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Captain America

Captain America is the alter ego of Steve Rogers, a sickly young man who was given enhanced strength and reflexes by an experimental serum in order to aid the United States war effort. Captain America wears a costume that utilizes an American flag motif, and is armed with an indestructible shield that can be thrown as a weapon. Captain was revived from suspended animation by the superhero team The Avengers. Since then, Captain America has often led the team.

Captain America represents the pinnacle of human physical perfection. While not superhuman, he is as strong as a human being can be. He can lift (press) a maximum of 800 pounds with supreme effort. Captain America has agility, strength, speed, endurance, and reaction time superior to any Olympic athlete who ever competed. The Super-Soldier formula that he has metabolized has enhanced all of his bodily functions to the peak of human efficiency. Notably, his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing poisons in his muscles, granting him phenomenal endurance.

Captain America's only weapon is his shield, a concave disk 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds. It is made of a unique Vibranium-Adimantium alloy that has never been duplicated. The shield was awarded to Captain America by the government several months after the beginning of his career. The shield has great aerodynamic properties: it is able to slice through the air with minimal wind resistance and deflection of path. Its great overall resilience, combined with its natural concentric stiffness, enables it to rebound from objects with minimal loss of angular momentum. It is virtually indestructible.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Double Kick
Air-Raid Kick +
Anti-Ground Kick +
Shield Slash +
Stars & Stripes +
Charging Star +
Backflip +
Hyper Stars & Stripes +
Hyper Charging Star +
Final Justice +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Shield Slash Shot → Forward Hyper Charging Star
β Stars & Stripes Direct ↗ Tilt Up Hyper Stars & Stripes
γ Charging Star Direct → Forward Hyper Charging Star



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Mad Wheel +
Trigger Happy +
__Ninja Gift (Shuriken) after Trigger Happy
__Ninja Gift (Pineapple) after Trigger Happy
__Ninja Gift (Bolo) after Trigger Happy
Quick Work +
Katana-Rama! +
__Chimichangas!! after Katana-Rama! or Quick Work
Teleport +
Happy-Happy Trigger +
Cutting Time +
4th Wall Crisis +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Quick Work Direct → Forward Happy-Happy Trigger
β Katana-Rama! Direct ↘ Tilt Down Happy-Happy Trigger
γ Trigger Happy Shot ↗ Tilt Up Happy-Happy Trigger

Doctor Doom

A brilliant scientist, Doom was once a classmate of the Fantastic Four's Reed Richards. However, he became embittered by facial scars received from an experiment gone wrong, a failure which he attributed to Richards, beginning's Doom rivalry and obsession with the Fantastic Four leader. His ruling of the small Balkan nation of Latveria provides him with diplomatic immunity. Doom is considered the archenemy of the Fantastic Four, but has also been added to the rogue galleries of the Avengers, the Silver Surfer, the Hulk, Captain America, the X-Men, Nick Fury, Iron Man, and Spider-Man, among many others. Doom has also faced villains like Magneto and Venom.

Victor Von Doom was raised by gypsies in a small European county called Latveria. He lost both of his parents at a very young age. Swearing revenge, Victor began to increase both his scientific and mystical knowledge with such determination that he was given a full scholarship to Empire State University. It was at ESU that Victor met Reed Richards and Ben Grimm, and where he started his extradimensional research. Doom's vanity prevented him from adjusting the schematics to one of his experiments, and the end result was an explosion that scarred Victor for life. Expelled from school, Victor began to travel the world, eventually stumbling upon a village of Tibetan monks who trained him and crafted him a suit of body armor, complete with face plate. He soon returned to Latveria, overthrew the government and crowned himself King. Ruling with an iron fist, Doom began to turn the resources of his small nation to his plans of world domination.

