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As I write this draft, note that I have not "resolved" this level, even by dint of ferocious cheating! I may have a speed issue, or some fundamental strategy issues.


The scenario begins with an intro movie/interactive timed area.

The orcs infest a large area of the map, but are removed forcebly from the left half of the map.

During this small interlude it may be possible to "save" a few workers, but it may or may not be energy well spent.

Divide the map into a left half (hostile) and a right half (neutral/friendly.)

You are left with inhabiting the right side of the map (South-East and East-Lower.) This area includes a basic amount of infrastructure and a small gold mine. There is another gold mine between area 6 and 7 in the chart below.

South has a ford that should be guarded urgently. Central-Lower has a ford that should be guarded urgently.

East-Upper 6 has a few owlbears (furbolg?)(2 encounters, 3 each) and a Gnome shop. North-East leads to a ford, and a jump gate to NW, and combat with a pyromancer.

North includes the magic fountain, a major plot element. The fountain is protected.

West-Upper (Blue) , West-Lower (Green), and SW (Grey) are infested by night elves, and Cenarius. Green is the source of the Chimera.

The night elves periodically send forays of footmen, riflemen, and arrowpults across the fords.

Periodically chimera and hippogrif riders fly across the rivers, primarily at fords, not not exclusively.

Using keysersoze and iseedeadpeople, and fortifying with an obscene number of arrow towers has led to a stable border... but the dragons/chimera mean that the towers need to be along the river in a depth of two or three, AND among the infrastructure, in case the chimera have a "breakthrough." Shaman, Trolls can engage but are ineffective.

Bulk attack (hero+max flunkies) against west-upper in two or three pushes leads to a victory in that area, which contains a goldmine. This area is subject to random flyovers by chimera, etc, and is difficult to secure.

Any succesfull (major) attack on a camp will result in the appearance of Cenaurus.

?-Make the attacks small, kill two or three buildings, then run away. ?-Kill select building to hobble attacks on you.

Puzzle 0: Beef up infrastructure quickly. Area 8 gets attacked very quickly. Before the attack on this is over, area 7 will also be attacked.

Order 7 peasants, and initial upgrades to blacksmith shop. Use 2 of the additional peasants to mine for gold - 3 is the sweet spot for mining, BUT you will need the peasants for building towers instead. Use the first four additional peasants to create arrow towers on the lower ford. When a peasant completes his tower, move him to the upper ford to build towers. About 3 towers will be completed when the attack begins. Move your (few) troops in to the ford to re-inforce. The towers will largely be destroyed in the initial attack. Be prepared to move your troops towrd the upper ford as early as possible.

Puzzle 1: Defending your home against ongoing / periodic attacks. Put a few arrow towers or troops on each ford, against the initial attack, then reinforce.

Puzzle 2: Getting to the well. Straightforward, hero + small party. -Wolfs -Trees (peasants to hack, or catapults to destroy

Puzzle 3: Defending against ongoing attacks and building up to battle.

Puzzle 4: Attacking the weakest camp (maybe the top-most.)

Puzzle 5: Defending against airborne attacks:

Puzzle 6: The next camp...

Puzzle 7: The final camp

Grom Hellscream, Level 6 Blademaster

Puzzle 8: Cenaurus. BLOODY STRONG!