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Remote Attacks
Ritual School Level Path Comment
Blight Alteration 4 E2D1 works UW, kills 5% pop + raises unrest + lose 80gp in target province
Send Lesser Horror Blood 5 B2S3 Lesser Horror attacks enemy army outside fortress in target province
Fires From Afar Evocation 3 F3 7 + 1/F attacks doing 15 AP fire damage to rnd units in target province
Volcanic Eruption Evocation 9 D9 unleash event 4 in target province, destroys the land + kills 1/3 pop
Hurricane Evocation 4 A3 unleash event 7 in target province, increase unrest + kills pop
Seeking Arrow Enchantment 3 A3 8 AN damage to rnd commander in target province
Wolven Winter Alteration 4 W3 works UW, unleash event 3 (increases cold) in target province
Baleful Star Alteration 5 S3 unleash event 5 (curse) in target province
Vengeance o/t Dead Thaumaturgy 4 S3D1 works UW, dead victims fight enemy commander
Locust Swarm Conjuration 6 N3 send event 8 in target province, cause unrest, consume supply, -100gp
Rain of Toads Blood 4 B3N1 raises unrest + misfortune, diseases enemy troops in target province
Send Dream Horror Blood 7 B3S4 increases unrest in province until Dream Horror is found and slain
Send Horror Blood 8 B3S4 send Horror to annihilate enemy army not inside a fortress
Raging Hearts Thaumaturgy 5 F4 works UW, lowers pop + creates unrest in target province
Phantasmal Attack Alteration 7 A4 works UW, summons 5+5/A Phantasmal Warriors to attack target province
Mind Hunt Evocation 6 S4 works UW, AN Mind Hunt or Soul Slay attack on enemy commander
Flames From the Sky Evocation 9 F5 15 F-based AP attack strikes max 50% enemy army in target province
Murdering Winter Evocation 7 W5 works UW, 7 AN cold-attack strikes enemy army, more power in cold provinces
Tidal Wave Evocation 9 W5 works UW, kills 40% pop in target province, increases unrest
Black Death Thaumaturgy 8 D5 works UW, kills pop in target province
Ghost Riders Conjuration 9 D6 Summon 33 Longdead Horsemen to attack target province
Earth Attack Conjuration 8 E5 Summon Earth Elemental to assassinate enemy commander
Manifestation Conjuration 8 D5 Summon Ashen Angel to assassinate enemy commander
Infernal Disease Blood 6 B5 Summon Disease Demon to assassinate enemy commander