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You will not have access to a spell book until later on in the story. The spell book starts with only five spells. To add a spell to the book you need to get a Magic Scroll with the appropriate spell on it and then cast Transcribe on it.

Reagents[edit | edit source]

You will need Reagents to cast spells unless you have the Ring of Reagents from the Silver Seed.

Reagents Location
Black Pearl
  • Delphynia (Fawn) - 70 Filari
  • Pothos (Moonshade) - 50 Guilders
  • Magic Gremlin
Blood Moss
  • Harnna (Monitor) - 3x 8 Monetari
  • Delphynia (Fawn) - 15 Filari
  • Pothos (Moonshade) - 8 Guilders
  • Harnna (Monitor) - 2x 9 Monetari
  • Delphynia (Fawn) - 20 Filari
Mandrake Root
  • Delphynia (Fawn) - 25 Filari
Serpent Scale
Spider Silk
Sulfurous Ash
  • Pothos (Moonshade) - 36 Guilders
  • Furnace
Worm Heart
  • Pothos (Moonshade) - 100 Guilders
  • Ice Worm
  • Furnace

Spells[edit | edit source]

Circles are limited by the caster's Level/Mana, e.g. To cast a Ninth Circle spell you need to be Level 9 and have 9 Mana. Some Spells are obtained during the main quest while others must be found or bought.

First Circle[edit | edit source]

1. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Create Food Create Food for each Character in the party.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 20 Gold, 30 Guilders
Cure Heal one Character from Poison. (Already in Book)
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 22 Golds, 33 Guilders
Detect Trap Make any hidden Trap visible.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 40 Guilders
Great Douse Put any Lightsource in sight out. N/A
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 18 Gold, 27 Guilders
Great Ignite Ignite any Lightsource in sight.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 30 Gold, 45 Guilders
Light Will brighten the room up.
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 40 Guilders
Locate Will give you the Sextant Position even Underground. N/A
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 26 Gold, 39 Guilders
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 35 Gold, 52 Guilders
Telekinesis Manipulate Things from afar.
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 30 Gold, 45 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 40 Guilders

Second Circle[edit | edit source]

2. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Awaken Wake someone up. (Already in Book)
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 65 Guilders
Destroy Trap Destroy any visible Trap.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 50 Gold, 75 Guilders
False Coin Multiply any pile of money by five.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 80 Gold, 120 Guilders
Cold Blast Attack enemy with Ice Ball.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 150 Guilders
Great Light Stronger Version of Light.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 60 Gold, 90 Guilders
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 60 Gold, 90 Guilders
Heal Heal some HP.
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 75 Guilders
Mass Cure Will heal the entire party from Poison.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 75 Gold, 112 Guilders
Protection Strengthen one Character Defense for a short time.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 80 Gold, 120 Guilders

Third Circle[edit | edit source]

3. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Chill Negate the Heat in Furnace and other Hot Places. N/A
Columna's Intuition Identify possible Danger.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 120 Gold, 180 Guilders
Curse Will put a curse on enemy. N/A
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 75 Gold, 112 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 120 Guilders
Enchant Missiles Enchant Arrows/Bolts into Magic Arrows/Bolts.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 70 Gold, 105 Guilders
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 150 Guilders
Protect All Strengthen the entire party's Defense for a short time.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 100 Gold, 150 Guilders
Paralyze Paralyze enemy.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 70 Gold, 105 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 140 Guilders
Sleep Put someone to sleep. N/A
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 60 Gold, 90 Guilders
Translation Translate Ophidian and Runic into Latin Alphabet.
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 175 Guilders

Fourth Circle[edit | edit source]

4. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Blink Teleport the party around, but the Spell is broken in SI.
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 200 Guilders
Create Soul Prism Create a Soul Prism. N/A
Deter Animal wont attack the party.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 90 Gold, 135 Guilders
Flash Blind the enemy.
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 90 Gold, 135 Guilders
Mass Curse Curse all visible enemies. N/A
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 110 Gold, 165 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 175 Guilders
Reveal Make anything invisible visible again.
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 100 Gold, 150 Guilders
Transcribe Add Magic Scrolls into Spellbook.
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 220 Guilders
Unlock Magic Unlocked any magically sealed Door/Chest.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 120 Gold, 180 Guilders

