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Unit Unit Type Description
Scouts Infantry in Carapace Armor These are the basic units of the Space Marine race. Outfitted with light power armor and optical enhancements, they have a superior field of view and are very agile. However, they lack the protection of heavier infantry, and are vulnerable to most other units.
Space Marines Heavy Infantry in Power Armor The backbone of the Space Marine armies, these Tactical Squads are composed of fully-initiated Space Marines. They may be reinforced with more members and given a Sergeant, who is an elite unit that boosts morale in the squad. The average Space Marine is a genetically-engineered, physically perfect being, and is more than a match for an entire squad of Imperial guardsmen; however, due to the rigorous training program of the Space Marines, which usually kills a majority of recruits, they may only field limited numbers of these units. Devastator Squads may receive armor and power upgrades, and may also be upgraded with special weapons.
Assault Space Marines Heavy Infantry in Power Armor with a mounted Jump Pack These are regular Space Marines who have been given jump packs and can use these to easily move around the battlefield. Specializing in close combat, Assault Space Marines are armed with bolt pistols and chainswords and can take down lightly armored infantry easily. They will not last long against heavy firepower or armour, though. Like conventional Space Marines, Assault Marines have the option of being upgraded with a Sergeant. The player also has the option of upgrading their Assault Space Marines with Meltabombs, which do considerable damage against enemy armor and vehicles.
Sergeants Heavy Infantry in Power Armor These are seasoned Space Marines who are placed in command of Devastator and Assault Squads. They are armed with more sophisticated weaponry than most Space Marines, such as Power Sword and Plasma Rifles, and have tougher armor. The Sergeant has the ability to rally his squad, fully restoring their morale.
Grey Knights Heavy Infantry in Power Armor In the service of the infamous Inquisition, Grey Knights are powerful psyker units, resilient to most conventional attacks and able to dominate lesser minds with their psychic abilities. They also wield deadly force weaponry. These units were introduced in the Dark Crusade expansion.
Terminators Heavy Infantry in Tactical Dreadnought Armor Comprised of the most seasoned Space Marines, Terminators are the heaviest infantry in the service of the Emperor of Mankind. They wear the fabled Tactical Dreadnought Armor, which is highly resilient to all damage. They also wield Storm bolters by default, and may be upgraded with heavier weaponry, such as Assault cannons. Terminators can teleport directly onto the battlefield, and can be upgraded with teleporters to move around the battlefield easily.
Assault Terminators Heavy Infantry in Tactical Dreadnought Armor Foregoing the ranged weaponry of the conventional Terminator, Assault Terminators are more heavily armored and favor close combat. They wield thunder hammers, which allow them to defeat most units who engage them in close combat.
Unit Unit Type Description
Land Speeder Hovering fast-attack vehicle Land Speeders are weakly armored against most heavy assault, but devastate infantry.
Dreadnought Heavy mecha Dreadnoughts are armed by default with power fists, bolters and flamers. They are effective against all unit types, but slow-moving; however, they may be delivered to the battlefield by orbital drop pods.
Hellfire Dreadnought Heavy mecha This Dreadnought is outfitted with an assault cannon and missile missile launcher, which may be upgraded to a Lascannon. Hellfire Dreadnoughts are mainly used against fortified positions.
Whirlwind Artillery This tank is armed with a turret-mounted multiple missile launcher capable of long range bombardment of enemy units. Although inaccurate at range, especially when firing blind, the Whirlwind is effective at destroying massed ranks of infantry and also fixed enemy positions.
Rhino Light transport A fast tough transport capable of moving 3 squads of marines (not assault marines or terminators). Can be upgraded to have smoke launchers that lower damage from ranged weapons. Note that the Rhino, while armored, is unarmed and must rely on the protection of other vehicles for protection.
Predator medium tank The predator is armed with a turret mounted autocannon and two side sponsons of heavy bolters. It can be upgraded to have a twin-linked lascannon on the turret and either or both of the side sponsons can be upgraded to a lascannon. Limit of 2
Land Raider Heavy Transport, relic unit The Land Raider is armed with twin-linked lascannons on each side sponson and a twin linked heavy bolter on the front. It is capable of carrying one unit of Space Marine infantry (not Assault Marines) and the only vehicle capable of carrying Terminators.