Dr. Doom's iconic iron-clad face is a part of his high-tech, nuclear powered, computer assisted battle suit. While in his armor, Dr. Doom can lift (press) approximately 2 tons. He is one of the smartest men in the world and has an almost endless variety of weapons and equipment at his disposal. At the very least, Doom's armor contains a force field and concussion beams -- though more weapons may also be included. Dr. Doom also has the ability to switch minds with another person and he possesses a small amount of mystical knowledge as well.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Hard Kick +
Hidden Missiles +
Foot Dive +
Plasma Beam +
Photon Shock +
Molecular Shield +
Flight +
Photon Array +
Sphere Flame +
Doom Time +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Plasma Beam Shot → Forward Photon Array
β Hidden Missiles Shot ↑ Upward Photon Array
γ Molecular Shield Shot → Forward Sphere Flame


Dormammu and his sibling Umar was born in a dimension inhabited by powerful entities of energy called the Faltine. Umar and him drew matter to themselves to obtain more power, but were cast out from the Faltine dimension after murdering their parent. They soon arrived in the Dark Dimension, where the ruler, King Olnar, offered them sanctuary in exchange of knowledge on transdimensional travel and ways of merging other dimensions into theirs. On a transdimensional expedition, King Olnar and other Dark Dimension inhabitants were killed by the Mindless Ones, deadly creatures from another dimension. Dormammu and Umar took this chance to become the rulers of the Dark Dimension.

Dormammu conquered an unknown amount of dimensions, but soon sets his sights on Earth. His attempts were repeatedly thwarted by the Earth's Sorcerer Supreme. He fought other adversaries from Earth over the centuries, but the one foe he showed the most interest in is the Mystic, later called the Ancient One. The Ancient One created a barrier over Earth that prevented him from directly carrying out his conquest of Earth. When Dr. Strange, the Ancient One's apprentice, went to confront Dormammu, he found newfound hatred in this earthen foe. Dormammu has made several attempts at conquering Earth ever since, and faced off with Dr. Strange, now the Sorcerer Supreme, many more times.

Being an extradimensional being, Dormammu is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. He has shown enough power to destroy the entire Marvel universe with ease. He possesses great mastery over the mystic arts due to his nature as a Faltinian being. He is also a capable martial artist. Dormammu's abilities are noticeably weakened on Earth.

In Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds, Dormammu is a character that can control space with his Dark Hole and Purification. His Liberation is a unique special move that unleashes the energy stored from using Dark Spell. The Light version of dark spell, destruction will create explosions of varying sizes while the Medium version, creation will generate spikes from the ground. Unleashing 3 charges of creation will prevent the opponent from jumping, if it hits. Hacing a combination of destruction and creation charges will summon meteors or hellfire. His Floating Bomb super is similar to Dhalsim's Yoga Catastrophe in Street Fighter IV, but it will actually home in on the opponent.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Dark Matter +
Flame Carpet +
Dark Hole +
Mass Change +
Purification +
Flight +
Dark Spell: Destruction +
Dark Spell: Creation +
Liberation +
Chaotic Flame +
Floating Bomb +
Dark Dimension +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Dark Hole Shot → Forward Chaotic Flame
β Purification Shot ↑ Upward Chaotic Flame
γ Liberation Shot → Forward Stalking Flare


After physicist Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was caught in the blast of a gamma bomb he created, he was transformed into the Hulk, a raging monster. The character, both as Banner and the Hulk, is frequently pursued by the police or the armed forces, often as a result of the destruction he causes. While the coloration of the character's skin varies during the course of its publication history, the Hulk is most often depicted as green. In forty years, he has battled virtually every hero and villain in the Marvel Universe.

The Hulk's portrayal has varied widely. He has been described as differently as a clumsy, stupid brute who stumbles into adverse situations and lashes out, to a dedicated schemer seeking confrontation for personal gain, and from a cool, collected consciousness capable of advanced science and leadership to an easily manipulated engine of destruction. The Hulk initially was characterized as a separate entity from Bruce Banner, a symbol of inner rage; anger that gradually developed its own personality and memories separate from Banner's. Later stories attributed the Hulk to repressed emotions caused by childhood abuses by Banner's father. In all of the Capcom games, Hulk's persona is that of his merger with Bruce Banner.

