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Barbarian Hordes feast on a dying Roman empire. The most dangerous of these invaders are the Huns and their ferocious king, Attila. After pouring out of the Caspian Steppes, looting and burning all the while, the Huns become so powerful that the Roman empire is forced to pay a tribute to Attila. But the king of the Huns is still not satisfied, and he mobilizes his horsemen to invade Gaul and eventually Rome itself! Can nothing stop the brutal Attila?


Relics will have guards or will be hidden. Search in thick areas of trees or where there are wolves. Relics will almost always be surrounded by dire wolves. Kill the wolf with any kind of militia or knight and use a monk to pick up the relic and garrison it.

There are typically 2-5 relics in a game, and depending on the settings, if you collect them all you win. But a relic can be stolen from you of you areA attacked.

Atilla the Hun 1

Objectives: Attila must survive, (1) Attila must kill Bleda, (2) Defeat Scythians, Persians, or Western Roman Empire (defeat only 2 Enemies)

Optional: Free the Scythian Scout, Bring Attila to the Scythian Camp, Bring 10 Horses to the Scythian Pen

Now you start with nothing until you get Attila now Bleda will betray you when you kill the iron boar so you can switch your diplomacy to Bleda to enemy and kill him from the start(you don't need to kill the iron boar) then return to camp Bleda's Huns will switch to ally to you again so no need to switch sides again when you go back to camp the archers that Bleda prepared to kill Attila will come to the camp, kill all the Archers quickly now you Receive Bleda's Base then first put all your villagers to work and then send your troops to a small Persian mining post (indicated with walls near your Base) kill the villagers and send you own villager to mine now you are given told that a number of villagers were captured at the Base of the Western Roman Empire so send your troops to take out the Western Roman empire base there is a optional mission Free the Scythian Scout well it is up to you if you want to free him or not if you free him Scythians will ask you a request for Attila to visit the Scythians base well then they will ally with you and they will reward you if you bring them 10 horses inside the pen well send the horses you ave captured to the pen and they will give you some Mangudai this will truly help a lot now you can choose Defeat the Scythians by betraying them or Persians well it is your choice.

Tips: You can refuse the Challenge of Bleda by going south a few troops will join you even the Hun commander will join you so bring them west and Start your base you will soon be attacked by Bleda himself and his troops so kill all of them then you receive Bleda's Entire Base You then have two Bases.

Persian Build Ships so Try building your own navy.

Advance to the next age quickly so you can begin pumping out some Tarkans.

Remember to gather much resources as possible.

Atilla the Hun 1 alternate

That's one way of doing it. I find that if you ride up to the iron boar then Bleda will attack and be killed. To free the villagers from the roman camp you should have the villagers attack the dividing palisade between them and the Scythian. After that destroy the palisade keeping them in, then walk out of the west end of the camp. (There's no gate at that end) walk a little ways, build a mill and take out the large deer herd. And build towers to the souh of your base to prevent the Romans from attacking. Also sell most of your resources for gold. Then buy what you need back to train. Speaking of which I use a lot of skirmishers, horse archers, and sword infantry. Watch for Persian settlements being built, especially just West of your base. You don't have to give the Scythians the horses. If you bring Atilla to there base they become your allies, then you can trade with them. And if you wait long enough they will attack the Persians. Coordinate your attack with theirs. And use fireships. They have much better rate of fire than the Persian war galleons. And The Persians have an entire network of docks up and down the East bank of the river, take out ALL of the war galleons.

Attila the Hun 2

Objectives: (1) Raid All Roman Villages Except the Roman Fort (blue), (2) Destroy the Roman Fort's Town Center

Optional:Give 6 Villagers to the Scythians

While the "point" of this mission is raiding, you are really playing more steamroller than hit and run. Your initial forces can't dent the Roman fort but no one else will last long.

You begin with an assembled raiding group. You can start by raiding Naissus to your east without taking any damage to your troops and receiving wood, and then kill all the villagers of Sofia before they enter the town center for protection. Then destroy Sofia's town center, so that you get some food. Then, go south, and someone from your troop will tell you that some of your soldiers are trapped near the castle of Dyrrhachium.

