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Mission Objectives

Main Quest - Demon Gate
Destroy the Orc base controlling the demon gate
Optional Quest - Kill Orc Heroes
Throk-Feroth (orange - Far Seer)
Mazrigos (light blue - Far Seer)
Khano (dark blue - Blademaster)
Genjuros (brown - Blademaster)
Jubei'Thos (red - Blademaster)

Starting Units

A Frost Wyrm

You will start with 4 Gargoyles, 2 Ghouls cutting wood, 2 Crypt Fiends, 2 Meat Wagons, 1 Shade, 1 Frost Wyrm, 5 Acolytes, Arthas, and Kel'Thuzad.

The Orcs

One of the Blademasters.

As soon as you start this mission, upgrade all your Ziggurats to Spirit Towers, especially the two at the eastern entrance to your base as they will be attacked not long after you start the mission (but long enough for you to upgrade them). Don't omit to upgrade your Necropolis as well! Once you've beaten the attack of the Orcs, you will get your optional quest: kill the Orc Heroes! When you've killed the first Hero (a Blademaster), he will drop a Manual of Health, which adds 50 health to the Hero that uses it. Once you are done with the attack, there are 2 dragon camps, one to the north and one to the east of your camp that can help your two heroes level up if you send them both with your Gargoyles and your Frost Wyrm you should be able to beat them. When you beat the ones to the East the largest dragon will drop a Periapt of Vitality that adds 150 health points to the hero and the largest one to the north should drop a Claws of Attack +9. There is also a camp with a Ice Troll Warlord and 2 Murloc Nightcrawlers the Ice Troll should drop a Sobi Mask that increases mana regeneration by 50%.

One of the Red Dragons.

Once your done and want to start fighting the Orcs there is a dark blue base to the west of your base and a brown to the south east of your base. you can start with either one as they will be easy as long as you include at least 4 Frost Wyrms in your force if you use Crypt Fiends and Frost Wyrms then you will only need 1 unit including Arthas and Kel'Thuzad. Before you go off to fight the Orcs you should upgrade your weapon and armor capabilities of your Frost Wyrms and Crypt Fiends as it will save you units when fighting the bases. Once your upgrades and units are trained start with either the dark blue base to your West or the brown base to the South-East.

Both bases have Blademasters, which can be a pain with their Mirror Image spell , the one in the brown base drops a Tome Of Strength that gives 1 point to the Strength attribute of a hero and the one in the blue base drops a Tome Of Agility that gives 1 point to the Agility attribute of a hero. Once you have destroyed the dark blue and brown bases haunt the gold mines and build defenses around where the brown base was as it will be attacked at some point. Once your buildings are done train any replacement units you need and head for either the light blue or orange base. These bases have Far Seers and once again you should only need 1 unit for these bases if you use Frost Wyrms and Crypt Fiends.

The Far Seer in the light blue base drops a Tome Of Intelligence which adds 1 to the Intelligence to your hero, the other in the orange base drops another Tome of Intelligence. Once you have completed destroying the light blue and orange bases you should haunt the gold mines as you did with the other bases and build defenses around your new bases especially where the light blue base connects with the red and where the orange connects with the red as these will be a clear avenue of attack to your base. When you are ready the only thing you should need is another 2 or 3 Frost Wyrms in addition to your unit and you should be fine. The one thing you should do first is to kill the Blademaster and he will drop a Tome of Knowledge which adds 1 to all stats. Once you have destroyed the base the mission will be over.