The Hulk possesses the potential for near limitless levels of physical strength, depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger. He is also extremely resistant to physical damage, psychic assaults, temperature extremes, and is completely immune to disease and poisons. He can breathe underwater, survive unprotected in space, and when injured, heals from almost any wound within seconds. His powerful legs allow him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents. His durability, healing, endurance, and possibly speed, likewise increase in relation to his temper. As Bruce Banner, he is considered one of the greatest minds on Earth. He has developed expertise in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Physiology, and has a PhD in Nuclear Physics.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Impact Punch +
Gamma Charge +
Gamma Charge Press + +
Gamma Charge Up + +
Gamma Charge Retreat + +
Gamma Charge Anti-Air +
Gamma Charge Pursuit + + OR OR
Gamma Tornado +
Gamma Wave +
Gamma Tsunami +
Gamma Quake +
Gamma Crush +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Gamma Wave Shot → Forward Gamma Tsunami
β Gamma Charge Up Direct ↗ Tilt Up Gamma Quake
γ Gamma Charge Forward Direct → Forward Gamma Crush

Iron Man

Iron Man (Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark) possesses powered armor that gives him superhuman strength and durability, flight, and an array of weapons. The armor is invented and worn by Tony Stark, an American industrialist billionaire and military contractor known not only for his lifestyle, but also for his incredible inventive genius. First created to assist his failing heart, it has become a source of aid for his damaged nervous system. Iron Man has frequently fought evil-doers as a member of the Avengers.

Iron Man's powers and abilities derive from the advanced powered armor that he wears. The armor is pliable, yet capable of great resilience and protection. The suit is powered by a combination of solar converters, electrical batteries and an on-board generator that uses beta particle absorption as a fuel source. The suit is also able to convert nearby energy sources, such as heat or kinetic energy into electricity, or even drain electrical energy directly into the batteries for recharge. In addition, the suit can be completely sealed for operations in vacuum or underwater, providing its own life support, and is shielded against radiation.

The weapons systems of the suit have evolved over the years, but Iron Man's standard offensive weapons have always been the repulsor rays that are fired from the palms of his gauntlets. Other weapons built into various incarnations of the armor include the uni-beam projector in its chest; pulse bolts that pick up kinetic energy along the way, so that they hit harder the further they have to travel; an electromagnetic pulse generator and an energy shield. Other capabilities include generation of ultra-freon, creating and manipulating of magnetic fields, sonic blasts and a holographic generator to create decoys.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Angled Blast Up +
Angled Blast Down +
Unibeam +
Repulsor Blast +
__Repulsor Spread + after Repulsor Blast
Smart Bomb +
Flight +
Proton Cannon +
Angled Proton Cannon +
Iron Avenger +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Unibeam Shot → Forward Proton Cannon
β Repulsor Blast Shot ↑ Upward Angled Proton Cannon
γ Smart Bomb Shot ↓ Downward Proton Cannon


Magneto is depicted as one of the most powerful mutants in the Marvel Universe, possessing the ability to create magnetism and electricity. He is also one of the most morally complex characters in American comic books. A Jewish Holocaust survivor, his actions are driven by the purpose of protecting the mutant race from suffering a similar fate. Characterizations of Magneto have varied through the years, from supervillain to anti-hero to even hero, but he is most often shown as an uncompromising militant and has engaged in acts of terrorism when he felt it was for the benefit of mutantkind. This puts him at odds with his best friend Charles Xavier, whose X-Men seek peaceful coexistence with the rest of humanity. While his militant actions have made him unpopular with some humans, many mutants have come to view him as a savior.

Magneto is a mutant capable of channelling and manipulating magnetic fields, which he uses to control ferrous metals (iron, steel, etc.). His magnetic fields have been measured at over 200 tesla, and no firm upper limit to the intensity of the fields has been established. Magneto can also produce electricity, sometimes in the form of lightning bolts. Magneto can use his magnetic fields to move and otherwise alter objects composed of ferrous metals, sometimes weighing many thousands of tons. He can project ferrous metals at high velocity, liquefy and reshape them, manipulate iron in the human bloodstream, and achieve a wide range of other effects. Magneto has been able to stop armies, to raise islands from the ocean floor, and to move mountains. He once blanketed the Earth with an electromagnetic pulse that caused widespread devastation.