It is best to approach Dyrrhachium along the southern side of their base, so as to completely avoid the fortified mangonel to the north. Your cavalry archers should make short work of any infantry. Destroy the Town Center, then free your troops at the castle to the west. You can destroy the castle itself with light casualties, as it does not have murder holes. This is optional and depends mostly on where you want to put your base.

When you get to Thessalonica, do not kill the villagers, only destroy the houses and soldiers. The Thessalonica villagers will be "captured" and change sides; kill any holdouts. To the southeast, you'll see the city of Adrianople. Take out the towers, kill everyone, and destroy everything. The mining camps yield stone and gold.

Now with resources, villagers and most of the map, you can build a base on Adrianople's ashes or inside the old walls of Dyrrhachium. If you do the latter, just destroy both gates and the castle, replacing the gates with your own; this leaves you with a very defensible base. If using Adrianople, you will need your own walls.

When you have enough stone, you can build a castle to the north of ex-Adrianople to cut off Roman probes.

If you have not already, your scouts will learn of Scythian wild women to the west of the Roman fort. There is an opening in the trees there leading to the Scythians, who want 6 villagers for reasons that totally don't have anything to do with all those skeletons. Send 6 lucky villagers to then and you will be told to claim a reward. Max out your population cap first - the reward is a dozen each of petards and hunting wolves.

Use the petards along with your built-up army and blast the southern gate of the Roman fort and the towers, then hooking east to the Town Center over the Roman standing army. Destroy the Town Center and the Romans surrender. You do not need to kill them all or take out the castle.


Don't attack the Roman Fort early or your army is toast.

Max population out first with a good mix of combat units before accepting the Scythian reward, since it will push you far over the limit.

It is not needed to destroy all the buildings in the area just destroy the needed buildings to get the Resources.

If you want to defeat all of the Roman Villages kill/Destroy The Following: Sofia = Town Center Dyrrhachium = Castle and Town Center Thessalonica = Market, troops, Docks, and Villagers if some did not join you Naissus = villagers and trade workshop Adrianople = villagers, troops, and some of the buildings

Attila the Hun 3

Objectives: Stockpile 10,000 Gold in tribute from Rome

There is no Optional in this Mission

This mission is a question of reading your instructions. Your goal is to amass 10,000 gold. Attacking Constantinople is incredibly difficult but mostly irrelevant to the mission. As the intro indicates, it pays barbarians and barbarians don't successfully attack it. It is entirely possible to win the scenario without ever scouting close enough to Constantinople to see the walls.

This is also a mission where being fast makes things much easier. If you can destroy Green and Red rapidly with few forces, you will amass your gold much more quickly. And you can.

You will be immediately and frequently attacked by harassing efforts from Marcianopolis (Green). Kill off the first wave with your town center, monk and Tarkens while you are training some knights. Those knights will make short work of anything Green sends out. You can send one cavalry south to wait for a trade cart, which pays 500g when killed. Spawn villagers and amass 650 stone as quickly as you can, then get a castle up on the east side of your base within range of the Green gate. You will also receive 500g in protection money for the castle. Let your castle cut down Green's gate, then sack their military buildings, docks and town center with a mix of Tarkens and knights. Build a monastery at some point while Green is getting burned. Receive large tribute from Constantinople.

Now wheel your cavalry southwest and flatten Philippopolis (Red), again taking out the economic buildings systematically before torching the Town Center. As your hint indicates, Red's only real "defense" early on are light towers, which your Tarkens mow down. Receive another large round of tribute from Constantinople. There is a relic to the northwest of Red's base, which can be garrisoned for gold in your monastery.

You'll find a Constantinople monastery with another relic near the middle of the map. Torch it for protection money with your raiding force and poach the relic.

Now send your raiding force along the south coast until they find a peninsula with a gold mine. Kill the monk and send villagers to build a mining camp to loot the gold. Wait for 10,000.

Note: You can also generate gold via building docks and trade cogs in Green's base and trading with Constantinople along the eastern sea.

