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  • A.I. Co-Commander: Commander Warren
  • Difficulty: Medium

Primary Objectives:

  1. Clear the Plateau of Soviets
  2. Destroy the Premier's Fortress

Secondary Objectives:

  1. Destroy the Vacuum Emploder


Part 1

Your job is to secure a spot in order to secure a base. Your MCV has been shruken for this task in order to break through the Soviet defenses in the area. Please be warn though, there are Soviet Hammer Tanks around the area so avoid them or your MCV will get crushed. Once the MCV is unpacked, Mirage Tanks will be teleported via Chronosphere to the unpacked MCV. Use the Mirage Tanks to destroy the Soviets forces around the area. It is vital to make sure that the Mirage Tanks are not destroyed for they are important in the next phase.

Part 2

You will be given a sum of credits from Lieutenant Eva in order to construct your base. First, construct a Power Plant for the moment. Now, send out your Mirage Tanks to the east side and destroy the War Factories near the first Iron Curtain. Destroy the first two and keep an eye out for Soviet armour. Destroy any that comes in the vacinity of your Mirage Tanks because it is crucial for this team to survive for this duration of time. Destroy the first Iron Curtain and continue to destroy the remaining War Factories. While you assault the War Factories, manage your time to construct your Boot Camp and pump some Javelin infantry (6 will do) as your anti-tank/anti-air countermeasure. Build up two Multigunner Turrets as well and put Javelins soldiers inside. Emphasis constructing your Airbase and your Armour Facility as well. Take your time and manage this between your Mirage Tanks and your base. Besides that, order Warren to strike the western Iron Curtains. He should be able to take down the first two. It is crucial that you do this.

After this, skip the second Iron Curtain that's been barricaded by Soviet infantry. Head north and attack the third Iron Curtain. This area is surrounded by MiG Fighters and Twinblade Choppers. Your only concern now is the Twinblades as they can wipe out your Mirage Tanks, so be aware of their flightpaths and stop your units from moving as they approach. Once your units arrive at the third Iron Curtain, wipe the units surrounding the Iron Curtain and destroy it. Destroy the Airbases as well as we they will pump MiG fighters later if you do not take the advantage now. After destroying both the Airbases and the third Iron Curtain, General Krukov will tell you that he is constructing the Vacuum Imploder. Do not fret though, as you'll have time to destroy it.

Part 3

By now you should have the Airbase and Armour Facility up and running. Pump a group of Mirage Tanks and Apollo Fighters. Use this group to attack the Second Iron Curtain. Use one of the Mirage Tanks as your Gap Generator and the rest to attack the barricaded buildings. By then, you should be able to penetrate and destroy the second Iron Curtain.

The Vacuum Emploder and the fourth Iron Curtain

Now it's time to deal with these two. The superweapons would require the help of both the special protocol perks and your Proton Collider to be able to destroy. Emphasis on the Time Bomb perk, upgrading it until the max and use your With this, you should be able to destroy both the Vacuum Emploder and the fourth Iron Curtain. However, General Krukov should at least strike your base with the Vacuum Emploder once during this time,Don't worry though, you should be able to rebuild your base in order to counterattack.

  • note: He mostly targets your Airbases with the Vacuum Emploder, so I suggest you be wary with your building placement around the Airbases.

Part 4

Build additional Airbases (two, at least) and create Century Bombers. Strike the remaining Iron Curtain on the west side (By now, the first and second Iron Curtain should be destroyed). Use your Proton Collider as well on them. It is recommended to assist your co-commander as well as you will need his Proton Collider for the Iron Curtains and the Fortress.

Once all the Iron Curtains are destroyed, send out your Century Bombers at the Fortress and use your Proton Collider to strike it as well. You realised by not that it deals little damage towards the Fortress. nullify it by constructing the Chronosphere and teleport your Mirage Tanks over. Be wary around the area as Dreadnaughts will target any units near the Fortress. The V4 Launchers do not attack inside the area they are in so it's advisable to concentrate on the Fortress. By now, you should be able to destroy the Fortress and have completed the Allied campaign. Congratulations