigorous training program of the Space Marines, which usually kills a majority of recruits, they may only field limited numbers of these units. Devastator Squads may receive armor and power upgrades, and may also be upgraded with special weapons.
Assault Space Marines Infantry in Power Armor with a mounted Jump Pack These are regular Space Marines who have been given jump packs and can use these to easily move around the battlefield. Specializing in close combat, Assault Space Marines are armed with bolt pistols and chainswords and can take down lightly armored infantry easily. They will not last long against heavy firepower or armour, though. Like conventional Space Marines, Assault Marines have the option of being upgraded with a Sergeant. The player also has the option of upgrading their Assault Space Marines with Meltabombs, which do considerable damage against enemy armor and vehicles.
Sergeants Infantry in Power Armor These are seasoned Space Marines who are placed in command of Devastator and Assault Squads. They are armed with more sophisticated weaponry than most Space Marines, such as Power Sword and Plasma Rifles, and have tougher armor. The Sargeant has the ability to rally his squad, fully restoring their morale.
Grey Knights Heavy Infantry in Power Armor In the service of the infamous Inquisition, Grey Knights are powerful psyker units, resilient to most conventional attacks and able to dominate lesser minds with their psychic abilities. They also wield deadly force weaponry. These units were introduced in the Dark Crusade expansion.
Terminators Heavy Infantry in Tactical Dreadnought Armor Comprised of the most seasoned Space Marines, Terminators are the heaviest infantry in the service of the Emperor of Mankind. They wear the fabled Tactical Dreadnought Armor, which is highly resilient to all damage. They also wield Storm bolters by default, and may be upgraded with heavier weaponry, such as Assault cannons. Terminators can teleport directly onto the battlefield, and can be upgraded with teleporters to move around the battlefield easily.
Assault Terminators Heavy Infantry in Tactical Dreadnought Armor Foregoing the ranged weaponry of the conventional Terminator, Assault Terminators are more heavily armored and favor close combat. They wield thunder hammers, which allow them to defeat most units who engage them in close combat.


Unit Unit Type Description
Land Speeder Hovering fast-attack vehicle Land Speeders are weakly armored against most heavy assault, but devastate infantry.
Dreadnought Heavy mecha Dreadnoughts are armed by default with power fists, bolters and flamers. They are effective against all unit types, but slow-moving; however, they may be delivered to the battlefield by orbital drop pods.
Hellfire Dreadnought Heavy mecha This Dreadnought is outfitted with an assault cannon and missile missile launcher, which may be upgraded to a Lascannon. Hellfire Dreadnoughts are mainly used against fortified positions.
Whirlwind Artillery This tank is armed with a turret-mounted multiple missile launcher capable of long range bombardment of enemy units. Although inaccurate at range, especially when firing blind, the Whirlwind is effective at destroying massed ranks of infantry and also fixed enemy positions.
Rhino Light transport A fast tough transport capeable of moving 3 squads of marines (not assault marines or terminators). Can be upgraded to have smoke launchers that lower damage from ranged weapons. Note that the Rhino, while armored, is unarmed and must rely on the protection of other vehicles for protection.
Predator medium tank The predator is armed with a turret mounted autocannon and two side sponsons of heavy bolters. It can be upgraded to have a twin-linked lascannon on the turret and either or both of the side sponsons can be upgraded to a lascannon. Limit of 2
Land Raider Heavy Transport, relic unit The Land Raider is armed with twin-linked lascannons on each side sponson and a twin linked heavy bolter on the front. It is capable of carrying one unit of Space Marine infantry (not Assault Marines) and the only vehicle capable of carrying Terminators.

Chaos Space Marines


Unit Unit Type Description
Heretic Basic building unit Has the ability to turn health into increased construction power
Cultist Squad Swarm unit Weak unit with high numbers useful as a meat shield. Can be upgraded to detect infiltrated units, have plasma guns and Grenade launches.
Chaos Lord Commander unit Close combat unit that can attach to squads to boost morale.
Chaos Sorcerer Heavy infantry Powerful damage and movement restricting special abilities. Can teleport short distances.
Chaos Space Marines Heavy infantry Similar to standard Space Marines however tainted by Chaos. Can be upgraded to have heavy bolters and plasma guns.
Raptor Squad Jump-pack unit Close combat unit capable of short distance flying.
Khorne Berserker Heavy infantry Fast moving close-combat unit.
Horror Squad Daemon Ranged attack daemon summoned from the warp into the map.
Possessed Squad Heavy infantry "the ultimate combat unit" with a variety of upgrades.
Bloodthirster Relic unit most powerful chaos daemon, can fly short distances


Unit Unit Type Description
Chaos Rhino Light Transport Similar to the Space Marine Rhino.
Defiler Artillery/ Combat mecha Very inaccurate artillery that throws units, strong combat unit effective against most units.
Chaos Predator Heavy tank Effective against infantry, can be upgraded to be effective against vehicles and buildings.

