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For many of the advanced strategies regarding Zelda/Sheik, many players turn to Sheik. That doesn't mean Zelda isn't a good fighter as well; they are different and attract different types of people with different playing styles.

Zelda has more strong attacks than she has fast ones, so she is treated like a heavy character. One thing to remember is that she really only has two special attacks, because transform does no damage, and Fayore's wind is hard to attack with. So the bast thing to do is use her standard attack and Nayru's love. Din's fire is really only used to finish off opponents when they've left themselves vulnerable.


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When fighting, most experienced players often stay with Zelda and begin fighting by using Din's Fire immediately. This attack creates a momentary daze against the enemy which allows you to begin casting again. You should be able to get three off before the enemy gets within range of you. Immediately use your teleportation skill to get away from the enemy - tilting your joystick to the right/left so that you appear down field. Now repeatedly use Din's Fire until the target closes in. Immediately use your B skill to deflect their first melee attack against you and immediately go to work melee-ing them. Eventually when you have them on the defense - teleport away again and continue to use Din's Fire.

      • When fighting players who use projectiles, use your B skill to deflect them and send them back at their target.
      • When the glowing orb appears that lets you use your 'super skill' use Din's Fire and use your joy stick to direct the fire until it hits the orb.

Special Attacks

Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Special Attack Info
B button 1 button B button B button Nayru's Love Deflects projectile attacks.
Right nunchuk+B button Right dpad+1 button Right lstick+B button Right control+B button Din's Fire Orb of flame that can be guided by the Control Stick.
Up nunchuk+B button Up dpad+1 button Up lstick+B button Up control+B button Farore's Wind Recovery move, does some minor damage.
Down nunchuk+B button Down dpad+1 button Down lstick+B button Down control+B button Transform Turns into Sheik, but enemy attacks halt the transformation.


Wii Remote + Nunchuk Wii Remote (sideways) Wii Classic Controller GameCube Controller Taunt
1 button A button Up dpad Up dpad She raises one hand and emits sparkles from it.
1 button+2 button (Left dpad or Right dpad)+A button Left dpad or Right dpad Left dpad or Right dpad She makes a little flare in her hands.
2 button Down dpad+A button Down dpad Down dpad She waves goodbye.


  • Weight: 5/10 (Medium)
  • Offense: 7/10
  • Defense: 6/10
  • Projectile: 5/10
  • Final Smash: 9/10
  • Throwing ability: 6/10
  • Speed: 7/10
  • Overall: 7/10

Final Smash

Light Arrow (Zelda)

Light Arrow: She draws a bow and fires the extremely powerful Light Arrow. The angle enemies are knocked back is different to sheik's version.