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Mission Objectives

  • Follow the Narrator's directions
  • Find the Prophet

Chapter Introduction

Somewhere in the Arathi Highlands, Thrall, the young warchief of the orcish Horde, wakes from his troubling dream.


This is a tutorial mission, meant to learn how to control characters and the basics of the Warcraft III interface. You simply need to follow the beacons (and the path) to the end. This is as easy as it gets, so if this is your first time playing Warcraft, take the opportunity to get familiar with the controls.

As you start out, heading North, you will enter a small Orc base and you will acquire three grunts. Add them to your party and continue along the path, North of the base.

As the path turns East, you will encounter a single Gnoll. You'll easily overpower it with your party. Continue along to the South, you reach a Gnoll encampment, with three Gnolls. Attach this party with Thrall in the lead to let him take the brunt of the attacks (he has more hit points and heals faster). It's most efficient to focus your entire party's attacks on a single enemy until he/she/it dies, then move the focus to another enemy, etc, until the entire group of enemies is gone. You can destroy the Gnoll huts if you like.

You should level up at this point, so immediately go into the spell upgrade section. You only have one choice -- chain lightning. Add this spell, as it will come in handy shortly.

Keep moving South, and you will enter a shallow water area that has a Murloc encampment. Again, gang up on a single Murloc and take them out one at a time. Using Chain Lightning as your first attack will do significant damage, especially to the fist Murloc targeted. Target one Murloc for Chain Lightning, then tell your party to attack that one. It should go down exteremely quickly, which means fewer enemies attacking your party right off the bat.

Keep following the path and beacons, and eventually you will reach the prophet.


After the gnoll encampment, there are few side paths that lead to additional treasures.