Attila the Hun 4

Objectives (1) Defeat Orleans, Metz and Burgundy (2) Defeat the Roman Army

Optional: Tribute 500 gold to Burgundy, Build a castle in the Flag area of Burgundy in 10 minutes

Now you start of with nothing but a few villagers now when you find some key points like gold mine by your scouts it is pretty easy now you have a villager to the far east of the map start there by building a Town Center and build a mill on the place were there a couple of deer and hunt then put one of the villagers to the gold mine were your scout is then make a siege workshop near burgundy and a stable then make many villagers and start gathering plus 700 on all resources and when the deer population is exhausted build farms and then make knights a lot of them and a few rams and then research some upgrades and begin attacking Burgundy destroy there town center then the optionals begins now Burgundy will join you if you tribute them 500 gold well i suggest you take the chance as this will help in the other enemies now when you tribute them the gold they will ask you to build a castle then do what they ask but do it quickly Burgundy does not trust the Huns Quickly like that so do what they want now when the castle had been complete now start gathering resources and advance to the next age as quickly as possible research heresy so those pesky monks of Orleans won't take your own units now research all the knight upgrades and make sure they are Paladin before Orleans Does then attack Metz. Metz is a bit weak but make sure you do not underestimate them and use Trebuchets to destroy much of Metz and you have defeated him now onto Orleans. The city is not that strong send all your troops back to your base and make sure you have reserves when your army is Destroyed. Research all the Upgrades and start a strong attack on the city Don't Destroy the Town Center early or your army is Doomed! now send the reserves and take out all the military buildings and start destroying there town center it is that is easy then the Roman Army will soon come to Orleans now send all reserves and destroy the Army it is that easy.

Attila the Hun 5

Objectives: Defeat the Romans, Visigoths, and the Alans

now this mission is like a Death match well take out the Alans (west) early by sending much of your Cavalry then start building your base remember Guard your Sheep as your enemy will take them from you then when Alans is Defeated attack then Attack the Visigoths then make sure to bring some Trebuchets to finish them off then Research all the need upgrades and attack the Romans on the south don't attack from the north or they will all die now when you almost finished the Romans Remember to use these tactics in a Real Death match game Attack the Weakest Early.

Tips: Don't be a Copycat and try to make other types of Strategies of your own in this mission the Tides will soon turn to you when you make it sure.

Attila the Hun 6

Objectives: Defeat (1) Milan, Padua, Verona, and Aquileia, (2) Bring Attila to the Gates of Rome to meet with Pope Leo I

now start by upgrading to elite Tarkan then send you villagers to work, Padua has started building a wonder send you army to Padua then arrange them to a defensive position your heavy cavalry archers are good in this city since they can hit and run on there target this will prove useful when facing Padua's Army now when you taken out the army make sure the Trebuchets signal the army of Padua to that location (northern Gate) Take out the towers and gates and move in for the kill Padua will not be defeated because they have a town center in Verona then Aquileia will start building their own wonder make sure you have researched Atheism then build a castle near the city send your army to defend the castle and build a army in your base. Trebuchets are not useful when being attack by scorpions so Cavalry Archers are needed in taking them out quickly siege the city when you have finished making your army target the Gates so that you Tarkans will quickly get in and do a quick kill on those siege units then finish Aquileia, Devastate the Entire City Completely then turn you attention to Milan. Milan is pretty well defended other than on the Barbarossa Campaign now start by luring Milan's army out of the City and Destroy the army Onagers are Completely Dangerous to the cavalry archers so use only a few, send your Trebuchets knock out the Gate and the Towers then start devastating Milan this is pretty easy anyway turn your attention to Verona and Padua. Verona is Franks so they are well defended at the north gate so attack from the East wall using your Trebuchets. now make a diversion with a small group and attack the gate and make sure to build a Castle there first. and when you make a opening in east wall send all your cavalry and make a great havoc on the city then when Verona and Padua are Defeated. Pope Leo I Appears out of nowhere and wishes to speak with Attila so send Attila to Rome and the Mission is Done! Thank you for Reading the Campaign God bless!

Tips: All your Enemies will build a Wonder so research Atheism early so you won't have to worry about them.