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Activision's company logo.

Activision was the first independent developer and distributor of video games, and its first products were cartridges for the Atari 2600. It is currently second only in size to Electronic Arts.

Activision was started by rogue Atari developers, as a way to get credit for games they developed. The business developed well after some early legal problems with Atari, and they released many titles, such as Pitfall!, which is arguably the first platform game.

In 1988, they branched out into other areas of software, and changed their name to "Mediagenic". However, this turned out to be a bad move, and in 1992, they filed for bankruptcy. After a merger with The Disc Company, Mediagenic changed its name back to "Activision", and came out of bankruptcy. With the release of titles such as The Lost Treasures of Infocom, and a whole host of Star Trek games due to a license with Paramount, Activision started a twelve-year revenue growth period from 1996 onwards.

Recently, they have acquired the James Bond game license from MGM Interactive, and the first game is expected to be delivered mid-2008.


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