Fifth Circle[edit | edit source]

5. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Conjure Call Animal to fight for you. N/A
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
Dispel Field Dispel Magic Field. N/A
Erstam's Surprise Attack Enemies in different ways.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 160 Gold, 240 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 240 Guilders
Explosion Throw a Fireball at the Target.
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 135 Gold, 202 Guilders
Great Heal Stronger Version of Heal.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 250 Guilders
Invisibility Make someone invisible.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 155 Gold, 232 Guilders
Mass Sleep Put everyone to sleep. N/A
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 145 Gold, 217 Guilders
  • Elissa (Silver Seed) - 250 Gold
Summon Shade Talk with the Dead. N/A

Sixth Circle[edit | edit source]

6. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Betray Make enemies fight each other. N/A
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 145 Gold, 217 Guilders
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 285 Guilders
Cause Fear Make enemies fear you and flee.
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 300 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 300 Guilders
Cold Strike Create a cold Field at the Foot. N/A
Create Ammo Create Arrows/Bolts.
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 175 Gold, 262 Guilders
  • Elissa (Silver Seed) - 300 Gold
Create Automaton Revive any broken Silver Automaton.
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 750 Guilders
Dispell Illusion Destroy any Illusion like Fake Walls. N/A
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 165 Gold, 247 Guilders
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 160 Gold, 240 Guilders
Fire Field Create a Fire Field.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
Fire Ring Create a Fire Ring.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 180 Gold, 270 Guilders

Seventh Circle[edit | edit source]

7. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Energy Field Create an Energy Block. N/A
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 250 Gold, 375 Guilders
Energy Mist Create a Mist which hurts enemies inside it. N/A
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 250 Gold, 375 Guilders
Lightning Cast Bolt at the Target. N/A
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 350 Guilders
Mass Awaken Wake everyone up. N/A
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 250 Gold, 375 Guilders
Mass Might Boost up Stats. N/A
  • Torrissio (Moonshade) - 400 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 350 Guilders
Poison Mist Create a Poison Field. N/A
  • Columna (Moonshade) - 280 Gold, 420 Guilders
Restoration Heal everyone and remove any negative Status effect.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
Vibrate Let disarm the Stuff on Target on Ground.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 220 Gold, 330 Guilders
  • Elissa (Silver Seed) - 350 Gold

Eighth Circle[edit | edit source]

8. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Create Ice Create an Ice Block. N/A
Delayed Blast Delay an Explosion at the Target. N/A
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
Fetch Snatch an Item from far away. N/A
  • Melino (Moonshade) - 285 Gold, 427 Guilders
Fire Snake Work like a Flamethrower. N/A
Invoke Snow Serpent Call a Frost Serpent to battle for you.
  • Elissa (Silver Seed) - 380 Gold
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 425 Guilders
Mind Blast Throw Death Bolt at the Target.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 300 Gold, 450 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 400 Guilders
Serpent Bond Transform yourself into a Serpent for a short time.
  • Elissa (Silver Seed) - 450 Gold
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 450 Guilders
Swordstrike A Sword Attack on the target.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 285 Gold, 427 Guilders

Ninth Circle[edit | edit source]

9. Circle Reagents What it does Scrolls Buy
Death Vortex Create a Black Hole which will drain the Life of any enemy near it.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 350 Gold, 525 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 500 Guilders
Imbalance Create Destruction in the area.
  • Elissa (Silver Seed) - 800 Gold
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 1200 Guilders
Mass Death Drain some HP from your party to kill the enemy.
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 400 Gold, 600 Guilders
  • Mortegro (Moonshade) - 600 Guilders
Invisible All Your entire party becomes invisible. N/A
Spiral Missile Shoot Bolts at multiple Targets.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
  • Ensorcio (Sleeping Bull) - 425 Gold, 637 Guilders
Stop Storm Dissolve the Storm.
  • Gustacio (Moonshade) - Free
Summon Call forth a strong Creature. N/A
Time Stop Stop the Time for everyone but your party. N/A