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The third chapter involves the construction of the Warship on Bofsk. Princess Hilda will send you to the remote town to the north-east to destroy it while it is still on the ground.

Monsters during this section are not powerful compared to those you fought previously, and there is only the presence of a few new spells.


File:FF2 Bofsk map.png
Map of the Bofsk sewers
New Spells
Spell Cost
Fear 800
Peep 800
Heal 800
Mute 800

Bofsk is located far to the north-east from Altea. While you can walk the long distance, you can speed up travel by either taking a boat from Palm or by taking the Airship at Poft.

In the town, head to the south-west corner and speak with the rebel contact. Use the rebel sign, "Wild Rose" to open the path through the sewers. While you can purchase new equipment here, this is not required.

When you enter, you will encounter similar enemies; the most notable being soldiers which you have defeated earlier, and balloons, which explode for significant damage. To defeat balloons, use the fire spell across all targets.

Through the sewers are the chests for the long sword and long bow respectively.

When you reach the second floor, head to the right and follow the corridor to the end. You will see the dark knight, who will taunt you before retreating into the Warship. It will take off and commence its attack on the other visible cities.

Return into the sewers and head right. In the small room, you can collect the Pass, and use the warp tile to return to the city. Once you return, rest and make any desired purchases. The only new items here are a few spells; the rest are the same items as purchased in other shops.


As you approach Princess Hilda, unequip any items Minwu is carrying. Return to Princess Hilda to inform her of the Warship, and Minwu will stay behind to take care of the king. From discussions between Hilda and the King, it will be suggested to talk with Cid concerning the weakness of the warship.

When you talk with Cid about his Airship, he will mention that it is powered by the Sun Flame. When you return to the king with this information, you will be told about the Godess Bell. Hilda will send you back to Salmando to track down the location of the bell.

Look for Josef in the top right house in Salamand. Ask him about Goddess Bell and he will join you to get the Snowcraft hidden in 1st floor of Semite Caves. It's beside the blue rock, which you will see the moment you enter the cave. After you have retrieved the snowcraft, exit the cave and move to the northeast of world map. The entrance to the snowfield is on the left edge of the snowfield. Walk to the extreme right end of the snowfield using your snowcraft and enter the cave.

Move the lowest level and enter the room on the bottom right. You will see a few furry creatures there. Talk to the one on the top left corner of the room and Guy happens to know how to communicate in that language. The creature will tell you that the Goddess Bell is in a hidden room. You can find the entrance to the right edge of the room. Defeat the creature, retrieve the Goddess Bell and leave the cave. Upon reaching the exit, Josef will be killed while sacrificing himself to save your group. Bring the sad news to Princess Hilda and she will tell you that you need to find Cid immediately. Head straight to Kashuan Keep and you will see Princess Hilda and Cid upon entering.

Use the Goddess Bell on the locked door at the top, above Sunfire, and the door will unlock itself. You will find Prince Gordon upon entering and he will join you to find Egil's Torch. Get all the treasures in this map and finally the Egil's Torch. After retrieving the Egil's Torch, exit to 1F and use the torch on the Sunfire. The Sunfire will be transferred on Egil's Torch. Exit the Keep and you will see Cid's airship get captured by Dreadnought.

Head back to the Altair and speak to everyone in the room. You will find out that Princess Hilda and Cid have been captured by the Dreadnought, but it requires replenishment and the replenishment location is to the Northwest of Altair. Head Northwest and enter Dreadnought. Go through the map to find Cid and Princess Hilda. Cid will tell you to throw the Sunfire into the engine. Go to the 5F which is the engine room to throw the Sunfire into the engine. A Dark Knight will appear and ask what have you done to the engine. Maria will recognize the voice but there is no time to talk here as the ship is about to blow. Your party will auto exit the Dreadnought and head back to Altair.

Go into the King's room and you will find that the King is about to die. Before you do so, unequip Gordon's items as he will leave you after this section. The King will ask Gordon to take lead of his army. He asks of Minwu to break the seal to the Ultimate Tome. He asks Firion to head to Deist, home of the dragoons to search for last standing dragoons and the wyverns. Lastly, he asks that you all take care of Princess Hilda. After which, he leaves the world. Gordon and Minwu leaves the room to handle their tasks and you are back to 3 party members again.