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Revision as of 11:05, 17 January 2008 by Zaiqukaj (talk | contribs) (spelling)
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Nexus Destroyers is a game set on a 64x96 map, on the space terrain tile set. The basic premise is to destroy the enemy's nexus while defending your own, with each nexus having 9,999 hitpoints. A number of beacons at the corners of the map are used to control unit spawns, heroes, special actions, massing, banning, and other administrative functions. Unlike TMA (which nexus destroyers were based off of) you don’t accomplish your goal by micro. Instead Nexus destroyers revolves around choosing units and unit combos that can successfully defeat the other player. The main way to lose nexus destroyers is for a whole team to run out of civilians so you cant heal your base anymore.