He very often generates a force field of pure magnetic force to protect his person. He can expand this field to protect other people and objects around him. His force field has withstood volcanic eruption, the detonation of nuclear weapons, the vacuum of deep space, and assaults from multiple X-Men and Avengers (including Phoenix and Thor) and even Galactus. Magneto is capable of personal levitation and sustained flight at high speeds. Magneto is able to perceive the world around him as patterns of electromagnetic energy. He can also perceive the electrical auras surrounding living beings. He can use his powers in more than one way simultaneously. Although he often gestures when using his powers, he can utilize them fully even when standing totally still merely by concentrating. Besides possessing superhuman powers, Magneto is a genius with competence in various fields of advanced science. He is an expert on genetic manipulation and engineering.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Electromagnetic Disruptor +
Hyper Gravitation +
Magnetic Blast +
Force Field +
Fatal Attraction +
Repulsion +
Reverse Polarity +
Flight +
Magnetic Shockwave +
Magnetic Tempest +
Gravity Squeeze +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Electromagnetic Disruptor Shot → Forward Magnetic Shockwave
β Hyper Gravitation Shot → Forward Magnetic Tempest
γ Force Field Extra None Magnetic Shockwave



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Low Flight , , to land
Force Beam +
Anti-Air Force Beam +
Barrier +
Hyper Barrier +
Battering Ram OR + +
Psionic Blast +
Psionic High Blast +
Analysis Cube +
Balloon Bomb +
Jamming Bomb +
Flight +
Hyper Psionic Blaster +
Hyper Battering Ram +
Killer Illumination +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Barrier Shot → Forward Hyper Psionic Blast
β Balloon Bomb Shot → Forward Hyper Psionic Blast
γ Psionic Blast Shot → Forward Hyper Psionic Blast



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Prominence Heel +
Flare Sword +
Air Phoenix Tackle +
Burn Out Beak +
TK Shot +
TK Trap +
TK Overdrive +
Teleportation +
Flight +
Phoenix Rage +
Healing Field +
Dark Phoenix Rising Activates upon dying with 5 levels of Hyper gauge.
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α TK Shot Shot → Forward Phoenix Rage
β TK Overdrive Direct → Forward Phoenix Rage
γ TK Trap Direct ↑ Upward Phoenix Rage


Invented by Dr. Bolivar Trask, the Sentinels are programmed to hunt and capture or kill mutants. Several types of Sentinels have appeared through the years, manufactured by various private and paramilitary groups, but the typical Sentinel is three-stories tall, possesses the ability to fly, project energy blasts and detect mutants. The Sentinels are technologically advanced and are often gigantic in stature. Although many Sentinels are capable of devising tactics in combat, only a handful of unique Sentinels are self-aware. Sentinels are designed to hunt down mutants, especially the X-Men, and so typically function as supervillains or as the tools of other villains. They have evolved and improved in their capabilities with every new iteration.

Sentinels have a wide array of abilities: they can fly, shoot various weapons (primarily energy blasts and restraining devices) from different parts of their bodies, and detect mutants at long range; some of them can even change form and re-assemble after being destroyed. Sentinels' typical attacks involve either direct melee combat or firing concussive energy beams from the palms of their hands. Sentinels also possess vast physical strength and their bodies are highly resistant to damage.

Most dangerous of all, some variant Sentinels have the ability to learn from the attacks they face and create defenses against them, which hampers the opponents' chances of defeating them. Several groups of Sentinels have been created and/or led by a massive Sentinel named Master Mold. Dr. Bolivar Trask equiped Master Mold with powerful weaponry and the ability to speak; Master Mold was also mobile so that it could defend itself from mutant attackers or so that it can be relocated easily if Trask had to find a new headquarters. It appears in the background of the Sentinel processing plant combat area in X-Men: CotA.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Rocket Punch +
Human Catapult +
Sentinel Force +
Flight +
Plasma Storm +
Hard Drive +
Hyper Sentinel Force +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Sentinel Force Charge Shot ↗ Tilt Up Hyper Sentinel Force
β Sentinel Force Bomb Shot ↘ Tilt Down Hyper Sentinel Force
γ Rocket Punch Direct ↘ Tilt Down Plasma Storm



