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Xbox PC Default Mode Magic Mode (Hold RT button/ LShift )
Neutral lstick  W  A  S  D  Movement Movement
L button Mouse right click Zoom bow Zoom bow
Neutral dpad  F1  F2  F3  G  Items and Expressions Favourites
Neutral rstick Mouse Camera Camera
R button  M  Zoom mini-map Zoom mini-map
Back button  Esc  Inventory Inventory
N/A  F4  Open Items screen Open Items screen
N/A  F5  Open Weapons screen Open Weapons screen
N/A  F7  Open Clothing screen Open Clothing screen
Start button  Esc  Pause Screen Pause Screen
X button Mouse left click Attack Cast Spell
Y button Mouse middle click Block Cycle Spells
L button  Caps Lock  Sneak (hold on Xbox, toggle on PC) Sneak (hold on Xbox, toggle on PC)
A button  Tab  Interact Cast Spell
B button Mouse right click Run/Flourish Cast Spell
White button  Q  Arm/Sheathe Melee Weapon Arm/Sheathe Melee Weapon
Black button  E  Arm/Sheathe Ranged Weapon Arm/Sheathe Ranged Weapon
LT button  Space  Target Lock-On Target Lock-On
RT button  LShift  Hold for Magic/Collect Experience Orbs Hold for Magic
N/A  1 - 9  Hotbar items Hotbar items