Eldar units


Unit Unit Type Description
Guardians basic warriors These are the basic warriors of the Eldar race, who are described as a type militia to defend the craftworld. they are armed with shuriken catapults. The warlocks (squad leaders) can detect infiltrated units
Rangers Snipers Rangers are the Eldar snipers, they come with ranger long rifles and can be upgraded to use infiltration.
Howling Banshees Close combat specialists These fierce Eldar warriors excel at hand to hand combat. They are armed with a shuriken pistol and a power sword.
Dark Reapers Anti-infantry These ranged specialists are armed with reaper launchers that are very effective against infantry and heavy infantry.
Warp Spiders Hover-infantry Similar to assault marines, they are capable of teleporting short distances. They are armed with a Death Spinner that is effective against all infantry types. They may be upgraded to have haywire grenades and have a limit of 3.
Fire Dragons Anti-tank Armed with Fusion Guns which are effective against vehicles and buildings.
Seer Council Bodyguards specialist commander retinue armed with powerful double ended power weapons and shuriken pistol. The more warlocks in the squad the faster the recharge rate for abilities of attached units. Can detect infiltrated units.
Harlequin Close combat specialist Secondary commander, with special powers harlequin's kiss that kills a victim instantly and dance of death that knocks down several units in the area of the harlequin.
Avatar Relic unit, daemon A powerful avatar of the war god. All of your nearby units are immune to moral damage while near him and all units are produced faster. It is one of the most powerful relic units. Only one may be built.


Unit Unit Type Description
Falcon Grav tank Hover, transport Can transport two units and fly short distances to get over difficult terrain. Armed with twin-linked shuriken catapults on the front, a bright lance and a pulse laser on the turret. It can be upgraded to have a star cannon.
Vyper fast, hoverbike A fast moving unit that can fly short distances. Armed with twin-linked shuriken catapults and an Eldar missile launcher.
Wraithlord heavy mecha A towering unit that is effective against all unit types. Armed with two powerfists with a flamer on each and a sholder mounted shuriken cannon that can be upgraded to a bright lance.
Fire Prism hover tank when flying the unit uses more of the special power, so it cannot fly 2 trips like other units it needs more time to recharge. Armed with twin-linked shuriken catapults and a prism cannon.

Ork units


Unit Unit Type Description
Gretchin Squad Builder unit Basic building unit that can be reinforced to have greater numbers for meat shield or greater production. can be upgraded to use infiltration.
Slugga Boy Squad Basic infantry unit Combat unit effective against infantry, can be upgraded to have burnas.
Mad Doc Healer Contrary to popular belief an ork healer actually can heal their units.
Warboss Primary Commander detects infiltrated units, effective against all units, excels in combat and can teleport short distances.
Mega Armoured Nobz Heavy infantry Tough combat unit can detect infiltrated units.
Shoota Boy Squad Ranged infantry effective against infantry and heavy infantry.
StormBoyz Squad Jet-pack infantry Can fly short distances, effective against infantry.
Nob Squad Heavy infantry Can be upgraded to be effective against all unit types.
TankBustaz Squad Heavy Infantry Anti-vehicle unit that can use infiltration.
Big Mek Heavy infantry, secondary commander Boosts morale when attached to units.
Flash Gitz Advanced ranged unit Powerful ranged attacks with special weapons.

Dark Eldar units


Unit Unit Type Description
Mandrakes Combat specialists Close combat units that can be upgraded to use infiltration (stealth).
Warriors Basic infantry Common Dark Eldar unit good at ranged attacks.
Wyches Combat specialists Armed with deadly weapons and combat drugs, they hit morale of the enemy unit hard and fast.
Haemonculus Secondary commander Can attach to squads to improve damage to morale by weapons.
Warp Beast Pack Fast attack combat unit Without a beastmaster the squad will attack friendlies when panicked
Hellion Hover-infantry Mounted on skyboards these units look similar to the Green Goblin.
Scourge Jet-pack infantry Armed with Splinter Cannons by default they can be upgraded to have Dark Lances to be effective against vehicles. Unlike in the tabletop game this unit must stop in order to fire the Splinter Cannons. They can fly short distances.


Unit Unit Type Description
Raider Light Transport Armed with a dark lance this fast moving transport can fly short distances and the squad onboard can fire out.
Jet-Bike Hover-bike Fast moving anti-infantry hover-bike.
Talos Heavy Hover Mecha Similar to a dreadnought but shaped like a scorpion, armed with claws and a wild fire gun. Can harvest Soul resource from dead biological enemies.
Ravager Hover-Tank Armed with 3 dark lances that can be upgraded to anti-infantry disintegrators.
Raven Aircraft A modified jetbike that flies, can prevent turrets from working.
Dais of Destruction Relic vehicle Asdrubael Vect on his modified ravager, projects an aura that protects nearby units from ranged attacks