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Greeting Punch +
Lights Out! +
Senton Bomb +
Heavy Strike +
Somersault Kick +
Runner's Start +
__Chariot after Runner's Start
____Emergency Stop during Chariot
____Torpedo during Chariot
____Clothesline during Chariot
____Somersault Kick+ during Chariot
__Catapult after Runner's Start
____Emergency Landing during Catapult
____Shooting Star during Catapult
____Flying Drop Kick during Catapult
____Senton during Catapult
Emerald Cannon +
__Emerald Impulse + after Emerald Cannon
____Emerald Disaster + after Emerald Impulse
Taking Out the Trash +
Road Rage +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Torpedo Direct → Forward Emerald Cannon
β Clothesline Direct → Forward Emerald Cannon
γ Somersault Kick Direct ↑ Upward Emerald Cannon


Shuma-Gorath resembles a giant green eye with tentacles. Although his true origins are unknown, before the arrival of the First Host of the Celestials, Shuma-Gorath ruled the Earth and commanded human sacrifice, until the time-traveling sorcerer Sise-Neg banished him. He managed to return and set himself up as a god during the Hyborian Age, again commanding bloody sacrifice, but slaughtered those who sought his favor. Eventually, the power of Crom imprisoned him within a mountain. Even from that prison, he could interact with Conan the Barbarian, Kulan Gath, and many others, before Crom banished him back to his home dimension.

When Shuma-Gorath tried to return to Earth through the mind of the Ancient One, he forced Doctor Strange to kill his master to prevent the powerful creature from arriving on Earth. Years later, Strange was forced to destroy the talismans keeping the chaos demons at bay, to keep them from falling into the hands of an evil sorcerer. Strange was then forced to travel to Shuma-Gorath's dimension and fight it there to prevent the demons from invading Earth. To do so, Strange had to absorb the chaos magic into himself, gaining enough power to destroy Shuma-Gorath. However, he started to transform into a new Shuma-Gorath himself as a result, so he committed suicide to prevent that from happening. Fortunately, an ally of Strange was able to purify him on his way back to the living. Shuma-Gorath resurrected himself not long after from the remnants of the chaos magic.

Shuma-Gorath is a powerful and ancient demon of the highest order and possesses vast supernatural powers. He is essentially invincible to anything but the most powerful magic. He has superhuman strength and endurance which, being magical in nature, are incalculably high. Because of his body's unique form, he has the ability to shapeshift and even liquefy himself. He also has the ability to generate several forms of energy attacks, mostly forming from his one eye. One attack not generated from his eye is when he forms a ball of pure energy that can shatter realities using all of his tentacles to generate the ball above himself. He can also teleport and phase at will and levitate (which is just magically flying). He can enter and leave different planes of existence and dimensions at will and has reality warping powers. He can also summon demons and other supernatural creatures to do his bidding. His intelligence is nearly immeasurable, approaching omniscience.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Strange Gaze +
Air Strange Gaze +
Mystic Stare +
Mystic Smash +
Devitalization +
Mystic Ray +
Hyper Mystic Smash +
Hyper Mystic Ray +
Chaos Dimension + +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Mystic Ray Shot ↗ Tilt Up Hyper Mystic Ray
β Mystic Stare Shot → Forward Hyper Mystic Ray
γ Mystic Smash Direct ↘ Tilt Down Hyper Mystic Smash


Spider-Man has become one of the world's most popular superheroes and is arguably Marvel's most popular character. When Spider-Man first saw print in the 1960s, teenage characters in superhero comic books were usually sidekicks. The Spider-Man series broke ground by featuring a hero who himself was an adolescent, to whose "self-obsessions with rejection, inadequacy, and loneliness" young readers could relate. Over the years, Peter Parker has developed from shy high school student to troubled college student to a married teacher and a member of the superhero team the New Avengers.

In his first appearance, Peter Parker is introduced as a science whiz kid teenager from the Forest Hills section of New York City who gets bitten by a radioactive spider during a science demonstration. He gains powers and at first attempts to become a TV star. He fails to stop a thief, and weeks later the same criminal kills his Uncle Ben. Learning that with great power comes great responsibility, Spider-Man becomes a vigilante. After his uncle's death, he and his aunt become desperate for money, so he gets a job as a photographer at the Daily Bugle selling photos to J. Jonah Jameson, who vilifies his alter ego in the paper. As he battles his enemies for the first time, Parker finds juggling his personal life and costumed adventures difficult, even attempting to give up. Enemies constantly endanger his loved ones, with the Green Goblin managing to kill his girlfriend Gwen Stacy. Though haunted by her death, he eventually marries Mary Jane Watson, and much later reveals his civilian identity to the world, furthering his already numerous problems.

A bite from an irradiated spider causes a variety of changes in Peter Parker's body, giving him superpowers. Spider-Man has the ability to cling to walls, superhuman strength, a sixth sense ("spider-sense") that alerts him to danger, perfect balance and equilibrium, as well as superhuman speed and agility. Spider-Man's overall metabolic efficiency has been greatly increased, and the composition of his skeleton, inter-connected tissues, and nervous system have all been enhanced. Spider-Man's musculature has been augmented so that he is superhumanly strong and flexible. He has developed a unique fighting style that makes full use of his agility, strength, and equilibrium. Peter Parker is intellectually gifted, excelling in applied science, chemistry and physics. He uses his wits in addition to his powers. Besides outsmarting his foes, he constructs many devices that complement his powers, most notably mechanical web-shooters (ejecting an advanced adhesive compound which dissolves after two hours), which he developed in his teenage years.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Web Ball +
Spider Sting +
__Spider Bite after Spider Sting
Web Swing +
Web Throw +
Web Glide + +
Maximum Spider +
Crawler Assault +
Ultimate Web Throw +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Web Ball Shot → Forward Crawler Assault
β Web Swing Direct → Forward Crawler Assault
γ Spider Sting Direct ↑ Upward Crawler Assault


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds/Super-Skrull


Storm is best known as a prominent leader of the X-Men. She is the reigning queen of the fictional nation of Wakanda, a title held by marriage to fellow Marvel Comics superhero Black Panther. She first appeared in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975), becoming one of the first black heroines and one of the most popular comic book characters.

Ororo Munroe is the child of Kenyan tribal princess N’Dare and African-American photographer David Munroe. While stationed in Egypt during the Suez Crisis, a fighter jet crashes into her parents’ house, killing them. Buried under tons of rubble, Ororo survives but is orphaned and left with intense claustrophobia. In Cairo, she is picked up by the benign street lord Achmed el-Gibar and becomes a prolific thief. Following an inner urge, she wanders into the Serengeti as a teenager. In the Serengeti, Ororo first displays her mutant ability to control the weather. For a time, she is worshipped as a rain goddess, before being recruited by Professor X into the X-Men. Ororo receives the code name “Storm” and is established as a strong, serene character. She eventually supplants her colleague Cyclops as leader of the X-Men, a role she fills out during most of her time as a superhero.

Storm's character has shown a plethora of abilities most of which center on her mutant power to control the weather. Storm possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of weather. She can reduce or raise the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, manipulate the wind to elevate herself to fly at high speeds, coalescence toxic atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog, generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomenon, can fully control moisture & humidity, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. Besides the atmosphere, Storm has demonstrated the ability to control natural forces that include cosmic storms, solar wind, ocean currents and electromagnetic radiation.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Whirlwind +
Double Typhoon +
Lightning Attack Any direction+ +
Lightning Sphere +
Fair Wind +
Foul Wind +
Flight +
Lightning Storm +
Hail Storm +
Elemental Rage +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Whirlwind Shot → Forward Hail Storm
β Double Typhoon Shot ↑ Upward Hail Storm
γ Lightning Attack Direct ↗ Tilt Up Lightning Storm



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Web Swing +
Charging Star +
Jumping Web Swing +
Aim Master +
Sling Master +
Guard Master +
Light Sword Master +
__Combo Followup After LSM is blocked, , +
Medium Sword Master +
__Combo Followup After MSM is blocked, , , , +
Heavy Sword Master +
__Combo Followup After HSM is blocked, , , , , , +
Legion Arrow +
Aegis Counter +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Aim Master (Horizontal Shot) Shot → Forward Legion Arrow
β Aim Master (Parabolic Shot) Shot ↗ Tilt Up Legion Arrow
γ Aim Master (Vertical Shot) Shot ↑ Upward Legion Arrow



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Mighty Spark +
Mighty Smash +
Mighty Strike +
Charged Mighty Strike + Hold
Mighty Hurricane +
Flight +
Mighty Speech , + Hold button to build meter.
Mighty Tornado +
Mighty Thunder +
Mighty Punish +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Mighty Spark Shot → Forward Mighty Thunder
β Mighty Smash Direct ↗ Tilt Up Mighty Tornado
γ Mighty Strike Direct ↗ Tilt Up Mighty Tornado


If the Marvel vs. Capcom series was any indication of popularity, Wolverine would win the contest hands down, with more incarnations of Wolverine then there are games in the series. Wolverine is the only character to appear in every single Marvel game that Capcom published, and the only character with two distinct entries in Marvel vs. Capcom 2. He is featured with his Adamantium laced bones, as well as the version of Wolverine that appeared for a time with the Adamantium stripped from his bones by Magneto.

Wolverine, James Howlett or commonly known as Logan, is a Canadian superhero and a member of several teams, including the X-Men and the New Avengers. Wolverine stared in the eponymous limited series in which his catch phrase, "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice" was first written. Wolverine joined the X-Men's "All New, All Different" roster in Giant-Size X-Men #1. Wolverine was symbolic of the many tough anti-authority anti-heroes; his willingness to use deadly force and his brooding nature became standard characteristics for comic book anti-heroes by the end of the 1980s. As a result, the character became the clear favorite for fans of the increasingly popular X-Men franchise.

As a mutant, Wolverine possesses animal-keen senses, enhanced physical capabilities, and a healing factor that allows him to recover from virtually any wound. This healing ability enabled the supersoldier program Weapon X to bond the near indestructible metal alloy adamantium to his skeletal system that includes razor-sharp retractable claws. He is also a master of hand-to-hand combat and martial arts.

In a dark moment for the X-Men, Magneto and the Acolytes state their intentions to wipe out humanity from Avalon, their space station. Magneto unleashes an electromagnetic pulse on the Earth that creates havoc on the world's electrical systems. Professor X assembles Jean Grey, Gambit, Rogue, Quicksilver and Wolverine to go to Avalon and stop Magneto. The team boards Avalon and disables the station with a virus created by Beast. Magneto engages the X-Men in battle, and in a fit of rage, tears the adamantium out of Wolverine's skeleton. Professor X, enraged by Magneto's actions, mindwipes Magneto, leaving him in a coma. The X-Men race back to Earth to treat Wolverine. As Wolverine recovers from his injuries, he and the X-Men learn that his claws were a part of his actual skeletal structure all along, as he now possesses claws made of bone. Eventually, Apocalypse rebonded adamantium to his skeleton.


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Cross Slash +
Sliding Claw +
Brutal Claw + +
Diving Kick +
Berserker Barrage +
Tornado Claw +
Drill Claw Any direction+ +
Berserker Slash +
Berserker Barrage X +
Fatal Claw +
Berserker Charge ++
Weapon X +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Tornado Claw Direct ↑ Upward Fatal Claw
β Berserker Slash Direct → Forward Berserker Barrage X
γ Berserker Barrage Direct → Forward Berserker Barrage X



Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3

Name Input
Falling Claw +
Neck Slice +
Charged Neck Slice + Hold
Ankle Slice +
Charged Ankle Slice + Hold
Decapitating Slice +
Charged Decapitating Slice + Hold
Talon Attack +
Crescent Scythe +
Mirage Feint +
Rage Trigger +
Weapon X Prime +
Silent Kill + +
Type Name Class Direction Cross-Over Combination
α Neck Slice Direct → Forward Rage Trigger
β Ankle Slice Direct → Forward Rage Trigger
γ Crescent Scythe Direct ↑ Upward Rage Trigger